first of all i’d like to thank cookie for havin our sleepers on the right spot
i got up thursday around 1 in the afternoon hooked up with cookie and headed out. had 3 newbies so it took a little while to get set up and everything situated. once that was done i headed outside to start punchin holes. drilled eleven holes in about a two hundred yard radius and thought i was gonna have the big one
. man that’s alot of ice to drill through (especially when i would only drill through piled jagged rough ice, don’t how many times i got the auger stuck
). so i cleaned em’ all out and started hole hoppin. my father-in law (newbie) sat sown at the right hole. he dropped his line and instanly pulled a crappie out (he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the size of it) dropped line again and here came another and i had the auger fired up instanly
. he continued to lose 6 more slabs at the hole while i was makin swiss cheese out of the ice around him
. i sat down and coudn’t get a bite to save my
. so i fired the auger up and drilled a hole about two feet from his
and begin stealing his crappies if you talk to him
. those two holes produced crappies from thursday till we left on sunday morning
. talk about the luckiest easiest scoutin i’ve ever done on red lake or anywhere else. deerwoody got there friday around noon and i had my otterlodge set over the holes, so he jumped in with me and we caught a handful of crappies at sundown. i was gonna leave my portable sittin there over night but i didn’t trust the heavy winds and didn’t think it was worth losin my shack over. so of course the next morning before sunrise dwoody had his one man flip over sittin on the spot. he pulled 11 slabs out of there in less in than an hour and half once the sun came up
another guy that was with us drilled holes literally 10 feet from dwoody’s shack and never caugth a crappie
we came home with right around 50 crappies and plenty were released
the ice has really changed in the last week so be careful. ice cracks everywhere and now there’s 6 to 8 inches of fresh snow blanketing the lake. we even had a guy fall threw when he was walking around our portables and get wet! saw lots of stuck trucks and i buried mine, but that was due to my own stupidity
i will have pics as soon as i get to wally world and burn a picture cd so i can get them on my computer
sounded like dwoody was gonna put some up to. goodluck and good fishin, josh
February 26, 2007 at 6:14 pm