
  • col._klink
    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    You still around with your sleeper houses??

    Posts: 3010

    Russ hasn’t rented sleeper houses for the last several years. Seems to me like it’s been 3 years, but I’m gettin’ old enough where when I make a guess like that these days my guess is usually a little on the short side.

    Posts: 785

    its surprising how a heart attack, light stroke, total hip replacement, and 1 major surgery can keep slowing you up before the age of 60 which is 2 years away yet

    you learn to get with the program of life you have been delt “like it or not” It Takes the wind out of your sail’s pretty fast and the pharmacy is saying my name on a first name basis;; “Thats not a good sign”

    well it sure gives you alot of time to reflex back and remember good and bad times- where should i start?,

    well just to start the story off on the right foot?
    Judge Judy bought a computor, even though i said no!!
    she taught me how to push a button to a certain forum that had started up–I was hooked- it didnt take much because I already guided on Mille Lacs for corporations during the summer and plowed during the winter on the East side– those days we never heard of GPS,,– the compass and land and lights marks, were the only guide marks

    also there wasnt 5000 boats on opening day; you could cruise at 30 mph- the 18ft with a 3 cylinder topped at around 40–

    just a short story–DONT leave your stringer of fish hanging over the dock edge or tied to the boat on a stringer,, Turttles love them

    maybe ill finish some off the story later–have a great year of fishing

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