Rush lake – Opener help

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12547

    I’m going to be fishing Rush Lake in Ottertail county for the opener this weekend. I have not fished this lake much and was looking for some help with areas to try and techniques to use. Is it worth going out at midnight to try some rapala trolling or some lighted bobber fishing? How are the panfish in rush? I appreciate any info. you care to share to get me pointed in the right direction. Feel free to PM me if you want. Thanks in advance for all of your responses.

    Anoka, MN
    Posts: 216

    Try fishing in front of the dam that flows out to Otter Tail at night or right at dusk. Jig and minnow is the best bet. The shinners flow in there at night. Also jig behind the dam from shore right at midnight Sat. I used to go up there for opener for years but haven’t for quite some time. Other than that the north side has some nice points that you could try a rig on. Also bring the Crappie rigs, there are some dandy ones in there.

    ottertail county
    Posts: 128

    the river flowing in on the north side is a good bet in the evenings with leech and slip bobber or long snell; spotail or leech. the river flowing out is always a zoo but a good spot as well. the old bridge has been torn down and i have not fished there since then. during the day troll the sand breaks in eight feet if there is a good chop othw move deeper, as deep as 18 to 24 feet. i’ll be doing these myself on rush.

    good luck,

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Welcome, fieds.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    It WILL be a zoo by the public access where the river outlet is, especially if the weather forecast holds true. I’d try the inlet on the North side of the lake, and get up in there shallow, 4-6 fow, with a 1/8 oz jig and a spot tail shiner. Don’t be afraid to anchor and cast as well.

    Good luck! And if you need shiners, stop in, I’ve got plenty…..and also some ‘Sumo’ leeches….


    Quintin Biermann
    Webster, South Dakota
    Posts: 436

    slib bobbers produce well on the weed edges.

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