Well the report from this weekend was poor to say the least! We only ended up boating 3 eyes a perch 1 14″ crappie and 4 sheaphead. In fact we pulled up camp and headed to a couple holes in Bermidji with way better results. The panfish in that area were popping along with a better walleye bite and pike bite.
I was so pumped for Red. But, it seemed like everything we tried did not work. Trolling all aspects, slips, jigs, casting, yada yada yada. Maybe it was just to nice out??
75 to 80 and partly sunny with no wind. 
But the good thing was my buddies were in a good mood and the Grainbelt was very cold 
There were not many people on the south end from what I saw. Most most were hanging on the crib culster by Morts and fishing in the 8′ to 10′ range. For the most part seemed like boats were dragging the bottom.
We were marking tons and tons of fish but could not get them to pop. My buddy was casting a beetle spin ( He was bored ) and boated a nice 23″ eye ( Released of course ).
Never saw the Warden so that was nice