I don’t want to sound bitter, but why is the DNR spending our tax dollars to rejuvenate the lake, enforce tribal quotas, stock fish, etc. etc. when we will receive very little of the benefits. I think this should have been a tribal funded fix. Now this might just be that I am bitter, but the DNR (Department of No Results, Do Nothing Retards, Etc.) has been taking eggs from other lakes (Vermilion, Leech etc.) at the detriment of those lakes to fix a problem that is not our to begin with.
We have 16% of the lake, we should pay for 16% of the fix. Alright enough venting, it is done, we can fish walleyes again, the Native Americans will monitor their fishing
, and all is well this time 
Just my .02. I would like to hear anyone elses take on this subject, as I may be a little out in left field.