‘Tis the season….ice reports!

  • cdn
    West Central, MN
    Posts: 338

    I know it’s early, but I thought I would start a thread on Otter Tail County area ice reports. My anxiety is killing me.

    This time last year I was walking on ice, and fishing on Thanksgiving.

    Unfortunately, not right now and fishing from a boat could be quite comfortable.

    Any guesses when we’ll step on fishable ice?

    Otter Tail – December 12
    Small lakes – December 4th

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 169

    How is the Ice Fishing up there? Girlfriends family has a cabin on East Lost, I have been up a few times during the summer but never the winter. Now that I’m done with school cant wait to give it a try!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I just checked the weather forecast for next week and things are looking like they’re going to cool off with highs in the 40’s but we certainly won’t be making any ice.

    I’m starting to get a little anxious myself.

    Posts: 39

    I shot my deer and now I’m ready to hit the ice. WHERE’S THE ICE? I’ll go nuts if ?I can’t get out after thanksgiving on some of the little lakes around aitkin.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12547


    I shot my deer and now I’m ready to hit the ice. WHERE’S THE ICE? I’ll go nuts if ?I can’t get out after thanksgiving on some of the little lakes around aitkin.


    West Central, MN
    Posts: 338

    Ice fishing is incredible, there are way too many lakes to fish! Early ice is my favorite for walleyes and crappies primarily, but late (season) ice walleyes is hard to beat too.

    I know nothing about East Lost, so I can’t help ya there. But, Otter Tail is just up the road and one fantastic walleye and perch factory. Again, I like early ice for action here. A LakeMaster chip is mandatory to find structure, IMO, and keep moving until you find a bite.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 169

    Thanks for the Heads-up, I’ll shoot ya a PM next time I’m heading up there, maybe you can show me the ropes.

    West Central, MN
    Posts: 338

    Feel free to do that…

    Posts: 22

    East Lost – be careful. There are spots that are iffy due to currents. The east lobe has some houses on it usually. I used to catch some panfish out there, but have not winter fished it since the mid 80’s

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136


    East Lost – be careful. There are spots that are iffy due to currents. The east lobe has some houses on it usually. I used to catch some panfish out there, but have not winter fished it since the mid 80’s

    Thanks Giss. That’s great info that only a person with some experience on that body of water could know.

    Good to see you on here!


    Posts: 22

    I did a little recon yesterday:

    Otter tail – East end was ice covered and I saw guys walking out from the Pelican Bay access. I could see a large expanse of open water in the center section of the lake.

    West Battle – Mostly capped, but many random scattered open spots of various sizes.

    Clitherall – North end frozen, south end open.

    South Turtle – Frozen, 1.5 inches in front of my house.

    I will make the rounds today and tomorrow and report my findings.

    West Central, MN
    Posts: 338

    Word on the street some people are brave enough to walk portables out of Pelican Bay access. It’s way too early yet for a fish, IMO.

    My typical early ice spot about 50 yards from shore is open water yet, one large open water spot surrounded by lots of ice. Never seen that happen before! It’s too unpredicable out there, so I’ll wait awhile yet.

    This weekend for sure!

    Hopefully another early ice recon with da Gissert?

    Posts: 22

    Friday, perhaps?

    West Central, MN
    Posts: 338

    I’ll keep in touch.

    Posts: 22

    I went out and checked the ice in front of my place today. Chiseled out a piece, and it was 2.25 inches thick.

    If I stomped really hard, I could get it to crack a bit. A couple more nights and we’ll have walkable ice in places.

    Proceed with care!

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    Giss and Chuck N. – These are invaluable! Thanks guys for keeping us up to speed and in the loop. Only a matter of days now!


    West Central, MN
    Posts: 338

    There are some real stubborn open water holes I still see on a couple larger lakes in the area as of this evening.

    I just returned from outside…it’s 5 degrees, heading for a little colder…light winds. These open water holes better seal up before the wind and snow comes…at least we won’t get the blizzard/heavy snows you are going to get, Joel. You can have it!

    I like the sounds of about an inch of ice a day Gissert! Thanks for keeping tabs on it.

    West Central, MN
    Posts: 338

    As I passed W. Battle this morning it appears some ice is going the opposite direction…ice on the center of the lake is disappearing on the western lobe.

    At least a lot of the smaller lakes are sealed tight.

    Any other Otter Tail ice reports?

    Posts: 22

    I saw West Battle this morning. Odd to say the least.

    Clitherall looked much as it did Sunday. North end froze, but big expanse of open water to the south.

    Eagle was 60-70 percent open water.

    I’ll try and take a peek at OT this afternoon.

    S.E. Minnesota
    Posts: 69

    Checked a local pond west of Rochester today, 3 inches of clear ice. I only walked out about 20 feet. Hope the snow doesn’t ruin the good ice we have.

    Posts: 22

    Checked Ottertail. 3 inches in front of Greystone. I could see open water out from the horseshoe bar, and another spot farther out.

    Stopped at Ken’s and it sounded like there was some open water off Riveria.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Thanks for the updates, guys. I sure hope the heavy snowfalls stay south.

    Wadena, MN
    Posts: 84

    This is 2nd hand info. But I’ve heard of one individual who’s already got a couple walleye in the freezer, pulled them through the ice on Little Pine. I’ll try to get some more info on Rush & Big Pine.


    Erik Osberg
    [email protected]

    Posts: 40

    do any of you boys have a chance to look at dead lake yet, the main lake to be specific

    Duluth, MN
    Posts: 8

    Any reports about Buchanan lake yet? I heard it was froze over, but wondering how thick the ice is getting.


    West Central, MN
    Posts: 338

    Can’t help on Buchanan or Dead.

    Tonight’s Otter Tail run…. I saw a lot of steam in two areas of the lake. A large area of open water what appeared to be all around Amor Point, and another obvious open water hole in front of the area of the Riviera public access.

    West Battle had a large area of open water between north and south points and there was open water this am in the center of the western section of the lake.

    Several portables and some possible perm shacks on OT, and one wheelhouse on the east side of W. Battle. I can’t believe the ice is that thick, especially for about a 16’+ shack a 1/2 mile or so from shore.

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