I meant to get a quite trip report up here a few weeks ago, and now realize I didn’t get it done.
Am glad to see fish being much more active now.
my club and group was up the end of January, when it was brutally cold.
we had 2 of Jeff’s houses almost 9 miles out.
Roads were in great shape, and Jeff had just moved the houses out to this area a few days before.
One thing I have to say, is Jeff kept coming out the house and checking on us during the day and evening. Changed out the gas tank, and just continually made sure we had everything we needed. It was sure appreciated.
Fishing was overall slow, but we did catch fish up to just over 18 inches being caught. we used minnows on vertical spoons, bigger teardrops, and also used rattle reels at night.
the other cabin had a pretty good run of walleyes, mostly 14-16 inches with 3 Northerns, one up to 35 inches.
I landed a nice Pike during the day, that went 34inches, and guessing 12 pounds, very thick bodied fish. It was caught on a small demon with a whole minnow. I was able to work it into the hole 4 different times, and finally my friend Jeff slipped a hook under it’s gill to land it. It was hooked just on the uppper lip, was very lucky to even see this fish. What made this Pike so fun was was catching it on such a small rod. The rod I caught this on was one I use for Bluegills, and it had only 4 pound mono on the reel. So I figured if I was going to see this fish at all, I put only 1 to 1 1/2 pounds of pressure on this fish. It all worked out just fine tho, and it took a timed 26 minutes to land it.
Here is a pic of my Northern.
Between the 2 cabins, we did not see a Crappie.
Am hoping to get back up there in a few weeks for a few more days.
Thanks again Jeff.
I was also Great to see MikeW and Nate, and both of their groups up there also. Both of their cabins, I’m sure caught more Walleyes than our 2 cabins…