Any New Reports?

  • Jackfish
    Wayzata, MN
    Posts: 296

    Will be up for the weekend and curious as to the bite and water temps..I imagine turnover happened already. How bad is the access now? It was bad enough a couple weeks ago and I imagine it’s worse now…

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    I haven’t been out for a couple weeks now as I’ve been trying to get things buttoned up before it gets cold. But, a few guys I have talked to have been catching fish. You’ve got a couple choices….weed edges, shallow or deep, or jigging deep water (40 – 80ft – I don’t recommend). As I’m sure you know, you’ll catch much nicer along the weeds. Not sure on water temps.

    Access’ are not good, but the SW ramp where the river dumps out is your best bet depending on boat size. Saw trucks at the pelican bay access Saturday but all looked to have smaller trailers. It’s really shallow coming out of the SW access so keep you motor trimmed way up and take your time…prop guys must be having a banner year in this area this year!

    Wayzata, MN
    Posts: 296

    Yeah, we have big glass boats…I couldn’t believe we weren’t bouncing off the rocks even trimmed up last time up..My electronics were reading 1.2 feet most of the way across that rock flat in front of the SW access..It took a while to hit that magic 3 1/2′ for blast off.. We generally don’t fish those super deep fish as it seems it’s mostly 10-12″ fish out there anyway..

    Wayzata, MN
    Posts: 296

    Found nice fish shallow with my 7 year old crushing me and putting his first limit of eyes in the boat. All keepers were 16-18″ for our limits. Drove by that rollover seconds after it happened near the end of your driveway. The deer was still on the shoulder of the road and one vehicle had stopped with no police there yet..we debated going back and seeing what we could do but glad we didn’t…our 7 and 8 year olds wouldn’t have been able to handle that I am sure…a good reminder to wear your seatbelt and don’t swerve to avoid deer.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Glad to hear you caught fish…always a treat when the kids get into ’em. Doesn’t bother me a bit to set my rod down and just play net man for the youngsters… Hoping to get back out next week. Did you find your fish shallow? Presentaion?

    Yeah that accident was a bad deal…didn’t sound pretty. Lots of deer crossing the road in that area this time of year…come from the slough across the road to eat acorns.

    Wayzata, MN
    Posts: 296

    The acorn thing makes sense..always wondered why they are always crossing in that area. We were working cabbage edges in the 16′ range with bright jigs with even brighter tails, tipped with fatheads.

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