Here is how the ‘lost phone’ became the ‘recovered phone’
When Russ was done drilling the holes he started fishing and after about a half hour he snagged a nice walleye. After pulling him in, by golly, the strap on the phone was caught right around his neck! 
Even Russ wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t seen it himself!!
OK, here’s the real story:
What he told me was – ‘he dropped it in the hole’ and I should bring him a new phone.
He forgot to say that he was able to scoop it up before it went all the way down.
The next time I talked to him (about 12 hours later) he was trying to dry it out and it was maybe going to come around.
It took 2 days but it is working again.
I guess I have to ask the right questions to get the whole story. 
Fishing is good – guys that just got there a couple of hours ago already have 3 keepers and gave back at least 5 or 6 more.
Not much snow but there were some drifts between the houses that are now cleaned up and houses are banked again against that nasty cold wind.
Russ’s next report will be on Monday or Tuesday night when I get back.
Hope to see lots of you on the ice this weekend!!
Happy fishing.