October Jiggin on Otter Tail

  • Trev
    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Nothing has changed since my recent report a couple days ago as the jig bite remains strong here on the OT waters. Walleye’s continue to pound 1/8oz jigs-n-sucker minnows on the deep weed edges. I haven’t located any big fish yet, but the 16-19″ fish are there in abundance, and are really starting to put the feed bags on. Water temps today were 61 deg.

    I found 2 short hours to hit the water today with my uncle Keith (aka Lips) Johnson from Austin who is up for awhile enjoying his recent retirement. It only took a few minutes to get bit and we had steady action until the wind got crazy…

    The other pic is my son Drew who absolutely loves being in the boat… he and I spent a couple hours in the boat Saturday and he fished while I played ‘net man’! How rewarding and fun it was to watch him learn and catch fish…again, it never gets old! He had a big day as he also lost a tooth that morning as you’ll see in his BIG smile!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Ahh the sweet smell of Crisco Bay!

    Nice mess Trev!

    Austin, MN
    Posts: 806

    Nice looking fish, I think you should find keith a part-time job up there. There no reason to be down here. It smells like Hormel.
    Wallster ><((((>

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I feel like I’m in a time warp…. last time I saw Keith I was at his back door picking up Aaron on our way fishing on the Cedar.

    Trev, give Keith a “hey” from me, please. Tell him that scawny “Holst” kid from 10th Ave. says he looks like he’s in good shape… for an old guy.

    Wayzata, MN
    Posts: 296

    Trev-Great pics, love the perch shots too..Is it me or has the average size on perch and walleyes increased fairly substantially this year? I wonder if the last couple winters of heavy snow/not as much pressure out there has changed things for the better? Please no more pics for at least a week I will be up there the weekend after the full moon and these pics are killin’ me…

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977


    Nice looking fish, I think you should find keith a part-time job up there. There no reason to be down here. It smells like Hormel.
    Wallster ><((((>

    I’ve got plenty of work for him up here to keep him out of Austin….had him raking leaves today as the wind kept us off the lake.

    Gotta love the Hormel smell…better u than me! My grandparents live about a block from that place.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977


    I feel like I’m in a time warp…. last time I saw Keith I was at his back door picking up Aaron on our way fishing on the Cedar.

    Trev, give Keith a “hey” from me, please. Tell him that scawny “Holst” kid from 10th Ave. says he looks like he’s in good shape… for an old guy.

    I’ll tell him ‘hey’ for ya but not sure on the good shape…ya know pics can be deceiving! He WILL be in good shape though if he hangs around this place more often…

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977


    Trev-Great pics, love the perch shots too..Is it me or has the average size on perch and walleyes increased fairly substantially this year? I wonder if the last couple winters of heavy snow/not as much pressure out there has changed things for the better? Please no more pics for at least a week I will be up there the weekend after the full moon and these pics are killin’ me…

    Perch size has been much better this year, prolly the best in the last 4-5 yrs. Walleye’s have been running similar to the last couple years.

    Pretty quiet on the lake, very few boats. Even with the nice weather last weekend, not much activity…if they only knew….

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