Any News?

  • fishinallday
    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Heading to Otter tail for the 4th. Any one been on the water? Heard the storms hit the west side pretty hard. Will probably spend most of the weekend cleaning up trees at the inlaws. Will try to hit the water a couple mornings.

    Thank you in advance.

    Doug Ertl
    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 957

    I have a friend who has a place up there. He said most time has been spent cleaning up downed trees. So I can’t help on the fishing. Good Luck and report back if you could.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Sounds familiar! I’ll post on tusday with news. Good or bad. Have a great weekend!

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    I hate Chain saws! Any one that has a cabin on Otter tail knows what I am talking about!

    Even with all of the damage we did get in some fishing. The bite was extremely slow. We were marking alot of fish betwen 18 and 24 ft. Amor Point was loaded.

    The only active fish we found were caught pulling plugs over the deep river basin. “40 ft +”

    Hope this helps any one that is heading up.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    I know what you mean about the trees. We’ve got a camper trailer sitting on West Battle Lake and happened to be inside when that storm hit a couple few Mondays ago. Nasty stuff. Many of our weaker trees were down from last year’s downburst but a few more went in this storm. I hate to see it. We’re losing some good ol’ trees and a lot of shade!

    As for fishing, we did pull some spinners around over the weekend and managed 7 eyes… Not terrible for the July day bite. Fished off weedlines.

    Rochester Minnesota
    Posts: 100

    Was that off the weedlines at night? Parents live in Battle lake after retirement . Been going up there a long time< Always have done well in the spring and fall. Midsummer is always tough for me!

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Thanks for the heads up on the weed edge bite. Heading back up this weekend. The brother in law wants to learn how to run boards. I have heard reports of fish oving out over the old river bed. Sure we’ll give that a shot for a while.

    The girls are looking to do some bobber fishing one evening. Bobbers

    I’ll post on monday. If any one has been up lately I would love a report.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    That was a day bite off the weeds in about 17-24 fow. I’ll probably be heading back up there August 11th. Good luck guys!

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    Slow slow slow!!!!!!!!! I have never seen such a huge hatch of bait fish! Every where you went they were all over the surface. It looks as thought they are primarily perch.

    We fished hard for most of the day on saturday. Pulled live bait for a while. Nothing! Wound up running cranks at around 3mph for the majority of the afternoon. We were able to pick up a few straglers this way.

    Later in the afternoon the wind started blowing and we headed in for a while.

    That night we took the girls out for a little lighted bobber fishing. We anchored up on the blown side of Amor point. This turned out to be the best decision of the night. We picked up 5 eaters in a couple hourse then headed for the night.

    Every fish that we caught was in 22 to 30 ft of water. Hope this helps anyone that is heading up.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Thanks for the info Chris. I’ll be heading back up in a couple of weeks but I’ll be spending some time chasing smallies. I’m not sure if I’ll even get on Ottertail that trip. Take care, Wade

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