Red Lake Ice Conditions

  • Anonymous

    It sounds like the lake is completely frozen with 3-4 inches of solid ice. But with the forcasted warm weather this week, not sure how long its gonna hang around……I will keep you upto date on this each day that I hear.

    It almost time for those slabbers? Anyone planning on hitting red this season?


    Thanks for the Update.
    Was just coming on to put a post out for this very information.
    Great minds think a like!


    I amplanning to hit it on the way to and from LOTW. Taking the week on New Year’s off to fish. Is that usually a good time to fish Red Lake?


    Red Lake is good anytime you can get out there. As for numbers it seems that as long as your willing to move around until locating a hungry school one can get a limit of these slabbers pretty easily.

    With the Deer season holding on for one more weekend, it will have to wait until after Thanksgiving for me…but as I hear reports I will let all of you know the early reports from up there….


    That came on fast. I will definately be making a couple trips up there for both Red and LOTW like MFO!
    Cannot wait…..

    Sean, what depths have you found to be most productive at early ice in your hunts on Red for slab-adab-adoo’s?


    14 feet seems to be about where they are, normally the school sizes are a bit small early , so one thing that I key on is structure….rock piles….the cribs…so on. It seems early in the year the fish concentrate in these areas and by moving around your apt to find a nice group of active fish.

    I like fishing the south end of the lake more then then North, it seems there is better and more structure, where as the northend has structure, but your talking miles of area.

    Well good luck and I’m hoping to hit the ice soon….


    On Monday November 25, the report is a few tried to get out but at the 1/2 mile mark they hit 2 inches of ice and could not or did not dare to get around it. We have had two cold nights in a row here and it shouldn’t be long before it slabber time on Red.


    With the cold temps, we are now seeing 7-9 inches of great ice covering the crappie infested waters. I would say by this coming weekend they may be driving light vehicles on Red. The fishing report is slow at best for crappies, but the Northerns and walleyes are pretty active. I have yet to make it up there but I will be getting out soon.


    As of Wednesday Nov 4 Am it sounds like the lake is getting closer and closer to perfect. They at Rogers are reporting 9-11 inches of ice, one worry though is a pressure ridge may be forming about one mile out, which is not a huge deal in fact its normally good on the south end when one of these ridges forms….they tend to attrack fish. The crappie action is slow at best but the large northerns and walleyes remian active. A reminder to all heading out….walleyes can not be kept…

    Good Luck and remember to be careful.


    Sean, a lot of people are saying that it will be a little tougher bite for those slabs this year compared to the last few due to the increased walleye and northern populations. Just wondering what your thoughts are on this. Thanks!



    Well the 96 class of crappies can only last so long. Yes it was an unbeleivable calss, and numbers of people over the last few years have taken the opportunity to experience these beautiful fish, but all good things must come to an end. But I don’t think Red Lake is or will ever be to that point. Yes I think the numbers are down again this year, but early in the year, those fish have been tough to come by. Last spring, we saw a number and I mean a number of crappies making there run for the annual spawn, and from what I saw, there are still a pile of them in the lake. If reports fail to pick up come February, then I think it would be safe to say, that the numbers dropped. But as more anglers get up there and search for the crappies, My guess is we will see another couple of good years out there.

    The best part about the Red Lake fishery is that, we now have huge crappies, a walleye factory, that will soon be like it use to be and to top it off, a trophy Northern Pike lake. One other part of this lake that is going and is almost there is the jumbo perch. So in a few years when the lake is opened to walleyes again, one can make a trip for walleyes, pike, perch and those ever so big crappies. How many lakes can you think of that you can catch all of these fish in the same day thru the same whole, with all of them having potential to be trophy fish. Wow what a lake.


    Still on hold with a few fish being caught each day. I can’t believe all the people thinking this lake is fished out. Last year at this time, we were just starting to get out there, its going to get better. It seems that over the last few years the best bite starts in January and goes through iceout. So hang in there and when the bite starts I will let ya know.

    Farmington Minnesota
    Posts: 14

    Sean I’m looking at going up in mid Feb. with my five year old son and father-in -law was wondering if you could give me a couple of places that have sleeper houses that would work for us . Any help would be great thanks.


    Try Rogers Campground and Resort. Jerry and Joani do a great job and by Mid-Feb the fishing should be great they can be reached at 218-647-8262. The are on the south end of the lake.
    Another place is the Waskish Minnow Station, I’m not real familiar with them, they fish the North end of the lake, they can be reached at 218-647-8652.

    Odds are they are filling these sleeper houses quickly, so I would highly recommend calling soon to get a booking for those dates.

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