Thanks to all my customers

  • cookie
    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    As the season hits mid way I need to throw out a big thanks to all my repeat customers as this past weekend was a fine example. Duwayne has been coming here for 7 years and even though the fishing was not spectacular they still know how to have a good time. This is the third year he had brought his wife Sue and this year they also brought there friends Steve and Conny. I spent a little time with them saturday night playing a card game while Steve tending his fishing lines. I reached over to give one of his lines a tug and felt some resistents so I set the hook and hand over hand landed a keeper. Duawane sure got a kick out of it and they will be sending me a pic of the walleye whisper as Steve showed me a new way to hold a walleye. I explained to Sue how to land a fish on a rattle wheel and when the rattle wheel ding she did just what I had told her and landed her first walleye on a rattle wheel. She also landed her first walleye while jigging a buckshot.Duwayne sure was proud of her and they said they will be back next winter and may even come up this summer and let me take them fishing. Leroy and his sons were in california.. After such bad fishing they helped me move the house on saturday but it still did not pay out.They have also been coming here for 7 or 8 years.Shannon lives in Nome alaska and was on flying alaska friday night.He said if he could chose any where to live in alaska it would be Homer and thats where the greek is starting his new adventure Natures adventures. He has lodging there and has all the connections for the outstanding fishing out of Homer.
    Jeff and Jackie were in montana for the second year in a row. They did the best of all three houses and went home with a few keepers. Jim, Sten and Dustin were in minnesota just one day. They did not do well but again they have been coming up for years and totaly understand that some times the fishing is not so good. Kellie took here Mom amd step mom out to minnesota saturday and they again had that monster pike on only to lose it at the top of the hole. Thats the third time . Dillon did get a keeper out there yesterday and lost one.
    The guys in florida canced the last minute and our budget sleeper Utah set empty again.
    I now have all week to move the houses and get ready for the weekend as we have no guest until friday. Where are all the fishermen? The weekend of the 11th I still do not have a house rented is there somthing going on that weekend that I do not know about?

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    The $3.20 for gas is not helping! Im still yet to make it north of Mille Lacs due to fuel prices! been forced to fish more local

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Maybe I wil have to offer to pay the fishermen gas money? Ouch that could get expensive. How much would it cost to come up and go home from red lake. 500 mile round trip?

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I doubt gas prices are the reason. If someone is going to make that type of trip, $13 (difference in cost for 500 mile trip in 15 mpg truck with gas at $3.20 or $2.80) isn’t a deciding factor for most.

    I’d check your other variables, cost vs. competition, amount of advertising you’ve done lately, perception of Red Lake vs. others close by like Leech.

    I wish you the best in your search!!


    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4082

    Cookie, cool stories!

    Your question about the cost…$125 if I take my truck and $72 if I take the car. A small price to pay for a weekend of fun.

    Are the roads on Red Lake accessible with a car? I luck out having an Uncle with a cabin and all the equipment at Lake of the Woods, so I can save some money and drive my car up there.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Yes all the roads are accesible by car atleast most of the bigger outfits. Finding a place to pull over is not a issue. Setting up a portable is alot of work but very doable for the die hards. Not sure how to spell dew a bull
    Fishing could be better but it can always be better.For what I offer my prices are lower. Maybe I need to raise my prices.Thats a good thought.

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