The last few days

  • russjudy
    Posts: 785

    Everybody is still doing good with walleyes, lots of catch and release and plenty of keepers. Not too many perch today but have caught some dandy ones of 8″ in the last few days, 0 crappies today. I hear they are catching one here and there usually not a lot at one time.

    It doesn’t seem to matter what lure or size you use for the eyes – I’m still having good luck with the red glow.

    The roads and bridges are in good shape. We got a little snow but not much, just a lot of wind and the few drifts are getting pretty hard so drive around them.
    19+ ” of good ice with colder weather on the way.

    Hope to see you on the ice.

    Jason Sullivan
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 1383

    I will be posting a report from the weekend soon.

    Does anyone know a good doctor for URL withdrawl?


    Posts: 5

    We were there on 1-6-07 and were surprised to catch as many crappies as we did, even during the day. Had trouble in the morning as we were set up in 10 feet of water hoping for an early walleye bite that never happened for us. moved out to 14 foot and caught walleye right away, crappies started at about 2 and were biting abit when we left at 7:00…..had a blast.

    The fly by and verticle barrel roll by the fighter jet was exciting too.


    Jason Sullivan
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 1383


    The fly by and verticle barrel roll by the fighter jet was exciting too.

    I was on the ice road when that happened. Scared the heck out of me. First thought when I heard the rumble was the ice was giving way under me.


    Posts: 3010


    The fly by and verticle barrel roll by the fighter jet was exciting too.

    So … Is that how the “Sovereign Nation to the west/southwest” patrols their border now ???

    Posts: 5



    The fly by and verticle barrel roll by the fighter jet was exciting too.

    So … Is that how the “Sovereign Nation to the west/southwest” patrols their border now ???

    LOL…my brother the serviceman said that if that guy is only a Lt. he is in big trouble for that manuver…. ….we figured he was a Commander showing off for one of his ice fishing buddies…

    Either way, everyone on the lake was hooting and hollering, I think….I really couldn’t hear for awhile.

    Jason Sullivan
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 1383

    What is your guess of how low it was? It seemed REALLY low and when I got out of my truck to get a close look it was still below some low clouds.


    Posts: 5

    it came almost right over us and I guessed around 1000 ft… brother who has much more experience with fighter jets than me (like is around them for a living) said more like 500 ft……WOW…..and going very fast, lit the afterburners on the vert climb until we couldn’t see it anymore….

    Posts: 785

    Russ’s report –

    The wind was really wicked and relentless this morning and slowed down the eyes for a couple hours. When the wind slowed up here comes a nice 14 1/2″ crappie followed by very aggressive walleyes along with 3 nice northerns. Lots of catch and release and plenty in the keeper range.

    The holes froze over a little with the wind but everything is banked and good to go now. Everyone is moving across the crack in the ice over bridges now to get further out for more action and less traffic. Just a suggestion – if you can bring a pickup or van instead of a car it is better for crossing the bridges.

    It was so windy this morning that Russ put a snap roap on his can of Old Milwaukee to be sure it didn’t get away.
    He might have lost one of the generators though – good thing he has a couple spares.

    Ice is still slick in spots but some drifts between the houses are up to Russ’s knees. (If you know Russ and his short legs, that is only about 12″ )

    The ice on the lake is great, just watch for the rough spots.

    The guys are planning to go in and have a big fish fry tonight at the cabin and get ready for another day tomorrow.

    Hope to see you on the ice!

    (This report is submitted by Judy – info from Russ )

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