Well where do I start?
What I get a kick out of is how this Red Lake forum is dead until a little trouble starts and out come the stones.
First one
Pretty sad! I was just up there on a sales trip to the sporting goods stores. It looks like a ghost town. Everyone I talked to was mad at the DNR and the whole situation.
I make my entire living from the lake, I’m not mad. Bussiness is good, yes the meat hogs are gone to the next hot bite but the good clients are still here. I think the DNR is doing a good job with what they have to work with, remember this is a freak show of a lake. NOBODY knows how to handle this including ma nature, she even got a little confused.
my opinion to keep things from getting any more out of order than they already are–
put the lake back to a crappie lake and forget walleyes
So how are we going to create three weeks of dead flat calm weather with perfect temps during a high water level again to pulll of a crappie spawn? Currently we are on day 33 of wind with low water conditions, guess El’ Nino or global warming will pull that of again in the spring? 
The tribe should reimburse the DNR (AKA – Minnesota Taxpayers) for the money we spent re-stocking the lake.
Maybe the MN taxpayers and sportsmen should pay back the larger sum of money they put forth to re stock the lake the last time. Red Lake Nation put a large amount down and have to come even close to pulling qouta. Lets not forget we are talking 56k, How many of you guys pull a 30k boat with a 40k truck?
comments to me last year were mostly winter related–
“where are the crappies?
We had to look for the fish, move houses and scout everyday to find crappies. Thats what it takes to put anglers on crappies. Remember the crappies have always been there just that everyone was to worried about catching walleye to go deep looking for them.
They need to open the slot up to get people back there again.
Hello pot. Yes kettle? Your black. So you open up the slot to allow the taking of more fish or a larger group of fish? In sense relaxing the harvest regs similar to that of say a gill or trap net?
Couple things to remember.
1) If you live in glass house throwing stones is not a good idea.
2)Friends accomplish more then enemies
We have a touchy situation at hand. Name calling, slander, and throwing out statements without solid backing will only anger each each party into a standoff.
Remember hook and line unless the qouta is short then supplement with trap and gill. Non reservation borders qouta yearly, the Red Lake Nation does not. Lets also remember the DNR cannot make a solid move until they know if the Red Lake Nation is going to pull full qouta or not. By announcing they will we now have solid numbers to work with and begin to manage the fisherie as such. The fact that the tribe has full legal right to pull off shore with every boat loaded with gill nets in full attack of the walleye, they chose to hold meetings, hire fisheries staff such biologist, fisherie experts, water shed staff along with many more to find a better solution instead.