Steady as she goes

  • jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    Kelly and I took a small Ranger and a Jeep and looked around the NE corner extensively today looking at both fishing activity and ice thickness. All in all we saw mostly 15” of ice with one spot with only 12” under us. Buddy Hillman has also checked the famed 3 ½ mile area of his road and found a fairly consistent 15” of ice. With a few inches of fresh snow covering it with more in the forecast. Hopefully we luck out and brunt of the storm misses us.

    On another note I would like to mention that everybody needs to pay attention to the road operators and be understanding of their warnings. These guys know what goes on with every inch of their road system and if they deem an area unsafe or feel your rig is too heavy for such area listen to them, they are trying to keep everyone safe. We have had a few guys already get belligerent with a few of the road operators for recommending the heavier rigs such as the 1-ton diesel trucks with wheel house in tow do not travel to certain areas with slightly thinner ice.

    As for fishing it has been good and it is anybody’s guess what all the drastic weather changes will do to the bite. Only way to know is get out there.

    Pat Howard
    Sparta Wi
    Posts: 1522

    Thanks for the update Jonny

    Looking forward to getting up there later this winter with the Nelson clan

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    The Nelson clan always comes up ready and leave with fish…and some great stories.

    Pat Howard
    Sparta Wi
    Posts: 1522


    The Nelson clan always comes up ready and leave with fish…and some great stories.

    Ive heard a few of those stories

    Should I believe the Jonny P stories????

    Whos Fred?

    shaky legs2
    Posts: 14

    Thanks for the update Jonny! As usual your posts are informative and helpful to those wanting to access the lake. I am hoping you miss the brunt of the storm so that more good ice can be made. We are “taking it in the shorts” down here. I have move at least 12 inches of snow as of 1000 a.m. today and more on the way. Most of it has been wet and heavy and I am hoping things will cool off a few degrees but it doesn’t look like it will happen.

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    Oh we got snow, thats for sure. I’m not sure of the totals but it was some of the toughest plowing I have seen in awhile today. We punched out past three miles and I see Westinds was working their way back out today also.

    We did find a few very happy anglers this morning that chose to sneak out even though they where told the road was closed yesterday. Bet they won’t do that again.

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