How they use to catch fish on red lake

  • cookie
    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Had a nice conversation with Ray and cousin Pete last night. We were talking about fishing and this was there take. They and others would go out on the lake. Some times they would even walk,You would find 6 feet of water auger your hole,no power auger. Sit on a bucket and fish. Now you were fishing and you caught fish. No ammenties,no cards,tv, electronics you set there and fished. Somtimes you had a can with some charcoal to warm the hands,if it was windy you set with your back to the wind. No one ever stayed out after dark. I remember when I first went ice fishing it was on linwood lake we drove out and we set on a bucket and fished. We caught crappies and a few sunnnys,no reels just a jig stick and a bobber

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13406

    Finding fish the way grandpa use to. Throw a line in there.

    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    So true, at the end of the day dragging all my equipment back the the car I must always say to myself what happen to the days of a bucket,rods and auger.

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