Wolves are at it again. (Caution Graphic Pics)

  • jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    Now it looks as if our ever growing wolf population has taken to chasing deer onto the lake and using fishouses as ambush/attack points. Many locals have noticed that the deer are utilizing the safety of civilization as a refuge from the multiple wolf packs that now control the area. This young fellow was just off shore of Waskish, from the tracks it looks like it ran directly towards the fishouses for safety but the wolves did not seem to mind the marks and smells of humans one bit this time and took care of business within a stones throw of the shacks.

    Getting pretty crazy around here as the wolves keep getting closer and closer to homes, town and many places we never seen them before. The roof top you can see on shore is the famed Big Bog Park swimming beach in Waskish, close to where the chase took to the ice.

    Albertville MN
    Posts: 2019

    Good time to be a deer in Iowa! I’ve only witnessed deer being chased by a pack of wolves in Ontario. So the wolves are smart in Waskish

    Posts: 5660

    Thats ugly…. Intersting they didn’t tear that deer up a bit more at the final kill site. Wonder if the wolf or wolves were scared off shortly after the kill?

    Reports are from many locals that they are seeing increasingly more wolves in this neck of the woods as well. Personally I haven’t run across what I would deem a dramatic increase in areas I hunt.

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    We are seeing most wolf kills with the same deal. Genitals, tongue and small portion of the hind quarters eaten. Most of the front shoulder on that particular animal has been from the eagles and crows working it over the last few days.

    Posts: 5660

    I’m certainly no expert on Wolves Johnny, but that doesn’t seem to be good news. Seems one might draw the conclusion that the wolves at least currently are WELL FED if they are only after the prime cuts. Sites I’ve seen as I mentioned have been ripped up as though there was a feeding frenzy that took place. Gut piles are often gone the next morning where we’ve deer hunted. Any chance that there could be some local dogs running deer. I have witnessed this, and the remains are similiar to this kill. Seems the dogs will chew, and then return in coming days.

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    Loose dogs don’t last long around Waskish. This looks and tracks as a wolf kill. Thought maybe some bold coyotes but after I looked closer it would be the biggest wild dogs or yotes to roam the land. Currently we have several packs working within a mile or two of town in each direction.
    In the last year we have had wolves walk right through the state park (the camping park, not the forest), peoples yards and even wolves up and down the river in the developed areas and numerous packs that will not chase off no matter if it was a auto, farm tractor, atvs or other methods. Calf kills/rancher complaints are going through the roof and many hunters are encountering wolves that is strange enough in itself but they are finding themselves in the middle of ambushes or surrounded by wolves that will not leave or chase off. They have lost their fear of humans and are getting very bold along with a growing population.

    My great grandfather was a state warden/trapper and when he was first informed of the timber wolves protection his comment was “The poor wolf” as in how bad that would be for the wolves. I always found it funny, very true but funny.

    west central Minnesotsa
    Posts: 921


    Any chance that there could be some local dogs running deer.

    I think it would be very difficult to mistake a dog print for a wolf print. The wolf print should be bigger than a St. Bernard’s.

    I’m thinking people will only tolerate so much of this before they take it to the wolves. Look at some of the comments about the Mountain Lion that as killed in Iowa. People will start taking them down if they feel threatened and it sounds like this bunch is very close to that now. Wasn’t there an article recently about a pack that surrounded a deer hunter in his stand and would not leave?

    Posts: 217

    What is up with all the crazy animal stories this fall? They jsut keep popin up cougars,mountain lions,wolves,bobcats it`s been crazy.I personally have seen more fox and coyotes this year then I can remeber seeing ever.

    shaky legs2
    Posts: 14

    There was a posting again today in the paper of a cougar moving east through the Metro area. First sighted in the Blaine area and most recently in the Stillwater area. I have seen dogs running loose on URL many times. I would hate to see someone lose their close companion. I hope Kelly is keeping a close watch on Fred. I just got a new box of milk bones for the fish house and would hate to see them go to waste. Come to think of it – I might put my money on Fred if it was a 1-1 match.

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