Walleyes are still going gung-ho and there really isn’t a ‘best’ time frame for them – Most any color jig or size bait are working good right now.
Our groups have caught lots ot eyes, a couple
crappies and a few really nice gators.
The ice is getting pretty thick at about 24″ + so anyone coming up – it might be a good idea to bring an extension for the auger.
The access and roads are great and you can travel just about anywhere you want to right now because there is not a lot of snow. It’s a big lake and a lot of fishing spots.
The group from the cabin headed out to the end of Agassiz road to see what they can find out there.
Chisholm Couple are off in a different direction for the hunt and search.
I will be heading up next Saturday and hope to see lots of good friends and good fishing!
Fish on! or as Russ would say – snapfizzzzzzzzz