mother nature foils my plans

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    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    That darn mother nature. the plan was to fish from the red baron this morning as I scout for a new location to fish. At minus 24 it is not happening this morning.
    We always have a plan b so that will be to start moving the houses out of there spots, Minnesota will go to a spot I have had my eye on and I will fish there tomorrow morning as the temps are going to be colder tomorrow morning.
    I only spent a little time on the lake yesterday and it was pretty quiet out theer with just a few fishermen .
    Minnesota and florida need to be together this weekend. That means idaho needs to be by montana or I will need to run all three generators .California and utah are on the bottom of the list as they are still open this up and coming weekend.
    I sure miss the crappies as the fishermen went crazy for those darn fish. I would still rather eat a fresh walleye from red lake but Kellie would rather have a crappie.

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