RogersReport- Dec south end

  • russjudy
    Posts: 785

    Saturday, December 06, 2008

    With a fresh dusting of snow last night it is really starting to look like winter. This afternoon I checked the ice thickness and I found 12 inches of ice almost 1 mile out, to me it looks like it could be this thick all the way across the lake. Except for a couple of rough patches of ice early on we should have clear sailing all the way across.

    Posts: 785

    LOOKS LIKE SOME TRUCK ACTIVEITY TO ME, Havent heard of anything in the light truck area yet

    Posts: 785

    Wednesday, December 10, 2008
    Ice conditions continue to improve; I am finding right around 12 inches just about everywhere in the 1st ½ mile and the crack that I have been watching has not gotten any worse. We have two patches of broken ice that we have to work our way through this year the first about ¼ mile out and the second pile about ½ mile out. It looks like we will be open for business this weekend, at this time I would not drive on the lake with anything more than a small pickup truck just to be safe I would not recommend going out past the second pile.
    There is a lot of loose snow on the lake at this time and for this reason alone I don’t think it is a very good idea to leave a fish house out for too long, when the wind starts back up the snow will drift around the house real fast and 12 inch ice will not hold a lot of weight in one spot for long before it starts to flood.

    Posts: 785

    Thursday, December 11, 2008
    I though that I would be plowing a lot more snow than this after yesterday but the wind last night blew most of it off the lake. After a lot of cutting and measuring today and finding nothing less than 12 inches of ice I am sure that we will be open to vehicle traffic this weekend, just to be on the safe side I would ask that we leave the big heavy trucks on shore.
    The walleye action continues to be strong near shore in 8 to 9 feet of water; the fish do not seem to be too fussy as long as it has a minnow on it.

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    Chisago Township, MN
    Posts: 37

    Russ, you should have stopped by last weekend. I was up til tues fishing with Tyler. All eyes no Crappies yet for me.

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    Hey TOES, give me a call, long time no talk and I lost your number! 651-210-0011

    Posts: 785

    Tuesday, December 16, 2008
    Wow, what a fun weekend, the blizzard made it very interesting, now that everyone is off the lake safely we can start the clean up.
    The walleye bite near shore has slowed down considerably, the few fishermen that moved out ¾ of a mile to 12 and 13 feet of water are having much better luck.
    The ice conditions are excellent the best that I have seen in many years. Normally I only make roads out 2 or 3 miles with a bunch of side roads so we can spread out and this has worked out very well but many of our fishermen have expressed interest in getting to the north shore or the center bar. Well I finally gave into their request and now have a road plowed out to the center bar, for me this will be a new challenge for that is a lot of road for just one person to keep open but I think I am up to it.

    Posts: 785

    Thursday, December 18, 2008
    The cold temps have really helped making ice, all day today I found 16 inches and up so I think we will be hauling out just about all of the fish houses except the big heavy one and even some of them will go this weekend. We still have quite a bit of loose snow out there so we will have to keep a eye out for flooding around some of the houses if they are left in one spot too long.
    Our ice roads is looking good, nice and wide all the way out to the center bar, now all I have to do is make a few more places for fishermen to pull off safely.
    The walleye fishing has slowed down some since the big storm, I am pretty sure that it has something to do with light penetration, there must be quite a bit less with a foot of snow on top of the ice.

    Posts: 785

    Saturday, December 20, 2008
    The walleye fishing has slowed down some since the last snow storm; still most fishermen are not having a problem catching their limits. A few fishermen are finding some crappies but at this time they have been pretty tight lipped about were they caught them.
    Thanks to Steve running the snow blower for the past 3 days we have a pretty nice road all the way to the center bar. I have a few more fish house to take out today and then I will busy myself making a few more spots to pull off the road.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4082

    Thanks for the update. I haven’t made it up there yet, but I check the forum daily.

    Posts: 785

    Tuesday, December 23, 2008
    Fishing the past few days has been excellent especially near the center bar; my roads are in good shape considering the past two snow storms.
    I now have most of the fish houses out of storage and on the lake, if you still have on here in storage be kind and give me a day or two notice to get it on the lake.
    I have so many photos from the past couple of days that I have all of the names mixed up, Joani has to help me get the names and I will put them with the right photo.

    Posts: 785

    Saturday, December 27, 2008
    Walleye fishing the past few days has been sporadic to say the least; some fishermen are catching 50 and 60 walleyes a day while the guy 100 feet away has a hard time catching a limit. The better bite has been during the day, then it slows down during the evening and night, they still catch them at night just not as frequently.
    The center bar has been the hot spot but after the way it was pounded yesterday I don’t think it will last for long, there still is a fairly good bite happening 1 ½ to 2 ½ miles out.
    We still are finding a few crappies now and then; most have been caught by accident in closer to shore.

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