Jigglesticks -Dad passed away

  • russjudy
    Posts: 785

    I am sorry to announce that my father, Donald Doree – PUTZ, has passed away.

    He passed on silently, peacfully in his sleep yesterday, tuesday evening a little after 6:00 p.m. with his family by his side.

    We all had a chance to say goodbye and hold his hand. He will be deeply missed by his family and friends.

    My pop enjoyed his home away from home, the “putz villa” as he called it. a trailer set up by my brother Dean for my pop, on acouple acres bordering the property we deer hunt on.

    Pop allways wanted that cabin in the woods and this worked out perfectly for him.

    We enjoyed many weekends there with him. one of our favorite weekends, was the anual “putz soup shoot”

    2500 rounds of ammunition blazing away at clay pigeons and a kettle of stew bubbling all day long over the camp fire.

    don’t worry Putz, we will carry on the tradition, along with a goal of pissing off the neighbor.

    the arrangements will be announced in his obituary in either the st.paul pioneer press or the star tribune.

    I can’t tell you exact time, but we are looking at visitation to be from 11:00 a.m. – 12:p.m. on friday, March 13th, at Kessler and Maguire funeral home at 640 west 7th street, followed by a short service, then the proccession to the acadia park cemetary where he will be laid to rest.

    there will be a reception following at Axel’s Bonfire restaurant in mendota.

    if anybody needs directions feel free to call or watch here. I will update my reports page with any new updates.


    Posts: 785

    heres the info on funeral arrangements for Putz- Jigglesticks Dad

    I got a call just now from Dave . He asked me to post that he has made reservations at the Highway Motel and you can get a room for $50 a night. The address is 2152 W 7th and the # is 651-698-0383 and just mention it’s for Putz’s funeral to get the quoted price-

    supposedly its just minutes from the funeral home and reception spots

    mn Dodge co.
    Posts: 1133

    thoughts & prayers sent.

    Big Lund 20
    Cedar Rapids, IA
    Posts: 270

    Thoughts and prayers to family and friends!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Condolences from Glen & Pam

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    He always had a great sense of humor in his posts, I had wondered why his posting had slowed down lately. My condolences and God Speed.


    Posts: 351

    Our Prayers are with you and your family!

    Posts: 22

    My father was laid to rest yesterday on a beautiful sunny spring like day. he was laid near the grave site of his mother, who was buried some fifty odd years earlier, on a hillside over looking the river in the area that was his childhood home.

    Putz had a heck of a going out party. many of his friends and family paid their respects to him and offered hugs to the rest of his family. thank you.

    it’s a tough deal letting go of a loved one. I hoped somehow, some way, I’d get to avoid going through that, but in the back of my mind, I knew some day I’d have to say goodbye.

    we are doing ok. I mean that. there will be good days and times when a memory will bring a tear of joy to our eyes, as Putz was every where.

    each new season will bring with it constant reminders of pops. he enjoyed so many things with us and didn’t want to miss out on anything.

    from watching his grandson Sam play pee-wee hockey to smelting in the spring. a summer boat ride on Red lake, or a small crappie hole.

    from the soup shoot in the fall and deer hunting in November and then to ice fishing in his new ice castle fish house.

    pop was there in between as well, on his cell phone checking in every few days. I’ll never forget his opening line on the phone, always the same…”Yeah!….What’s happenin?”

    I hope I can always hear his voice in my head and heart, the way it was, unique, just like the man himself.

    thank you all for being part of his life and for taking the time to read this.

    thank you to those of you who were with us this last week in person and in prayer.

    it’s time to move on now. there’s a lot of spring late ice fishing to do. Putz wouldn’t like seeing me sit around moping.

    he’s probably pissed it took this long to get back to the things we love to do.

    I have one more house to move off the lake. I will do that tomorrow.

    after that, I’m going fishing, so if anybody wants to chase some crappies, give me a ring and see what’s on the menu.

    atv’s and portables are a safe bet, while for the next couple days snowmobiles might be ok, I’m thinking trucks will be a go for a couple weeks yet.

    it’s time to fish!

    Rest in peace pop. you earned it!

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