since we cant see how many have looked at the reports we put in from westwind, rogers, morts, we dont know if anyone wants theses reports or reads them- we dont have a way to see the count on viewers;; just a YA or NAY would give us an answer for the info
now we know many are just closet readers and wont post –crap posting is free
, your info, stories are important
, your secrect lakes already have been found (except a few)
closet readers just sign in and reply- were still alive after doing it as your IDA Reporter
even after all these years i find answers to ?s i was afraid to ask in the early years- that info was hard earned in those days–maybe it was for the best; for those fishing as of today,,, we didnt catch them all and left some seed for everyone else; who knows??
any way just give us some kinda feed back, I sure dont know how to set up a poll vote thing– so closet fishing buddy’s sign in and give a yell back