Ice show

  • jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    Who is going to come see me at the ice show? I will be there all three days working in the Marcum booth, stop by.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I’ll be there friday

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’ll be there to see your <ugly> mug again.

    Wadena, MN
    Posts: 84

    In Depth Outdoors has some very interesting plans for the St. Paul Ice Fishing Show this year. So I’ll be stopping by to say “Hi!”…

    What IDO will be doing is kindof a spinoff of the “Reel Reports”. A cameraman & I will be playing roving reporter, going from booth to booth looking for the latest and greatest in ice-fishing gear. We will then edit the video as quickly as humanly possible, and get it online for all to see. The idea is that we can give our members a heads up on what to expect… We also hope to give people who maybe weren’t planning on going to go the show a reason to head down there.

    So hopefully lots of IDOer’s can make it down/or up, but if you can’t, make sure to check online for the “virtual tour”

    Erik Osberg

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12622

    What are the Dates and times of the show this year. I hope to get down the

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    What are the Dates and times of the show this year. I hope to get down the

    St Paul Ice Show


    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    I was thinking of putting on the bikini, snaping a few photo’s then making a calandar, but I think somebody beat me to the punch

    St. Paul's Westside
    Posts: 296

    I’m sure I’ll be there one of the days

    Swea City, Iowa
    Posts: 451

    Never been to the show, thinking about heading up with a buddy on Sunday. It looks like there is plenty to see. Is there good deals to be had? Would be nice to run in to some IDOers.

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    You have to come to the show! Every cool gadget known to man or at least the icemen will be present. From sweet simplicity of the Dangler to the latest in Marcum Underwater Cameras and all spots in-between such as cool new ultra light augers, Catch Covers line of rattle reels and rod holders that are a must along with a TON of information from ice pros and guides making the pilgrimage across the ice belt to the ice show.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Would be nice to run in to some IDOers.

    You won’t be able to swing a dead cat without hitting an IDO’er at this show. Mark Johnson (cameraman) and Erik Osberg will be there doing short interviews with as many vendors as possible. I’ll be across the street in a hotel room with a couple other editors cranking out video just as fast as we can go. The goal is to get coverage of this show online here by mid-afternoon friday so we can give everyone an idea of why this is a “must attend” show for the ice angler and what visitors can expect when they arrive.

    IDO Staffers Matt Grow, Cal Svihel, and Joel Nelson will be working various booths for sponsors. And we always see an incredible number of members at this show. If you can make it… we’ll be looking for you.

    Posts: 2014

    Can we swing a dead cat anyways?

    I’ll be down there Sunday Save me some inventory people, I’m finally doing my own Christmas shopping!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Can we swing a dead cat anyways?

    I’ll be down there Sunday Save me some inventory people, I’m finally doing my own Christmas shopping!

    You most certain can. Might make good video too. If you see one of us IDO guys… give a holler. We’d love to put a name with a face.

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    Who’s gonns bring the cat?

    Posts: 2014

    I bet I can find 5 “napping” on the side of the road on my way to the show.

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651


    Who’s gonns bring the cat?

    I’ll bring the cat but watchout a full summer of hucking muskie baits gave me a heck of a swing.

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550



    Who’s gonns bring the cat?

    I’ll bring the cat but watchout a full summer of hucking muskie baits gave me a heck of a swing.

    and a TON of facial hair

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Not any more BRO just got a hair cut and a shave tonight i’ll never get any with that thing on my face.

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 260

    Slab Hunter and I will be there on Saturday.

    Bring on the cold, baby!


    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    I’m Ready! Bag is packed, pictures in the album are updated, found my running shoes for three days of standing on concrete, I fueled up the “nice truck” and I may even bust out my new socks for this…Jonny is leaving the sticks and coming to town!

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    Make sure to tell those Thorne Bros. to save a couple perch sweethearts for me on Sunday.

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    Sorry none left I have already called and reserved all of them…ok maybe not but I will be leaving a handful of new rods from Thornes again. I really need to stop driving over my rod bag.

    I if I had to chose betweent losing my birthday and x-mas for the ice show it the ice show stays. I already have a list a page long. New Marcum Hoodie, Thorne Rods, Rattlesnake reels, Jiffy auger covers, gloves,New Otter Fishouse so on and so forth. If I can save enough maybe its even time to trade in my old bibs for a SnoSuit.

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