morning report

  • cookie
    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    heading out in 10 minutes. We want fish for supper tonight. stay tuned for a report on supper later today.

    Posts: 59

    Good Luck, wish I was there!

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Hate to say it but we had toco’s. I fished with the rattle wheels while I cleaned up old minnesota.No morning bite today. When Chad pulled in they were digging the house. chad said it was the nicest house he had ever fished in. They landed a big pike either 36 or 38 inches and that may of been why I did not get a bite. They also had landed a few walleyes with one keeper and a couple of misses.
    Brian is in idaho and they have not done well. But they never do well?
    Cindy and Randy are in florida and had 3 keepers plus a couple two big and lost at the hole. They also had caughten a few perch today. They are having 2 inch filet migons and lobster tails for supper. This is there second year here and they love the house a small cabin on the ice in there eyes.randy lost his glasses down a hole.

    Willy Wonka
    Forest Lake, Mn.
    Posts: 161

    I always wondered what the correct spelling of “caughten” was. Thanks Cookie!


    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Is it even a word?
    -35 this morning need to get the torpeddo out and warm things up a bit.
    Yesterday I spent part of the day putting fresh 100 lb propanes on all the houses. THE PHONE DID NOT RING SO THATS A GOOD THING. Now lets hope everyones vechicles start as I have a busy day . montana is sitting on the main road and needs to head west followed by florida.With the cold the rest will have to stay in there spots for the weekend. mother nature makes the decision some time and today is diffently one of those days.

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