URL Scoop…?

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    So how was it Mr. JP? Did the walleyes cooperate on opener for guys on Red this year?

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    For those fishing memories and old waypoints it was slower than years past. The general pre opener census was an early year would have the fish deeper and that did hold true for some anglers. However the great bite was super shallow; 5 foot and less. Those that checked into the sand humps and reed edges found numerous species of spawning minnows with aggressive walleyes right behind them. It was a pattern that took alot of us by surprise as the weird weather and wild water temp changes had many of us scratching our heads a bit. For the most part we had a great opener with nice weather, decent fishing and a great group of anglers on the lake. I had the chance to speak with a conservation officer that had checked hundreds of boats and he mentioned that just about everybody was playing by the rules and very friendly. Very cool.

    As for the guys yet to hit Upper Red Lake during this backwards and upside down spring should take a good look at everything before settling into any pattern…a good look with electronics that is.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    It was another great opening weekend for our group on URL. What great weather!! Sure beats snow sleet and cold of some years past.
    Saturday was a little tougher with the high pressure system, bluebird sky and lots of boaters. Shallow was the key as most of our fish came out of less that 6 feet of water. We worked hard for our fish but did end the day with an 8 man limit of beautiful fish and had quite a few fish over 17 to throw back.
    Sunday proved to be a day that dreams are made of. Fished a spot with relatively few boats and caught so many fish it almost became boring. We would have to switch tactics every once in a while just to keep ourselves interested!! We got fish dragging light jigs and shiners, slip bobbering, and pulling small cranks in shallow water. An easy 8 man limit and many many throwbacks. I’d bet our 3 boats and 8 guys boated more than 250 fish yesterday. Truely spectacular!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019


    I had the chance to speak with a conservation officer that had checked hundreds of boats and he mentioned that just about everybody was playing by the rules and very friendly. Very cool.

    We were even very nice to them after they ran over our trolling lines and wrapped them up in their prop. At leaset they didnt check us out after that mess.

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