best trip of the year

  • jrl
    dodge co., mn
    Posts: 61

    first of all i’d like to thank cookie for havin our sleepers on the right spot i got up thursday around 1 in the afternoon hooked up with cookie and headed out. had 3 newbies so it took a little while to get set up and everything situated. once that was done i headed outside to start punchin holes. drilled eleven holes in about a two hundred yard radius and thought i was gonna have the big one . man that’s alot of ice to drill through (especially when i would only drill through piled jagged rough ice, don’t how many times i got the auger stuck ). so i cleaned em’ all out and started hole hoppin. my father-in law (newbie) sat sown at the right hole. he dropped his line and instanly pulled a crappie out (he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the size of it) dropped line again and here came another and i had the auger fired up instanly . he continued to lose 6 more slabs at the hole while i was makin swiss cheese out of the ice around him . i sat down and coudn’t get a bite to save my . so i fired the auger up and drilled a hole about two feet from his and begin stealing his crappies if you talk to him . those two holes produced crappies from thursday till we left on sunday morning . talk about the luckiest easiest scoutin i’ve ever done on red lake or anywhere else. deerwoody got there friday around noon and i had my otterlodge set over the holes, so he jumped in with me and we caught a handful of crappies at sundown. i was gonna leave my portable sittin there over night but i didn’t trust the heavy winds and didn’t think it was worth losin my shack over. so of course the next morning before sunrise dwoody had his one man flip over sittin on the spot. he pulled 11 slabs out of there in less in than an hour and half once the sun came up another guy that was with us drilled holes literally 10 feet from dwoody’s shack and never caugth a crappie we came home with right around 50 crappies and plenty were released the ice has really changed in the last week so be careful. ice cracks everywhere and now there’s 6 to 8 inches of fresh snow blanketing the lake. we even had a guy fall threw when he was walking around our portables and get wet! saw lots of stuck trucks and i buried mine, but that was due to my own stupidity i will have pics as soon as i get to wally world and burn a picture cd so i can get them on my computer sounded like dwoody was gonna put some up to. goodluck and good fishin, josh

    St Paul
    Posts: 2542

    Holy buckets you guys pounded them slabs!


    Cant wait to see them pics!

    Posts: 285

    Heres my pics.How about one

    more trip mini?

    Posts: 285

    The crew.

    dodge co., mn
    Posts: 61

    the pics were taken at 9:30 saturday morning when cookie stopped. we had just got done pulling a flury of slabs that started right after sun up. we ended with another 10 or 11 crappies before we left sunday morning after the flury saturday morning the bottle of jag came hence the picture of my truck the next morning when we woke up i got a little to brave with the old ford the night before

    Posts: 285

    My take home fish.

    Posts: 3239

    Nice work fellas!!

    Posts: 6

    how did you get that ford unstuck oh yeah it was a gmc that pulled it out

    Posts: 6

    Yes I was 10ft from dwoodys shack. I drilled holes all around it fri and sat and dide not catch a crappie If i do remember i caught the first three crappie.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19028

    That lake is cool. 4 of us ran up there from Winni last thursday afternoon and easily caught our limit of eyes. Very fun.

    Posts: 285

    B.O.B. welcome to a real website.

    dodge co., mn
    Posts: 61

    I believe i just got the boot from the other site

    Posts: 6

    Thanks Deerwoody, the P.R. that would be Fredy D wants to know when we are going to buffem up again. He said he had blast and can’t wait till next time.

    Posts: 285

    I got a couple PM’s from people wondering about depth and lures so I thought I would share with everyone.We were located about 3.5 miles out on Aggasisz road in 13 f.o.w.The lures that worked best for me were red glow doodle bug on my jig stick and on my bobber rig either a red hook or a small jig that looks like a genz worm but it has a bigger hook and hangs vertical,not sure what it is called.We difinetly had to downsize since last trip with lures and minnows.Hope that answers everyones questions.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    I hope you guys are not spoiled. I had my eye on that spot all season and it paid off for you guys. As I said you sure could of led that group from slabfeat there. I kept two houses in that area and it will interesting to see if anyone does anything there this weekend. By the way nice pics

    Posts: 285

    Welcome to IDA,cookie.Thanks again for a great weekend.No BS on this site guaranteed.

    Posts: 6

    thanks cookie,we had a blast can’t wait to get up their again. Do you have your eye on any other spots

    dodge co., mn
    Posts: 61

    tell the P.R. he’s banned from the ford. cost me 50 bucks to get that crap cleaned out of my truck by the way, the ford had to pull out 2 chevy’s during this last snowstorm

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    muxt of been a smelly ride home Bob is happy now as he caught a couple of crappies

    Posts: 285

    Bob will wine no matter what
    Good thing his new fishing partner mini will take him fishing

    dodge co., mn
    Posts: 61

    ya it smelled great goin to rainy river the last weekend in march might have to stop by and see ya on the way home, so put some pontoons on the truck so we can get to that honey hole . and yes deerwoody, you do have a new fishing partner. where you takin him next

    Posts: 6

    I hope you guys are talking about #2 and not the real BOB Any way lets go fishin

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Time to start planning for the up coming season.With my new chevy the Red Baron 454 with a v-plow I sure would like a repeat of what you guys did last year. Even it you do not stay with me this year look me up as I may have a hot spot in mind. I a’m also trying to do some fall guiding this year in a 20 foot tyee if theres any interest. Bring the shotgun for a little grouse action.

    Derek Hanson
    Posts: 592

    Whats up cookie monster!!! Hows the fishing up at Red lately?? Any slabs or monster pike action?? I can’t wait to get up there this winter as I had a blast last winter. We should sneak over to the west side of Red and see whats going on over on that side of the lake?? I bet the fishing is unreal on the Native American side of the lake.

    dodge co., mn
    Posts: 61

    cookie monster, left a message for ya this afternoon. give me call, so i can set some dates. have the truck ready cuz i’m sure we’ll need it after i bury B O B’s pretty boy truck

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