Looking foward to opener

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    Next weekend can’t come soon enough. Hope the weather is better than last year! Couldnt really get much worse.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    Does anyone have any ice out info for Red?? Is it ice free yet?

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    Monday after the opener can’t come soon enough for this old guy-that’s when all you hard working guys and gals have to go back to work and us old retired guys have the Croix all to ourselves. jerr

    Posts: 1493

    I dont think last years opener could possibly be topped… and I didnt even catch a fish. Boy was it ever cold. And you could tell by the way the 3 naked college girls looked when they canoed down the river last year!!!


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Pictures please! I need to see it to believe it!

    Posts: 98

    Looking forward to it

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