i would diffently use Westwind- which ever one you choose- dont back in past the cement ramp;; it gets deep fast
i would troll straight out from the boat markers at 7 ft with shad raps and rapalas around 4 inches long (perch colors) and go out to 12 ft and zig zag running one deep and one shallow- dont go South to far then turn and head North towards the River staying in the same pattern;
when you go by the river about a couple blocks, you can either cast in with bobbers or the same lures, you may catch eyes, drummies, or sheaphead, gators for excitement;; or try for crappies, but i think there moved out and scattered by now- troll about 3 miles east, then turn around and troll back in deeper water with a rattle jig, the water maybe stained
wish you all the best Russ&Judy