URL during the Polar Vortex

  • leon2436
    Posts: 1

    We had a group of 7 that didn’t let the cold scare us away. We fished out of portables Sunday afternoon through Wednesday night. We went out of JR’s every day and usually fished from 10am-630pm. We tried some different depths but had our best luck in virgin waters north of Center Bar in 12-13 feet. We were able to trail blaze in the trucks off the main road because the cold had froze up all the slush. The bite was best during the midday where dead sticks took most of our keepers, but at times they were smashing Tingler and Tumbler spoons. Overall catch numbers were lower than what we are use too, but we still managed to have two fish frys at JR’s to feed all of us and brought back only two fish short of our limit. All 15-19” fish and a couple nice bonus perch.

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Thanks for the report. Fishing tomorrow out of JR’s so this timing is perfect. Feel free to PM me with any other tips you may have! Oh…Welcome to IDO!

    Winona, Mn
    Posts: 56

    Thanks for the report. I’m heading back up there at the end of February using Chad Benson’s services again. I was up there a couple of weekends before Xmas and we just killed it between jigging tingler’s and dead sticking. Chad has his shacks off of Sandberg Rd access about a mile out and we were in 9′-10′ FOW. Not sure where he has his sleepers now.

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