AGASSIZ Report on Upper Red

  • russjudy
    Posts: 785

    Jeff just called and said the fishing just seem to die out the last couple days but a few went out to almost 8 1/2 9 miles and found great fishing, they have a knew road out that far with no slush, cracks or heaves;;
    today all of his houses are moving out there,; traveling off road isnt advised with trucks because of the snow depth, he was surprised the ice was so smooth; bring you sleds and portables–there a ton of open area out there to explore with no one around, just watch the boundary line,

    with this warmer weather hes expecting things to take off and if you can come during the week he can help you out more

    Posts: 44

    Russ how thick is the ice i am heading up in february just wan’t to know how long of a auger extension to bring.

    Posts: 785

    2 ft plus and gaining–also dont shovel down to the ice for portables, the water comes up and anyone with wheel houses should put them on blocks

    always bring you extentensions’ its part of the fishing tackle box

    Posts: 22

    We had excellent walleye action out there at 8 to nine miles, especially on thurs., and friday in the hardhouses, portables on the outside edges of the city hammerd em on saturday.I had 11 boyscouts from the Rice area over the weekend, they had a lot of fun, those young whippersnappers Several crappies and some nice perch thrown in along with the usual story of the “all lines in the water taking pike and wrap em all up in a nice mess!” Looking forward to another good week for the next batch of fishing customers starting with some new recruits on monday. I lost my rear driveshaft on the plow yesterday ,so it is to the junk yard for me in the early am .

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I lost my rear driveshaft on the plow yesterday ,so it is to the junk yard for me in the early am .

    Thankfully you have some warmer weather to do the repair. I can’t even imagine how miserable it would have been for you if you needed to get that repair done last week if you didn’t have a heated garage to work in.

    Thanks for the report.

    Posts: 22

    Punched some new side roads this a.m., parallel to the rez line, which seems to be where the best bite is happening, road is in great shape , still some open houses for this weekend, call me for a deal, fishing has GOT to be more important than watching some overpaid spoiled brats on T.V.!, in tight pants chasing each other around on a rectangle shaped piece of grass……fake grass at that!. Anyway, the perch are definately biting better and big northerns and walleyes….What’s in a crappie anyway….WAY overrated fish,I heard somebody caught one last weekend about 4 miles to the northeast …..

    Posts: 785

    I bet you along with every fisher person cant wait for this weekend to get here;; heat wave is on the way;; but i bet the darn wind will pick up; but the way rentals and portables are set up theses days, wind means nothing; and it shouldnt drift to much if any;

    Posts: 22

    ANOTHER interesting weekend was had by all up here in the far reaches of the universe! Fishing was fair to good with all my houses iceing from a low of a dozen to some going home with the limit of walleyes. I’ll be moving a few houses to a hot spot where a wheel house plopped down and caught 42 walleyes from sat. at 5 thirty pm to sun.morn at 10 am. Yesterday around 2 pm I was checking on some customers when the tip up sounded off and the fight was on. A nice fat 38incher squeezed through the hole some minutes later for some quick photo’s and congratulatory back slaps/handshakes. Dat’s what it all bout ,man! Oh, yeah there was a crappie or two caught also, with a portable taking the prize with 3 crappies right outside one of my houses.
    And in other breaking news, Tom Daschle, was found to not have paid his taxes on a gift of limousine service, well, maybe that isn’t news, but I just want to do my part and keep all the con stitch you ants informed. So the lesson to be learned from that little tidbit of political-pork-bull is, do not pay your taxes and you too could be chauffered from your 5 star hotel to your high rise office penthouse on Pennsylvania Avenue on a daily basis.

    And that’s what’s going down here in the great white north, have a nice day you all

    Posts: 22

    What great weather! Northerns are really starting to go here lately, way out on the deep mud. That’s a good sign , the pike is the top predator in the lake… he won’t be where there is no food! Walleyes are doing pretty good out there too, Some places are reporting a pretty slow bite, but I have definately found this year especially you really need to keep plowing more areas to move into, a heck of a lot of work on the back and the old plow truck, but it is paying off as everyone out there at the end of the world is certainly having satisfactory angling . Don’t skimp on bait, the fish know a cheapskate and shy away from those minnows that have been in the same brown smelly water for a week or two. Model and color of lure are not as much of a factor as is being in the right place at the right time. These fish are a little more lethargic this year due to the snow cover slowing down the whole metabolism of the food chain. That being said, there are areas of the lake where the bugs and squirmies emerge from the muck and thus start the cycle. This is what I look for and being successful, I’ll stick to that theory for now

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Now thats a great report . Move over I’m moving in .

    Posts: 22

    Just a quicky here,last night (Sunday) was excellant out on the mud flats at 9 miles, several houses out there all reported 15-20 walleyes between 5 and 7 pm. Hurry up , only 13 days left to get some of these scrumptious,delectably exquisit,world famous walleyes for the dinner table.

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    I meant to get a quite trip report up here a few weeks ago, and now realize I didn’t get it done.
    Am glad to see fish being much more active now.

    my club and group was up the end of January, when it was brutally cold.
    we had 2 of Jeff’s houses almost 9 miles out.
    Roads were in great shape, and Jeff had just moved the houses out to this area a few days before.

    One thing I have to say, is Jeff kept coming out the house and checking on us during the day and evening. Changed out the gas tank, and just continually made sure we had everything we needed. It was sure appreciated.

    Fishing was overall slow, but we did catch fish up to just over 18 inches being caught. we used minnows on vertical spoons, bigger teardrops, and also used rattle reels at night.
    the other cabin had a pretty good run of walleyes, mostly 14-16 inches with 3 Northerns, one up to 35 inches.

    I landed a nice Pike during the day, that went 34inches, and guessing 12 pounds, very thick bodied fish. It was caught on a small demon with a whole minnow. I was able to work it into the hole 4 different times, and finally my friend Jeff slipped a hook under it’s gill to land it. It was hooked just on the uppper lip, was very lucky to even see this fish. What made this Pike so fun was was catching it on such a small rod. The rod I caught this on was one I use for Bluegills, and it had only 4 pound mono on the reel. So I figured if I was going to see this fish at all, I put only 1 to 1 1/2 pounds of pressure on this fish. It all worked out just fine tho, and it took a timed 26 minutes to land it.
    Here is a pic of my Northern.

    Between the 2 cabins, we did not see a Crappie.

    Am hoping to get back up there in a few weeks for a few more days.
    Thanks again Jeff.
    I was also Great to see MikeW and Nate, and both of their groups up there also. Both of their cabins, I’m sure caught more Walleyes than our 2 cabins…

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