I went up to Ottertail this weekend with my son(3yo) and a few guys. We rented a house from Meister guide service. The fishing was good in the morning until about noon with about 8 eyes and a bucnh of perch. From noon – 3pm it was slow. We dropped the camera down and you could see the walleyes just laying on the bottom. Their eyes would just light up when you put the camera on them. At about 4 it picked up again — all walleyes. I would say that we caught about 25 walleys and kept 12.
This was my first time to Ottertail and thoruroghly enjoyed it. There was very little traffic.
What are the average size walleyes that come out of there. Our keepers were all from 13.5 – 14.5 and the rest(throwbacks) were smaller than that.
I plan to head back up there this june.