Urgent! Lost our Mouse – fish mascot

  • russjudy
    Posts: 785

    As many of you know, Russ has his companion with him called Mouse but he’s really a cat.

    Tonight with a couple of stops that Russ made being at WW baitshop and a house out on the ice – at one of the stops Mouse decided to hop out of the truck without Russ realizing it and now Mouse is lost. Russ has looked everywhere at WW and done about a 2 hour trip around where he had gone but with no luck so far. It’s darn cold out tonight and the little guy won’t survive if someone doesn’t find him and hopefully take him in for the night.

    I realize that people reading this aren’t out on the ice but if anyone has seen or hears of a gray male cat wandering around PLEASE contact Russ @ 320-293-8905 or call me @ 320-356-7792

    He really is a special Mouse!


    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    I hope the best for you guys.
    Good luck find your loved one.


    dodge co., mn
    Posts: 61

    ok, i realize i’m not that smart, but i take it you guys run off of westwinds road?

    Posts: 785

    Yes we go out of Westwind. Sure am hoping Mouse is somewhere around the bait shop or fish cleaning room.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    good luck on your search!!!!!

    Posts: 785

    Russ located Mouse this morning. He died quietly in his sleep on the ice.
    I’m sure it didn’t take long with the nasty cold and wind.
    Mouse was one of a kind and will be greatly missed.

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    Prayer sent guys I know how hard it is to loose a family pet after loosing my lab Drake last year to cancer.

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