Wow did the fishing turn on

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    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    I had to play hooky yesterday from work as 3 of my hunting buddies were up and the word on the lake is they are jumping in the boat. We were not dissapoitented after hanging a couple of deer stands we hit the lake around 1pm. Going to the old tried and true we had not trolled 50 yards when Luke had the first fish a nice fat 18 inch walleye.
    In a matter of two hours we caught 12 keepers released two that were two big and landed on 32 inch pike and lost another. Just fantastic fall fishing and that sure was nice to see. We sure kept some dandy fish and if anything some were to big at 19 inches. After cleaning them we headed to westwind to have them cook our catch and as always they did a fantastic job.It sure was nice getting on some nice fishing after how tough the bite was two weeks ago. We may go again today if the guys are game you hate to miss fishing like this

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    After are big dinner friday night the guys did not want to miss the action and were all for going out again saturday. We wanted to make sure they got 4 a piece to take home a limit each. The word did get out as the weather was unbeleavable and the fishing was still good. It took a little longer then friday but we had no problem getting there 4 fish apiece. I have two fish meals in the freezer. We usally do not freeze fish but come mid november a walleye dinner will be a treat until the ice freezes over and we get the houses out.
    Yesterday i took the daughter and two grandson out so they could also get in on the action. Everyone got to catch a fish just jigging over the side of the boat. The smaller fish seemed to move in and they kept 6 nice eatters.
    The word did get out as I counted over 20 boats on the lake on saturday and that was just what I could see. The wind has been non excistent for the last week and I expect we will pay for the nice weather.

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