URL Bag Limit Increase to 4 Walleyes

  • Jason Sullivan
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 1383

    I just got this CyberNews update:


    Anglers who fish the State waters of Upper Red Lake will be able to keep four
    walleye starting 12:01 a.m., Saturday, July 14.

    The higher bag limit is an increase of two fish from the regulation that began
    in May of 2006 when the lake was reopened to walleye fishing. The regulation
    will afford anglers more opportunity to keep fish while still limiting the take
    to within the safe harvest level.

    “The citizen advisory group up here had recommended we relax regulations for the
    remainder of this open water season if possible,” said Gary Barnard, Bemidji
    area fisheries supervisor. “That possibility is now a reality because anglers
    caught fewer fish than anticipated during May and June, primarily due to
    less-than-expected fishing pressure because of windy weather.”

    The current protected size limit will remain in effect requiring all walleye
    from 17- to 26-inches to be immediately released. Only one walleye larger than
    26 inches may be kept. The four-fish bag limit will be in effect through Nov.
    30, 2007, with regulations reverting back to a two-fish bag on Dec. 1 for the
    2007-2008 winter season.

    Red Lake was closed to walleye fishing from May 1999 through February 2006 after
    the population collapsed from over-harvest. The regulation that went into affect
    last spring has been successful in managing angler harvest under the target
    level of 3.5 pounds per acre, or 168,000 pounds. A local citizen advisory group
    recommended that, if possible, the DNR should try to allocate the harvest
    equally between winter and open-water angling seasons, or 84,000 pounds per

    Barnard said the winter harvest estimate was 70,000 pounds for 2006-07 season,
    very near the seasonal target level. However, fishing pressure and harvest rates
    this spring have been lower than anticipated, resulting in a total harvest of
    24,000 pounds through the May-June period. The DNR, through its rule-making
    process, is able change to a four fish bag limit if total winter harvest plus
    May and June harvest are less than 134,000 pounds.

    “We had the ability to make the change and we were glad to do it,” said Barnard.
    He said winter angling pressure on Upper Red has been much more predictable than
    the open water angling. This reflects how ice fishing, which now features
    overnight rental houses, large portable wheeled houses, and a thriving winter
    ice road business, allows anglers to access to the lake and to fish in comfort
    through all kinds of weather conditions. The same isn’t true for open water

    Harvest projections under a four-fish bag limit for the winter season indicate a
    high probability of exceeding target harvest levels. Therefore, reverting to a
    two-fish bag limit on Dec. 1 will be necessary to manage winter harvest and
    minimize the risk of an early season closure. Barnard said the DNR will continue
    to monitor harvest and work with local citizens and businesses to maximize
    angling opportunities on State waters of Upper Red Lake.

    Andover MN.
    Posts: 390

    Thanks for the update, we are taking our fall trip to Red lake, I can’t wait. Question: is there a north south GPS boundery that you can’t go west of, I would hate to drift into tribal waters.

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    There is no reason that you would ever need to fish anywhere close to the boundary line. If you cant get your walleyes a mile or 2 from shore they are not biting.

    But if you have a Red Lake map or a Lakemasters chip this will give you a better idea where not to go.

    GOOD LUCK and get your 4!

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Yeah, we stayed at Westwind this spring and they said you would need to go 12 miles out before hitting indian water. They also mentioned there is not reason to be out there unless you are just looking for trouble…

    Jason Sullivan
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 1383

    It’s true that there probably isn’t a need to venture close to the line in search of fish, but you asked a fair and good question.

    I pulled this off of the DNR site.


    The actual boundary is not a true north-south line. To simplify, it is recommended that State anglers stay east of the longitudinal coordinate of 94° 43′ 12.0″ W to ensure they are on State waters.

    Good luck up there!

    I will be there over Labor Day weekend.


    Andover MN.
    Posts: 390

    Thanks for the info guys,has anyone been getting any big pike,the goup I am going up with loves to catch pike, are there weed beds to fish, any cabbage?

    Matt Hall
    Mount Horeb, WI
    Posts: 392

    Anyone know what the bag limit and slot will be for the ice fishing season? Or is that still undecided?


    Buffalo MN
    Posts: 93

    Pretty sure they said it’ll go back down to two. Might open back up depending on the quota.

    jonny p
    Waskish, MN
    Posts: 668

    Sounds like it will be two fish limit although they are allowing the cleaning and eating of walleye on the lake this winter.

    Matt Hall
    Mount Horeb, WI
    Posts: 392

    I’m guessing that legally you can still only keep two a day, right? It’s not legal to keep 2, fry them up in your sleeper and catch 2 more…right?

    Posts: 785

    you must remember any fish in a slot size “can not be frozen” they must be plyable to measure, that means gators and eyes–keep them in your house on ice– there pretty picky about fish tossed on ice and the fines add up quick per fish

    dodge co., mn
    Posts: 61

    that would be “double dipping”. when you heading up this winter? i think you might of been looking to meet up late last season for crappie fishin, but we ended bein there at different times. i believe my first trip will be jan. 3-6th hope to get lucky with limits of crappies again

    Matt Hall
    Mount Horeb, WI
    Posts: 392

    That’s what I thought, kind of a stupid question. I’m in the process of planning a few trips. Probably looking at a trip in January and one in late February. I’m not sure I can wait until January though… maybe an early 3rd trip is in order. Good luck!


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