Otter Tail Still HOT!

  • Trev
    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    With summer officially started, and although the weather has cooled here in the north country, the walleye bite on Otter Tail shows no signs of cooling off anytime soon….

    A nice school of fish hanging out on a 7-8ft flat just a couple miles from the resort has kept the rods bending for many of our guests. Several nice catches of 14-18″ fish hit the grease bath over the weekend, and one guest set his PB walleye with a 27″ beauty (I’ll post the pic as soon as he sends it to me.)

    Most successful method remains a dragging a 1/8oz jig tipped with a shiner, drifting or trolling the flats. Leeches on slip bobbers and rigs also turned a few fish over the weekend, as did trolling cranks in the evening. For the third weekend in a row, EVERYONE caught fish – some of our ‘regulars’ have reported this being the best fishing they have had in quite some time on OT….

    I’ll try to get some more pics up this week, but having some card issues with the camera, plus, several nice catches were brought in by the evening trollersafter my head was already on the pillow. Was able to get one pic to cooperate though…..Tim Johnson from Austin spent the weekend at Vacationland and brought in this nice catch and took home a limit of nice eyes for him and his soon-to-be bride…….nice job Tim.

    Still a couple openings in June if anyone wants in on the action….. Spot tail shiners are gonna be hard to come by in the next week or so, so expect leeches, crawlers and red tails to be the bait of choice for the duration.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Hmmm… Tim Johnson from Austin? Older brother Aaron Johnson? Father Keith? If so, I grew up about 3 blocks from them and fished ALOT with Aaron.

    Thanks for the update. I’m going to have to pick your brain about some fall trolling opportunities in that area.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    You got it detective Holst….. They are my cousins and uncle and have a seasonal spot here at the resort. Small world..

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    You got it detective Holst….. They are my cousins and uncle and have a seasonal spot here at the resort. Small world..

    No kidding. The last time I saw Tim he was 80# soaking wet. Good to see he grew up straight and strong. Give them my best the next time you talk to them, please.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    He did….now he’s 6’3″ and a couple bills…… I’ll do that.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Had to scratch an itch today, so one of my favorite fishin buddies and I headed out to check a couple spots….managed a few short bites and a couple small fish, then right before it was time to head back this healthy 26″ eyeball smacked my 1/8 oz jig and sucker minnow in 8 fow. Felt great to get back on the water feel the ol’ ‘thump’ on the jighead…..and what a great pic by my 8 yr old daughter eh?

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Our biggest guest fish of the week goes to 10 yr old Danielle Hansen from Illinois who caught her PB walleye on Otter Tail, a nice 20″ fish that fell victim to a lindy rig/shiner combo…..great job young lady!!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Had to scratch an itch today, so one of my favorite fishin buddies and I headed out to check a couple spots….managed a few short bites and a couple small fish, then right before it was time to head back this healthy 26″ eyeball smacked my 1/8 oz jig and sucker minnow in 8 fow. Felt great to get back on the water feel the ol’ ‘thump’ on the jighead…..and what a great pic by my 8 yr old daughter eh?

    A resort owner fishing in June?! Now I know THAT doesn’t happen all that often. Looks like you made the most of the opportunity too. Thanks for the update.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    You’re right, but as soon as I mentioned fishing, my daughter’s eye’s lit up as she said, ‘yeah, let’s go dad, just me and you’….pretty hard to pass that up..

    NE IA
    Posts: 736

    Will be up that way tomarrow Will have to stop in and say Hi

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    I’m sure I’ll be here….

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    You’re right, but as soon as I mentioned fishing, my daughter’s eye’s lit up as she said, ‘yeah, let’s go dad, just me and you’….pretty hard to pass that up..

    Nope, wouldn’t have been right at all.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Sunday can’t come fast enough, thanks for the update.


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