Red Lake Opener 2007 Report

  • fearnofish82
    Posts: 387

    Big Sleepy and I made the trip up to Upper Red Lake for the opener, and it can be described as an absolutely phenomenal fishery.

    Saturday was a beautiful day. We launched at the Tamarac River public access and hit the water at about 5:30am. There was only a few boats to be seen around, but that changed by about 8:00am. The morning bite was somewhat slow, landing only a handful of fish in the first few hours. As soon as the sun got up in the sky a ways, the fish really turned on. An estimate of our catch on saturday would be 50+ fish by 4:30pm. That is an honest guess, its hard to keep track. We heard reports of numerous people having hundred fish walleye days while chasing crappies, and i can believe it.

    Swung into West Wind Resort for a bite to eat at noon, and to take about an hour break from the fast fishing. We fished both north and south of the river mouth in about 5-8ft water. It didn’t seem to matter much where you were, fish were being caught everywhere, by everyone. We did come to find a few small areas produced more fish than others by marking concentrated catch areas on the gps. We caught walleyes saturday on everything we could throw at ’em, rigging, slip bobbers, plastics, stick baits, spoons, jigs, minnows, leeches, crawlers, drifting, trolling, pretty much anyway u wanted too. For us, we found pulling stick baits like x-raps, floating raps, and husky jerks to be a fun and fast way to put fish into the boat. They really hammer the rapalas when your trolling, well i guess they hit everything hard. They are all fat, healthy aggresive fish. The majority of the fish we caught were in the 17-20 inch range, with the biggest being about 21.5 in. We were able to get our under 17 in slot fish for a meal, but they were alot harder to come by.

    Sunday brought strong stiff winds and made fishing alot more difficult. Backtrolling against the waves, or drifting with a sock out proved to be the simplest way to go about dealing with the large rollers. We used mainly jigs or rigs with leeches or fatheads. We fished until about 11:00 boating 15 nice walleyes with our 4 slot fish and then headed out for the 6 hr. cruise home.

    We tried for Sturgeon on LOTW/Rainy River on friday before the opener for a few hours, but were only able to boat 7, with the biggest being a few 3 footers. It was a fun time to pass the day before the opener, even a 3 footer can still put up a good fight. Definetly a big difference from the 2 weeks prior!

    FYI, there is also a great sheep head bite in about 2 fow on URL!!

    Lets hope the MN DNR and the Red Lake band can work everything out so this lake can continue to be a great fishery for everyone to enjoy. I see no problem with the current 2 fish under 17 slot. We like to eat fish and we kept a few for a meal, and there is nothing wrong with that. With proper care, management, and ethical responsible anglers, in another 10 years just think what this lake could be like!

    Posts: 387

    a bonus northern on a ring worm that hit right at the boat and scared the %^#$ out of me

    Posts: 387

    our only crappie, a 14.5 incher

    Posts: 387

    another nice Red Lake Walleye

    Hastings/Isle MN
    Posts: 12317

    Very nicely done!
    Way to whack ’em on the Ringies!
    (They work on Mille Lacs too! Shhhhhh! Don’t tell anyone!)

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Nice report…Looks like its time to round up a few guys and pull boards and tune some cranks!!!

    Hey Tuck you are lying about the plastic bite on Mille Lacs..they don’t work a single bit!!!

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Nice report, and good job with those Walleyes, I was going to ask you if there were many Crappies mixed in, but quess not many. Did you see many Crappies in other boats boated???

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19019

    We caught them on everything we threw. It wasnt a matter of figuring out what fish wanted as much as deciding how we wanted to fish them hour to hour. For the most part though jig/minnow or trolling was no fail. Yes, we found out they like ringies too. I hate to guess on number of fish we caught. It was incredible. Sunday better than Saturday.

    Posts: 387

    Jack, that was the only crappie we caught, and i seen a couple others caught, not many. We did not try to target crappies specifically at all, the one we caught was on an x-rap. I did talk to a guy however who said they caught 16 on friday evening. I never actually fished an evening on the lake though. Im sure there are quite a few good sized ones left in there for u!

    crinkle cut
    Posts: 35

    We fished Monday-Wednesday and had phenomenal walleye fishing. 250 plus walleyes for the 3 days, including most of our time on Tuesday chasing the illusive crappie. We never did find any, and had heard no one had really gotten into them since Thursday last week. A few nice bonus fish for the week though, we boated a 39, 35, and 40 inch northern for the trip. That’s not a bad change from catching 15-21″ walleyes consistently all day long. It was an unreal trip. Thanks to the guys at Bearpaw Guides for our accommodations, I recommend them to anyone looking for a great fishing cabin.

    Posts: 785

    that lake always holds up to some of the best fishing of most spieces we hunt for, the cool weather the last week seems to just slow certain fish up from spawning, some struggle through it and give it a go- others are prone to sit back awhile before heading in to spawn and its a darn good idea mother nature installed them with it;- could you even imagine , crappies, northerns, carp, sheephead, suckers, walleyes, all in there at one time; –

    those crappies at the number they are seem to be in a group by themselves coming in to spawn in small groups, finding spots we wouldnt even think of and predators have a hard time catching them in 1 area in small groups;; at less than 60 degrees they slip back into deeper water at 62-64 they move in slowly at 68 degrees water temp most are done in a weeks time

    if the water stays cold or not deep enough they will retain there eggs and sperm and return to deeper water to dijest them for food and verly eat, those that have spawned are tired and seperate from schools to lie on the bottom and not eat for weeks at a time alone;; theses are truly Black Crappies as they turn completely Black and as thin as a dime;; you really can not figure out that a crappie thats 14+ inches from there only weights 3/4 of a pound in the first week of July

    my guess is for the next 2 and 1/2 weeks the crappies will be just where I said they would be in previuos posts

    the water temp has been hanging around 58 to 60 and struggling at that

    good luck

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