well what do you think of the Upper Red reports

  • russjudy
    Posts: 785

    i think a few of yous look here for info- i sure hope so, its strange to me that not many ask ?s or submit a topic that some of us can get into

    no ? is the same as no answer!!!!

    well heres a ? to get things started

    the town of Waskish is an Indian name;; What does it mean in english–Waskish

    im hopeing those that live there and already know the answer wont blow the answer right away –thanks

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    What does it mean in english–Waskish

    For me, it usually means I have to use the restroom

    Sorry, I will go back to my corner now

    Posts: 785

    Bob– i can see your not trying real hard;; so i see your in the loan department!!! have you seen the comic strip in the Dec 3rd of st cloud times called NON SEQUITUR?

    hope you are a guy that takes it as well as you give it

    anyway theres a box with these words inside of it
    (the most effective bail out system)
    the next and only picture is a money bag hanging over a cliff from a beam, the sign on the post before the edge of the cliff says

    “take as much as you want”

    two are falling, one is jumping for it, 6 more have there arms up and running full bore to the money bag

    i liked your humor hope you like mine

    if we meet i hope the first beer is on me

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Alright, we give up, what does it mean? I’ve googled it, wikipedia, looked at every freaking native american translation website and every native american names website I can find.

    I’m four leinenkugel’s into this search and I’m fading fast…..


    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    I believe Waskish is a soil type, specifically peat. Perhaps the town got it’s name because of the copius amounts of peat bog in the area???

    I digress, after some research…

    Waskish, a community in Washkish Township, section 8; the post office was established in 1910, with Frank Lyons as first postmaster; Lyons erected the first building in 1902, a small log cabin that was a store, home, and eventually the post office, and he named the site Wahwaushkayshe, shortened to Washkish, and again to Waskish

    Now the question has shifted to the meaining of Wahwaushkayshe??? Back to the Intanets…

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    Of all the searching I did last night, bog or peat would have been the only thing that I found to come close. But I could not get a definite answer.


    Posts: 785

    I was told it means Little Deer

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    I was under the impression it meant land of lead suits…..

    Posts: 785

    bareback great to hear from you
    you should tell the story of how nice it was to stay a whole weekend with me and move house’s Monday morning in a white out and 25 below then drill 40 plus holes and be ready for customers by 11 am
    Lets see how long did you sleep that day when the work was done??? that was quite a weekend, i think there were over 50 people there and 30 some house’s to help with, as i remember your axle broke, you furnace broke down, your beer all froze, the other guys furnace quit and we found him with a froze beer in his hand still sitting in his chair, line froze in and door open with a ft of snow inside the house– I believe your words as you were leaving were–” I thought this living on the lake all winter and taking care of customers was more fun and not so much work””

    i think you asked whats for breakfeast, dinner and supper–my reply was Dinty Moore, Dinty Moore, Dinty Moore

    Good hour from whitewater
    Posts: 468

    Gotts hand it to old russ for keeping us occupied on the computers long enough to let the ice thicken up huh.wonder what trivia is next to get me through the till the bite gets good.keep up the good work russ!!

    Posts: 785

    were there ever river paddle boats for tourist on the lake?

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    All that ice and no one is catching any fish yet????

    What gives?

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    Not sure they were mainly for tourist but yes at one time there were Paddle Boats on Red Lake. They were used as a means of transportation.

    Posts: 785

    correct, there are pictures of them on Westwinds walls

    Posts: 785

    my best guess to all that ice and no one fishing or catching anything yet

    im guessing the early ice caught everyone off guard this year and getting ready for Xmas yet plus the ice fishing show is going on in the shities this weekend

    couple other reasons are– an atv is kind of cold to drive out with cold winds over 30 mph and 7-8 inches of ice moving all over leaving 3-4 ft cracks and that lake moves a lot with less wind– i think i will wait till its got 16 inches of good ice, iv been out with a full sized truck, v-plow and 16 ft wheel house behind and will never do that again;; the next morning it was setting in 4 inches of water and it went back to shore for another week;;

    the next issue is the water clarity was pretty bad by first ice making it darn hard to fish and now that it has froze over it will start getting better and the fish will start schooling more;

    also those that are fishing there sometimes never give a report and most of the business’s are not out yet to give good reports

    hope this answers some of your ?’s

    Good hour from whitewater
    Posts: 468

    There is really some interesting history info about red lake on various sights on the web.The steamers/paddle wheelers? used to navigate between thief river falls etc.hauling passengers as well as freight from the points that the railroad reached it looks like but that was a long time ago.

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