Anyone out there?

  • rocketman
    Posts: 57

    Hey, it has been quite some time since we have seen some action on this board, and to think this is the “Lakes Country”.
    There must be something that someone can report.
    I did see some people out on Sally drilling holes the other morning.
    If you can’t get out and fish, well let’s at least talk about it!!!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Rocketman, haven’t heard from Paul or Brad for quite a while here. Maybe they’ll be back with some ice reports. I’ll be posting as much as I can in the spring, summer, and fall. I’ve got a camper trailer on Battle Lake, but won’t be up there at all over winter.

    If anyone from the Ottertail county area has some news or pics to share, please post it. I’m always looking for something to hold me over ’til spring myself.

    And Rocketman, keeps us posted on the ice fishing in the area. Some pics would be nice too.

    Gods Country and real walleye world, Detroit Lakes MN
    Posts: 62

    Sorry about not posting in a while men. The fall bite was sporatic. It seemed to be feast or famine with most lakes. It was hard to post about a hot bite as it seemed to change from day to day. My last couple of fishing trips have been to pool 4. That is a happenning bite on plastics. My last trip was the weekend before last. I have not been on an ice bite and won’t be for a while as firewood and building my wifes new shop are taking priority since I don’t guide on the solid surface! I hope others will chime in with info. I have a few sourses that say the early and late bite is picking up for both panfish and walleyes. Ice conditions are good now with 6″+ on most lakes and making ice. I wasn’t getting much response or chatter on the board so it was hard to gauge the importance of the posts. I will be more faithful to post again…….Sound off…..let me know your alive and well folks!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    It sounds like you cut your own wood for the fire. As a kid we heated with only a wood buring stove. We’d cut 40 plus truck loads every fall. Man, what a chore! It does keep a guy busy.

    I was hoping we could get some more weekend anglers going on this forum. I know there are a ton of anglers in your area. I’ll be back up there for much of the Spring, Summer and Fall. Can’t wait!

    Good luck over the winter and we’ll be looking forward to more reports when the open water season comes around again.


    Posts: 57

    Well, I see today that the pickup trucks are heading out on the ice. I am not too sure I would be yet. I am sure there are a few bodies of water that would not be a good idea. The ones I saw were on Detroit Lake, by the marina.
    Anybody picking up any fish?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    I spoke to the folks at Ben’s Bait Shop in Battle Lake this week. They said that there had been ice anglers out on Ottertail Lake and that they had been doing okay.

    I have heard that West Battle Lake can be very good for Crappie through the ice but I have not heard any specifics yet this season. If anyone is heading out that way, stop by Ben’s Bait Shop and they’ll give you the details.

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