when to put the boat away

  • cookie
    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    With the tremedous fishing last weekend it wil be interesting to see if they keep biting. After 7 days of little or no wind we have seeen off and on whitecaps since monday. She’s rolling out there as I type. I will not make it out today as I’m have to go to work. I sould be able to wet a line saturday and maybe sunday. Jake will be up to do some roofing next week so I promised him we would fish. Ole is also coming up on monday. i may get ole out to chase some big pike if he is game.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    Get out there and tag some fish cookie. I guess you should put the boat away when the ice is getting to thick to break. It makes trolling tough, but jigging is just fine.

    I’ve broken skims of ice on Lake Michigan during early season. It was worth it.

    Bayport/St. Croix/Otsego/Grand Rapids
    Posts: 450

    A fishin buddy reminded me today, as I was basking in the Mid-October sun, that we’d had an inch of wet sloppy snow by this time last year. What a season…some trees here at Stillwater are bare on top but still green on the bottom, which gives me some hope as I just turned 62.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Even with the wind I managed to wet a line with Ole,Josh and Jake tuesday eve, We were out about a hour and a half and managed 5 keepers one 21 and lost a big pike. Jake also talked to a couple of guys that had gotten 7.I may get out with the grandkids this weekend we will have to see what the weather does.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    The time has come to put the boat away and get ready for the up and coming ice season. The houses need a little attention.Mostly cleaning. Then we will be waiting for ice. I have not heard of any fishing reports but did hear a boat on the lake this weekend. I goofed around in the woods grouse hunting with the pup this weekend. I managed to get 3 shots with my recurve but never came close. I did have two good chances but blew it. Oh well still alot of fun.Bel the pup did get here first retrive when Phil got one with his gun so that was sweet.

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