The season is under way

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    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    We now have 5 of are sleepers on the lake. With idaho are biggest house sitting on shore untell the end of the week. weighing 8700 lbs she is a pig. With 2 tvs and satalite its a great house to watch some football. At 200 a night it is a steal.
    Pat steve and scott are in minnesota and had a couple when I checked in on them last night. Phil fished montana and came in with 2 keepers and said he liked the spot that Tonyboy scouted out for us. jeff and his brother John got 5 out of california and took off just before dark?
    nate will be fishing montana for the next two days and trevor will be in florida so more fish reports to follow

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    $200 a night ? How many people do they sleep ?

    Posts: 1009

    was that nate the school teacher?

    If so throw a fish in the back seat of his truck!

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    some of my house have 4 single beds and others have two double beds. Idaho has 4 single beds. The houses with two double work great for 2 couples
    Yesterday Scott,Steave and pat jumped around all the house’s that were open .They managed to find a few fish with a elusive upper red lake crappie coming out of one hole followed by another that escaoed at the top of the hole. That elusive crappie is still swimming upper red lake but a little more educated
    Trevors son Tyler caught a 32 inch pike on a tip up and must of been a thrill for him.It willbe interesting to see if they had any action over night.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    The guys in shallow had nothing after 6 last night and headed out this morning
    Trevor and his crew had a 2 hour flurry at 3 am that went untill 5 but all the fish were to big. I’m headed out there shortly and will see how they did today. I offered them another house to spread out but they were content . Trevor said he found some thinner ice to the southwest of the house when he was putting out tip ups. I measure 20 inches where I have utah and may move another house over in that direction

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