Where’s Cookie????

  • cookie
    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Its in the other truck. The plan was to fish some tip up this morning with some stinky dead suckers I have in the shop. I can not smell but they sure look stinky. My plans have changed as # 1 auger is in the red baron with Phil and Cory. I guess that’s a sign I should go in the shop and get # 2 auger going again. Phil will bringing up auger # 3 later this year. Its amazing how many things end up in the wrong truck and takes planning every day as tools and equipment keep getting switched around. Oh well. Yesterday I needed the drill. It has been in either of the two trucks all winter but darn if it was at home in the laundry room/shop. I solved the flat tire problem on the dodge prospector and Marty will be bringing up 4 decent tires . That truck has had the same tires its whole life I think? It came from a farm in southeren Minnesota.
    Blue thunder needs some welding done today so I will be waiting to here from david this morning as she is broken up pretty good. The red baron v-plow is also tore up and needs a total rebuild, I will have no choice but to use it as is the rest of the season and go from there. I have taken some great pics this winter and maybe some day I will figure out how to move them around the computer and post them. I can post them on face book under John Halvarson but can not get them on cookies on upper red lake face book page.
    Last night I arrived to old Minnesota around 4 pm. The fishing started off real slow and I thought yes its time to move, around 5:15 the fish came through in waves. I had a heck of a time keeping a minnow on the rattle wheel with the genze worm while I worked a clown colored rattling flyer on Kellies pole as I broke my 150 dollar custom pole last week. Jake will be happy as I will now be using the custom rod he made me. The fish just kept biting the third fish I caught was a nice 16 incher that became dinner. I must of caught 15 or 20 fish in the next 2 hours. Not one was over 17 though. I wonder where the bigger fish went? The guy that had 4 lines down earlier this year would not of had a chance. I heard through the grape vine that 7 feet is still catching fish. I’m thinking that’ s where the bigger fish are hiding. Phil and Cory had excellent fishing last night also in north Carolina and that is the third or forth day in the same spot. I had Phil set some guys up in a wheel house Saturday with the red baron and they did real well when I had checked in on them Saturday eve. I think I was spose to drop off my card but never got back over there Sunday morning.
    I had a killer dinner in old Minnesota last night. After dinner I put in a movie and crawled up on the top bunk of Minnesota and slept like a baby for over a hour until my phone rang. Mike from Minnesota resorts might call today They were fishing Milacs and not doing so well .He said he may need two houses today. I told him Montana and old Minnesota were catching fish and as long as I did not have to move them they were ready to go. I broke the tire chains on blue thunder or should I say wore them out and Kellie is bringing home a new set today. Phil hits the road today and it sure was nice having him and Cory here even though Cory ate my whole bag of chips ahoy cookies. It was a blessing having him here as he did a fantastic job on the trucks. I now have to baby them the rest of the season as much as I can any way. At 8 below this morning I’m going to work on the books to make the hammer happy.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Wow where did the last two days go? Yesterday I never drove out onto the lake. This morning I’m going to go fish for a big pike for 1 hour tops. I have never really enjoyed fishing by my self as I like the competition and comradery. Back when we were younger we use to fish coon lake for pike. If a flag went up it was first come first serve so it was like tackle football or rugby as we raced to the flag. Wonder why my body hurts.
    I did manage to get all my book work done for jan so that was a good thing. Said good buy and thanks to Phil and Cory and they hope to make it up this summer . Yesterday the had a presentation at the park about draining the big bog to the north. Learned a little more history of the area . I was amazed that they made over 1600 miles of ditches in 2 or 3 years. With the heavy tax burden on the homsteader’s most could not pay the ditch taxes and moved on leaving the county almost bankrupt. All most !00 years later and you can still see the ditches from the air. Its a whole different world up there and very unique.
    I then met David at Gary”s where we welded on blue thunders plow, glad we caught that as that would of led to some major damage if not addressed. Marty did not make it up and said he will be up later today. I plan on getting all the houses on fresh ice by Friday morning so all I have to do is pop 24 holes through 30 inches of ice. I will also move North Carolina but being its not rented I will not have to auger at this time. Its only rented two more times this season. Once we had the announcement of two fish my phones and emails have been silent. Seems crazy they will come for three but not two fish?
    The easiest thing to doo would just move the house a little bit onto fresh ice as the two areas I’m fishing have been very fishy, But no not me I have two other areas that need to be explored so I will be heading out with the red baron to prep the areas before I move the houses. This is the time I need my helpers as I have to cut a trail with the red baron before I come out with blue thunder then remember to have the right gear in the right truck. I also have to be in Bemidji part of the day tomorrow so that will set me back a bit. The key today was taught to me from cusin Pete my mentor. Do not be in a rush, take your time. Its hard to do some times but I have most of the day. Another fun weekend is coming up and I plan on enjoying it to the fullest. Who knows maybe a ellussive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie is in the works. Only time will tell and as Ole says you have to put your time in for a trophy fish.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    My very stinky bait did not work yesterday morning .Oh well we will try again in the next few days. I stopped in the cennix where my wife kellie works after the morning fish and they now have suckers I could of been fishing live bait. I will swing in there this morning and pick up a couple for the weekend. It would be nice to fish tip ups before this snow storm hits if its still going to hit us I have not looked at the weather this morning yet.
    I cut two new trails yesterday after pike fishing with the red baron, she sure does not cut like she use to and the v-plow will have to be addressed this summer with no excuses. I was in the auto body trade for 14 years but was a painter most of that time. I do know how to weld but when it come to fabrication I am lacking. After a quick lunch headed back out with blue thunder to move 3 of our for houses. Old Minnesota was the first to be moved, followed by florida and Montana. I finished moving all three houses blocked and banked with the holes augered in old Minnesota for Kellie and I. It took me just over 5 hours . I rented florida to some locals today from Kellier but I do not think they are sleeping out there tonight. Marty rolled in around 10 pm and spent the night in old Minnesota. Kellie and I wet a line in old Minnesota and kellie the hammer lost a big crappie at the hole. Man was she mad/upset its been along time since she has landed one. The walleye fishing was not spectacular like it was where Minnesota was but we did land a couple 6 or so, maybe more like ten” a few”. I’m heading out this morning to prep florida for Collet and her relatives. I also need to detail old Minnesota and be back to shore no later then 930 as I have a appointment in town today. I then need to be back before 4 to meet Mark who is coming up in a wheel house. I have a spot all plowed out for them and expect good fishing in that spot.
    I had a cancelation for old Minnesota next weekend the 13th 14th and still have Minnesota and Montana open the last weekend of the walleye season? Going to a two fish limit has slowed down the pressure on the lake which is a good thing since were over are allotted quota. Sucks for business but good for the lake.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Got home Thursday evening just in time to meet mark and Ed at hillmens with there wheel house and escort them out to a place I had plowed out for florida. My plan had changed after I plowed it out and I did not move a house there. I then checked on Collett ,Kathy, Terry and Kurt as they had been fishing florida for the day. When I arrived to florida they were just releasing a 30 plus inch pike. Lots of excitement and some great pictures were taken. I feel this is a great sign that there may be a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie in the area. Yesterday morning Ed landed one plus they had some decent walleye fishing. Collet and her crew ended up taking 5 walleye home so not bad but not that good. That pike may of effected there fishing. Wayne rolled in around 730 and was excited to get out theer and relax in old Minnesota. Marty and I joined him for a drink and a little bull shi. Fun was had by all with a few fish caught in the process. Friday morning brought more work as Marty had to pack up out of Montana. Kevin and Rolly rolled in around 2 and I got them set up just in time to come back to shore and meet John from Clam and his girl Jennifer after that we kellie and I plus Marty were to meet at old Minnesota for a porketta roast Wayne had in the oven. Kellie settled down into her favorite fishing spot in old Minnesota and proceeded to put the hammer down on the fish . With her vexlar charged and ready for action she put on a fishing clinic as we scrambled to grab her minnow after minnow, while are two rattle wheels never went off and my rod and reel never moved she landed fish after fish with two, yes two elusive upper red lake crappies . I said it was the guide and she said it was the fisherwoman. What ever it was it was magical and wayne was so happy to see her land those fish. We got some great pics with her smiling to beat the band. Before we had arrived Wayne had a flurry where he figured he caught 15 walleyes in a row and could not keep two lines down at the same time. kellie headed home around 10 while I checked on the customers, kevin and Rolly had some good action and were happy with the fishing, John and Jennifer were also happy and it will make my day much easier and less expensive as I think they should be happy with out having to move houses today. Tonight we will be having crappie and walleye for dinner and may play a little texas hold um. After sunday I have no one coming until Friday so I must shut the heat off this week to save on propane. I do not care to do it but it does not make sense to heat 3 or 4 house for 5 days with no one in them

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Just a tad more fun. Yesterday was a glorious day here on upper red lake. Checking in with John and Jennifer in Montana and everything was good as they had action on and off all night. Rolly and Kevin also had action and they were also good. I then spent some time in old Minnesota visiting Marty and Wayne and playing a few more games of texas hold em. We came back to shore around 1 so the guys could take showers and we could go clean our fish for dinner. 3 walleyes 6 perch and two crappies were just enough for another great fish fry at jrs. I knew Wayne would like the way they pre pair the fish as he likes a very light batter.
    I on the other hand I like a heavier batter with a bite and like westwinds but trying to be a good host was my mission. We arrived back to old minnsota for some more fishing and cards where Kellie the hammer went to work landing and missing fish for the next 3 hours. Wayne fished that same hole hard with limited success while we were not there and could not be leave Kellie was on fire again. She did lose quite a few fish that may of been the elusive upper red lake crappies. She headed home at 10 while I stayed out with the guys where I landed a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Cliff ask me to plow a spot for his son coming up so will take care of that on my way out to say goodbye to our guests. It’s my turn to make dinner and we will be having beef and venison roast cooking in the oven in Minnesota all day. As Wayne would say YUMMY. I will detail the houses and shut them down for the week. Minnesota is open next weekend and Minnesota and Montana are open the last weekend of game fish. I’ll maintain the houses after the season ends for a week or two as I vacation on the ice, watching a few movies, playing some cribbage with Kellie and having her give me a couple tips on catching fish

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    I dropped the ball yesterday morning. Time I got out to the houses Kevin and Rolly had rolled out. I did get a message from them and they said they had a great time and landed two elusive but still catchable 15 inch upper red lake crappies. I stopped at Florida to see Jennifer and John but it looked like they were still a sleep. Checking on them a bit later and they were gone. I ‘m waiting to here back from them to see how they did the second night. When I stopped in Saturday morning they were both sitting and fishing in the same spots set up the same way with John in his pajama bottoms and slippers the night before. It was like they never went to bed. John left me a couple new rod and reels Thanks again John. Old Minnesota got fished hard since Thursday. With the hammer working her magic and releasing that many fish I be leave the spot is burned out. Cusin petes theory is the fish leave a scent when there caught and released and effect the fishing. Minnesota will be moved today as it is spose to be another glorious day. It would be nice to get Montana and Florida also moved and set up as there is a chance of 3 to 6 inches of snow coming are way tomorrow. I have at least 1 mile of road I made to get to my houses and that will have to be plowed after the storm and wind. Sounds like Tony and his daughter will be up tomorrow and staying in Florida for 2 nights. We had a killer roast and venison dinner last night in old Minnesota. As Wayne would also say wacking. Its nice making a killer dinner on the ice as the food always taste better when your camping. Marty and Wayne will be heading home today. Marty and his wife Shelly will be back Friday as well as the hammers sister shell chick and her crew. Depending on if kellie and I fish this week Minnesota may have to get moved twice this week. Tony will help me move florida before they leave on Thursday so I have the house on fresh ice for Tom on friday. Minnesota is still open for the weekend at this time. Cliff has done real well all season in the spot he is fishing and yesterday I plowed out to him as his son was coming up with a wheel house. I also have to stop in and say good bye to Rodger, They were happy with where there fishing and this will be there last trip for the season so I expect Buddy Hillmen will be pulling there skid house to shore before the snow if possible. Wow only 14 nights left for the 2015 game fish season not sure where the time has gone but I can say we have had a grand time on a grand lake so far this season and as Dave told me it owes us NOTHING!!!

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    With Marty’s help we moved old Minnesota on a new spot Monday as Wayne decided to stay another day. That ment another day of visitting with my dear friend and spending time fishing, laughing ,playing cards, and eating. I decided a home made pizza would work for dinner. Marty and I moved Florida and Montana as well on to fresh spots. We buttoned up all the work by 430 and met at old Minnesota for another fun night . Kellie my honey bun” the hammer” showed up as well . It started off very slow and I commented I may of made a mistake in our new location as I pre paired the home made pizza. Then just like that it was fish on , we had a triple on the rattle wheels . Marty was on fire and landed a 20 incher hand over hand on 6 # line that wayne had tied onto the rattle wheel line. Not sure why he had so much line on there as when you brought it up you lost site of all the line. It did not hinder Marty though at one point he had a 18 incher in his hand and reached over to grab my fishing rod as it was tipping towards the hole. Kellie was also on fire landing a couple fish in a row .I have no idea how many fish we caught , We kept one for Marty to take home and have with his wife for dinner. Tony and his 5 year old daughter Katreana called around 10 pm to say they were on the lake and I was off to meet them and escort them to florida. About 11 pm Tony walked over to Minnesota to show us the two fish Katreana landed a fat 14 and a 13 elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie . Tony also said they had landed 8 walleye in the first hour of fishing. Kellie headed home about the time Tony showed up and I ended up spending the night on the lake. I talked to two gentlemen pulling on the lake Monday morning and they were up to 9 crappies, I read they ended up with 20? Yesterday the snow started around noon as we pulled off the lake. I had no plans to venture out . Tony called around three to tell me they retrieved the fishing rod they lost earlier in the day and it had a 38 inch pike on the end of it. He sent me a pic and its almost as tall as Katreana. My observation from the past seems to be true as that’s 2 big pike that have been landed ,with to many small walleyes to count, plus a couple line breakers and hook benders. I also talked to Rodger to say good by and there spot produced 18 walleye the first day and puttered out after that with very slow fishing for them the rest of the weekend. Cliff’s spot also burned out and he said it was just dead after Friday. Counting the two fish wayne took home and one Marty kept we harvested 6 walleyes 4 perch and 3 crappies while catching to many fish to count. Fun, Fun Fun.
    We ended up with around two inches of snow. I have some plowing to do this morning then its out on the lake to battle mother nature as the winds are spose to pick up out of the nw20 to 25 mph. All three houses are pointed in the wrong direction .Tony will help me move Florida this morning before they head home. I have a couple from Nebraska rolling in today around 2 for old Minnesota.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    2 inches of snow turned into 2 feet atleast in some spots. Hit the lake at 9am with blue thunders plow breaking the trail to reopen Buddy Hillmen’s road. Less then a mile into it and I thought how nice it was to be part of Hillmen’s operation. I was also surprised how much snow was on the road. As I cut in the first pass Buddy and Kelly his mechanic and helper v-plowed the first section 1 1/2 miles. Once I got to the end of the road I turned around and again cleared snow from the north side of the road. The timing could not of been any better as I finished, Buddy showed up to start v-plowing while I cut the edge to the northwest road. I then got a hold of Tony to have him go get the red baron while I opened the road system I made to get to my houses. Plenty of snow had accumulated around the houses and I spent the next two hours cleaning up around the houses and my road as Tony helped with the v-plow on the main roads. By 1pm the main road was free and clear with just a few areas to clean up with blue thunder and her straight blade.
    I then checked Dennis and Angie into Minnesota where Angie would be getting her first walleye through the ice. They are from Nebraska, I will be able to spend a little time with them today as yesterday was very busy day into the evening. I did not go out last night as driving on the roads with the snow blowing only collects more snow. Plus Tony is right next door in florida. I did talk to Angie on the phone and she got her first walleye last night a 14 1/2 incher. She also said they kept missing fish? I talked to Tony this morning and he said they would be needing more minnows and they missed a lot of fish over night? Could some of them be the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie’s? Tony and Katrina have landed three so far. In the last week I have missed numerous fish as well as Wayne, Marty, Kellie the” hammer” and I. I just talked to Dennis and they landed two 13 1/2 inch elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. They released the crappies to fight another day or edchacated them. Sweet!!! They also landed a few walleyes over night. 18 below this morning time to baby the trucks during this cold spell. Al though I would like to get North Carolina moved at some point today.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    she never stops to amaze me. Last night the wind blew so hard I completely lost my new road as she was filled in this morning when I got out there. The fishing was extroidanary Tough word.
    Duke landed 9 yes 9 elusive upper red lake crappies. Old Minnesota also landed 9 elusive upper red lake crappies. Florida got 3 that they let go to fight another day. Derrick and Drew ate 6 and released 3 crappies to fight another day. or educateded them. Marty and Shell chick, shell and Jeff, Kellie and I went to westwind for dinner. There special was a prime rib sandwich for 11 bucks and it was tasty. Best prime rib sandwich I ever had hands down.
    Goose and his gang did real well for walleye but no crappies in there wheelhouses.. Mark and his buddy did ok and got 9 walleyes so far no crappies. Keith took good directions and landed a 16 inch elusive upper red lake crappie plus 3 more. Plus many many walleyes and two pike and a few perch. They landed on a very fishy area and I will keep a eye on that spot.
    I spent the first 2 hours of the morning plowing out my drifted in road as the wind was just howling out there last night. I’m headed out now with blue thunder to do some clean up work. Have a grand day I know I will have a grand day on a grand lake that owes me nothing.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    As the walleye season whines down I will be moving all the houses at least one more time. Montana has Danny and his dad coming this week so I will be moving Montana twice. I’m going to try my hardest not to cut any more trails and will be running my houses up and down the road system I have created. The red baron and blue thunder have gotten another tough workout. Both trucks burned up a tank of gas yesterday cleaning up the mess mother nature left us. Which is fine and is to be expected. Its part of the job. The red barons cutting blade on the right side is gone? With out that blade I need to baby her the rest of the season as I will be damaging the mounting structure without that blade. She has been a great v plow and deserves some loving care. I will be doing the cookie shuffle with the houses as I reposition them on new ice, they may only be moved 30 feet as that’s all it takes if your on a fishy area. Bryce landed two elusive upper red lake crappies less then 40 feet where the hammer got her two and I got my one. Stopped to see Goose and Sandy last night and there house has been slow.50 feet away the other two wheel houses have had great fishing. Derrick an Drew had company as there buddies showed up with a wheel house and parked right where I was going to go? Then around 4 Jim another friend shows up with a fish in tow and driving a 2 ton dump truck. a 550 powerstroke wow what a truck. I’m not a ford fan but what a truck. Duke landed there 9 crappies 40 feet from where Minnesota was when Wayne was here. A very fishy area that’s for sure. I did notice that there is something different there but will keep that to my self. It will be interesting to see how Rob does as they set up on a different looking area and then his uncle showed up with a wheel house a couple hours later. The 16 inch crappie that Keith caught along with the other 3 are at least 1 mile if not two from where I’m at. Very interesting that’s for sure. They are set up in a isolated area that everyone out there just keeps on driving by. I have no interest in going there as its another two miles of plowing and not worth it. It will be a great area to search in march as we look for the mother load. Jake is coming march 5 6 7 with his family . His buddy Brady will also be coming up with a couple buddies. Lets hope mother nature is kind to us that weekend.
    Shell chick and Jeff fished north Carolina last night and shell texted me a pic of the first elusive upper red lake caught out of that house. They move into Minnesota today for the next two nights and I will be taking a nap on the top bunk at some time in the next two days while the hammer visits her sissy. Marty and Shell headed to Montana after dinner last night, they have landed quite a few walleyes there and will be here two more nights. It was nice to see Tom’ Mike’ Leanord and meet Toms son Jack .They are fishing in Florida and have had outstanding fishing. Last year I had to cancel Toms trip as mother nature and a strangle hold on me. Life is so funny last year I was miserable trying to rescue the houses all season. This year has been a complete 180 and I’m so thankfull for friends and family. I think no I know grandma Olga would be very proud of us using the property to carry on her legacy and taking care of hunters and fishermen.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    No Nap in old Minnesota yesterday as the day just got busy. Blue thunder let me down when I hit the key .She turned over coughed and sputtered and then nothing. Bad connection or the starter went out. Jeff and Marty got here going after I headed out on the lake. When Jeff turned her off by old Minnesota again it would not start .I was not dressed for working on it out side so blue thunder spent her first night on the lake and we will replace the starter on the lake today. Shell chick landed another elusive upper red lake crappie last night out of the hammers favorite hole . Duke was up to 15 crappies for the weekend and will be pulling out this morning. Marty and Shell moved over to Florida so they would be running on the same generator as old Minnesota. Had a lot of good reports from the wheel houses I talked to yesterday with many many walleyes caught. A lot of smaller fish under 14 inches. I’m looking for the smaller ones as that’s where the big pike and elusive upper red lake crappies like to hang out in my opinion. Brice made a small move yesterday while Goose stayed put where he was . I have to cut them a short trail this morning as the road I took them down is no longer plowed and not worth plowing. The wind did a 180 yesterday and with a little bit of snow at one time it was a white out for a while. Talked to Rob and his wife and they were happy with all the walleyes they caught but no elusive crappie as of yesterday afternoon. Minnesota did all right last night with quite a few 13 inch walleyes and the one crappie, that was the third night on that same spot. Once blue thunder is running I will do the cookie shuffle and move it just 15 yards or so as that s all it takes to get good fishing again. We will be fishing with Shell chick and Jeff again today and tonight and maybe just maybe I will get that nap on the top bunk in old Minnesota today.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Still no nap in old Minnesota? Spent part of the early afternoon putting a new starter in blue thunder. What should of taken 15 minutes turned into a bigger ordeal. Taking are time and not rushing we were able to improvise the problem and have blue thunder up and running again. How sweet it is. I then did some clean up work with blue thunder and enjoyed a glorious day out there. Marty followed me home with blue thunder to give a ride back out to old Minnesota where we had frozen pizzas purchased at Hillmens store. Geovontie bar pizza, Jeff said it was now his favorite bar pizza. The fishing was again outstanding last night as Marty and Shell had action all night on the rattle wheels. Marty landed three elusive upper red lake crappies and a 23 inch walleye over night. He released them all. They ate fish last night while we were having pizza. Dan and his dad roll in today around 2 and will be fishing Florida the next few days. Old Minnesota and Montana plus the cabin are all still open for the last weekend of walleye fishing? Its been a very strange year with a lot of my reservation coming just two or three days out. I’m excited to spend some time in old Minnesota the next few days and who knows maybe today I will get that nap. Only mother nature knows for sure

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Been watching some of the videos of shows on here the last couple days and they are outstanding. If you have time check them out real good informative stuff.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Good old mother nature made quite the mess out there yesterday. The wind was just howling out of the west north west. Buddy’s main road and north west road was holding up really nice with the snow just blowing across the road. On the other hand my road I made to my fish houses stated to catch snow. Then had a little traffic go down it which captured more snow then I drove through a couple times with the red baron trying to blow the snow off the road into the wind. I could not see half the time and would have to slow down which piled up more snow witch in turn captured even more snow . When I came off the lake last night my road was down to a one lane trail and I will have to cut a new one to the houses. Dan and Craig rolled in at 4 and I escorted them out there where Criag could not see and pulled his all wheel drive into a snow bank causing him to get stuck. He has some type of all wheel drive car. I pulled him out and got them checked into Montana. When I came back at dark they had missed one . I was surprised and ask what they were using. All they had were big golden shiners from superior. I’m going to pick them up some fatheads on my way out this morning. I just came back from the store and the red baron was acting up. Fills like some kind of miss with lack of power. That’s no good at all. Not sure what I’m going to do about it but have to address it before I put her to work. I said good bye to Jeff and shell chick yesterday morning .They had a grand time and it sure is/nice having family come up. Marty and Shell hung out all day as Marty helped me prep houses. I fished old Minnesota for about a hour last night before dark. Caught one walleye that would of been a keeper. I then missed two that got my minnow. I was set up with a rattling flyer and a dropper line with a green genze worm. Watching the vexlar a fish came charging up past my minnow and smashed the rattling flyer with no hooks. I set the hook from the excitement but with no treble hook on it I had no chance to catch him. I can not remember but some one had just ask me with that set up does a fish ever hit the flyer. The anwser is yes. At minus 20 this morning I will not be moving any houses until tomorrow when I plan to move three of the four. I really need the red baron running right. I did rent all 4 houses for the last weekend of walleye season.
    Mother nature won the battle yesterday and kept me from taking a nap in old Minnesota. I do not think I will even attempt to take a nap today.
    I also had a talk with Buddy about his road. He wants to keep it open but could use traffic and maybe a couple rentals to keep it maintained to his liking. I have all my houses rented on the 5,6,7th of march for a crappie hunt. I also have florida or old Minnesota rented next weekend the 27th 28th. Buddy said all his houses caught some crappies last weekend. For all you guys that missed the crappie boom here’s a chance to land a couple of these very elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    First off Thanks for posting the pics for me boar. Enjoy the pout fest and the ta key la. Plus be safe.
    Yesterday was not one of those better days for blue thunder or the red baron and a few other things. I gassed the red baron up early to get on the lake and evaluate the road to our houses. I new from experience that I had lost it as I traveled it with others while it was blowing. Oh well not the first time and for sure not the last time. Leaving the cennix gas station the red baron did not seem right ,It was running good and sounded good but when I punched it I mean gave it a little gas it felt like it had no power. On and off the gas on the way to the lake I knew to take her home and fire up blue thunder.
    Buddy Hillmen’s road survived the blow in pretty good condition with a few spots collected with snow but 90 percent of it still glare ice. It never stops to amaze me haw the snow drifts from the tiniest object on the lake. I think you could create a 3 foot drift with a marble given enough wind and light snow. I arrive to the road running east to the houses and she was pretty much blown in, I crossed country to check on Dan and Craig to check on them in Montana and bring them some minnows as all they had for bait the first night was big shiners. They landed two over night and missed quite a few. Looking at here set ups I feel they can use a little help. Neither of them have rod and reels. Craig has two jigs sticks one is about 4 feet long and the second 3 feet long .I think they had 20 lb test on them. Dan had a tip up set over one hole. A rattle wheel on the other with a shiner and a hook and a very small sinker. I told them I would bring out some rod and reels when I came back in the evening to check on them. I then cleaned up the roads around the houses and headed back to the main road to clean up some of the areas that had snow covered. I pulled back in the drive way around 2 pm to find I had broken a plow hose. Kellie pulled in from work and I had her follow me over to drop off the red baron to have Tom see if he can find the problem with lack of power. I also had to get a propane filled to Thaw the frozen pipes under the house. I got everything set up to thaw the pipes and the torpedo heater quit working. Dirty Dog. I then removed the broken line and not with out a fight. Darn mother nature. I headed to blackduck to get a hose made. Brandon was coming up with Bobby to fish florida so I had them pick me up a new torpedo in Bemidji. We met at our house around 6 pm where I got the heat under the house and put the hose on blue thunder so I could escort the guys out to the house. I arrived back home around 8:30, beat but not broken. Today will be a much better day as I try and move 3 of the 4 houses and cut a small trail for now until the red baron is feeling better. I did talk to Brandon before I went to bed and they had landed two 14 inch crappies or was it the same one twice? He also said quite a few small walleyes as what I would expect.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Wow it has been just crazy the last couple of days. Thursday I moved 3 of the 4 houses. Dan and Craig were in Montana one more night so she would have to be moved Friday morning. I also got Minnesota augered and prep so the hammer and I could have dinner out there and maybe just, maybe catch a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. While cooking dinner in the stove we relaxed and watched a movie. After a killer dinner steak and bake potato with veggies. I laid down on the bed where I passed out ?fell asleep. It still was not a nap considering it was well after 9 pm. kellie also fell asleep. next thing I know its 1 in the morning and we are low on gas as I had no intention of spending the night out there. I borrowed some gas from Tammy and Randy and they landed two elusive yes still catchable upper red lake crappies. One was pushing 16 inches and Randy released it. Very Nice. They kept the other one a 13 or 14 incher. Plus they had some good walleye action. Kellie and I did not fair as well and only landed a handful of walleye with two that would of been good keepers, the rest were small scuffits.
    Should of went home Thursday night. Friday morning was hectic to say the least, First thing I jump in blue thunder hit the key and nothing. Darn the luck. Standing out there in my pajama bottoms and tennis shoes was not happening. I new it was a connection problem the only wrench I had was a huge cresant wrench but I was able to loosen and re tighten the 5 1/6th nut, and fire her up. I vacuumed Florida and was augering the holes when the number 1 auger just stop running, What the! After fiddling with that for 20 minutes I again had to inprovise and have Randy help me out with his auger. He had offered to help me earlier so he was eager to help which was awesome. We punched out 18 holes and moved Montana to its new location. What a great guy, you meet so many nice people on the lake and make many lifetime friends. Tammy and Randy rented florida 6 weeks ago and brought there own wheel house up with there two grand kids this weekend. After getting everyone checked in I got home at 3pm to find a broken water line under the house. Dang the luck? I got the water turned off which was a chore in its self and will be repairing that later today. The houses all caught some fish last night but it was slower then it has been all year. Only a couple elusive yet still catchable crappies have been caught in my houses so far. As far as I know everyone is happy and I will be hitting the lake shortly.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    A very nice way to end the 2015 game fish season. Minus 29 right now blue thunder fired right up but is so cold can not steer? No squeals just tight turning. I ‘am letting her run for a while . Making the rounds last night was a pleasure, again on the tired side when I hit the lake after dinner must be the food putting me to sleep. First stop was old Minnesota with Scott and his crew. I visited for a bit .Old Minnesota let me down on its new spot ,They did manage to get 8 walleyes to take home but it was the slowest bite all season I think. Nest stop florida with Dave and John while visiting john was working a chubby darter with a minnow head. A fish hit it and he really set the hook. I nice 16 inch fish. Then it was dave turn to bang two in a row off the bottom of the ice. Nice to see some action. I stopped to check on Tammy and the kids as Randy’s truck was gone They had just released a 18 inch walleye when I got there. Randy had taken one of the boys out to the spot they rented florida from me 4 weeks ago. Wow diehard fishermen as its was a little breezy and very cold out there last night. John and Mitch were not at Montana and Larry’s and his crew had called it a night in north Carolina. I talk to Rob and they had had good action and were up to 20 walters caught. Then a quick stop to check on Keith and his crew. They had moved from a mile out and were having better action with a 18 incher landed while I was there. They did land a beautiful 33 inch pike a mile out Saturday morning. The upper red lake elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies were very elusive last night.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Still no nap in old Minnesota. Almost though. After saying good bye to all my fishermen and friends I checked the houses and headed over to Minnesota where I was going to put in a movie and wet a line , Relax and maybe just maybe fall a sleep on the top bunk. About the time I nodded off I got a call and Pete needed a jump after hanging up Nate called and they needed more then a jump. I headed over to Pete and jumped his diesel. After a few minutes of a good charge she fired right up. Pete had good fishing and landed two elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. Montana landed two for sure. Marlo landed three that he released to fight another day. Randy released a 16 incher but had a great pic of it. They did keep the smaller one I think. I heard through the grape vine that a rental house got 23 and another got 6. Buddy Hillmens has his houses set up in crappie country and Char Hillmen landed three Friday night. Buddy also said most if not all his houses caught some ,a couple or a few crappies.
    His plans as of now are to keep a few houses out there and maybe get a few fishermen to extend the season. His road is in great shape and goes right into the heart of crappie country. It would be nice to figure out the perch. I be leave they have a tendacy to hang out in the transition from mud to gravel as they like to dart in and out of the mud. I have a good idea where to target them and as the weather gets nicer I will see if my hunch pays off. After helping Pete I had to head to shore and get the torpedo heater and propane as Nate’s truck needed more then a jump. We covered the wind blown side with blankets and I left my jumper cables so they could jump it with there Jeep after a bit. I went back to Minnesota where I tried to watch the rest of the movie I was watching. Nate brought my torpedo and propane back and last night I realized they kept my jumper cables. darn the luck. About that time Ole rolled into town and I got him set up in Montana since it caught at least two elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. I then set up Gary, Kay, Joanie and Mike in Florida to see if they could get a couple wallye’s for the end of the season. Kellie the” Hammer” came out and met me and Ole in Montana where we ate some chile that ole threw together and it was so good I had two bowls. We visited and caught a few walleyes. Ole was tickled pick to land two nice keepers to take back home. he is going to hang out for at least a couple days and see if he can get a few elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies to TAKE HOME. He has a trophy crappie on the wall at his home so he would have to catch a 17 incher if he wanted to add to his collection of animals and fish mounts. We hope to go see him and the Greek and Leah in Alaska before they retire and leave Alaska. It does not look like I had a good enough year to make the trip this summer but who knows maybe in 2016 it will happen. The hammer landed a nice 16 and half while we were visiting and we released it too fight another day. I thought for sure she would get a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie but no luck last night. From the knowledge and intell I’ve gained this year and from the past a lot of these fish have been caught after 9 pm at night. I know Shell chick got one of there six at 10;30am but the others were caught in the middle of the night with here trophy fish caught at 12;30 am. Jake is so pumped to get up here on the 5th 6th and 7th of march and can not sleep well. He just loves catching these fish and has read every thing a guy can read about crappies.. A lot of those 10 to 12 inchers we have caught over the last couple years are now pushing over 13 I think. Its not a crappie boom but there was a couple classes that made it through the winters to become a Minnesota class fish. Cool to see that for sure. I have not explored around much for those secret crappie holding spots but will be the next 10 days to point Jake in the right direction. No nap in Minnesota today as I have some frozen broken pipes under the house and now have no water in the cabin for some reason. I ‘m hoping its not a well problem. I also would like to get Minnesota moved to a new location as the spot its at was a bust.
    I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the fishermen I took care of this year and hope you have a great summer and see you again next winter as we prepare to some more fun fun fun on such a GRAND LAKE.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Wow mother nature reared her ugly side yesterday as the winds blew out of the south at who knows how many mph. I had a relaxing morning not having to rush out on the lake was kind of a relief . Ole came off the lake around 10 to help me with our water problem. After fiddling with that for a hour or two Ole was off to Montana to have some lunch and just wet a line and relax. He had plans to go fishing with Buddy and Scott and reminiss about his commercial fishing days in Alaska as Scott and Buddy fish in the same areas he did years ago. I headed out onto the lake around 2pm to check the houses and grab a few things from the weekend. The wind was blowing the snow right across hillmens highway and was nice to see. Heading back home two hours later and the snow was starting to drift across the road bank to the south. Darn the luck. I talked to Buddy around 9pm and things have turned real ugly out there.I will be cutting the north edge this morning with blue thunder and buddy will start v plowing the highway. Ole is hunkered down until I get out there. I’m not sure if they hooked up and fished or not. Now the winds have switched out of the north west and again is howling making quite the mess out there. Not what we wanted but we have no choice but to deal with it. The trail to my houses are more then likely blown shut but with smaller berms the first half mile I do not expect 2 feet of snow down the trail . I imagine there are some mighty drifts around the houses though. . I do not think I will be moving any houses again today. I do have to have Minnesota on fresh ice by Friday afternoon for Stacy and her husband. I hope and plan to have all 4 on fresh ice buy Friday. I now need to go pull the carb off of number 1 auger as its a very important tool of the trade. Wish me luck as I head out to battle mother nature today

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Marty rolled in around 8am. We fired up blue thunder and repaired a leak in the plow before we headed out on the lake to escort Ole in as she is really blowing and drifting out there. I would say percent of the road has snow drift all most across the road. When we arrived to my road to the east she was gone. We jumped to the wind blown side and headed east. Arriving to Montana I was greeted with a big smile as Ole was limited out on 10 elusive upper red lake crappies plus his two walleyes from sunday here at the house. His plan fell through last night with the wind blowing and he just hunkered down in Montana and mother nature treated him to a special moment catching 10 elusive upper red lake crappies in just under two hours from 9 to 11pm. It could not have happened to a better person and I’m sure he will share all that fish with a couple good friends in the town he lives in. Were off the lake for the day as it is just nasty out there and we will not be doing any plowing until tomorrow.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Plenty to plow that’s for sure. I Imagine we will be helping re opening Buddy Hillmen’s road today. Yesterday would of been futiel as mother nature was running the show yesterday. All the outfitters that made the mad rush to shore paid off for them as blue thunder and the red baron are prepped today for a work out. The red baron is still with Tom the mechanic but I need to pick her up and use it the way it is. Marty is going to run to Northome, as yesterday I took the carb. off of auger number 1 three times and still can not get it to run properly. After seeing Ole’s 10 elusive upper red lake crappies he was chomping at the bit to spend the night out there with his son Rick. All the drifted snow on our trails we felt it was a bad idea, so they stayed here on shore in the cabin. Once I get back to the house’s there will be a ton of snow to move with a couple spots that I may have to go around. Mother nature has changed my plans to keep the houses going up and down on the road system and I have to make at least one final new road system for the house’s for this last 12 days I plan on keeping the houses out. It does feel good to not have to rush out the door in the morning as every thing slowly whines down. We will get Marty set up in Montana tonight and the hammer is going to make us dinner. Not sure if any houses will be moved today. I’m looking forward to spending some time in old Minnesota with the Kellie my sweetheart “The hammer” But I have to steal a nap when were not fishing together

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Mart took the auger to Northolm and it turned out auger # 1 had bad gas and were thinking Number 2 also has bad gas. OOps 30 bucks for that. Blue thunder went to work around 930 plowing Buddy Hillmens road. Tom brought over the red baron with a expensive tune up of 473.00 Ouch. Marty headed out and arrived around 12 30 to help with the road. by 230 we were done with 10 miles of road. and We then cut a new trail to the fish houses. Just as I figured plenty of snow drifted in the road system and around the houses. I open up the road and cleared the snow away from the houses while Marty prepped old Minnesota for its move. Everything went smooth as silk and we had her blocked and banked by 430 and I was headed off the lake when I noticed one of my chains on the rear tire was gone. Darn the luck. I had no luck finding it and maybe just maybe I will find it when the snow melts.
    Marty and Rick spent the night in Montana and were hoping to land 2 elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies so Marty can make his fish soup. Coming off the lake there were three guys setting up a portable, Then half way home I met a truck towing a wheel house. From my count there were three people fishing last night.
    Today we will get Florida moved for Stacy and her husband arrival tomorrow. Depending how Marty did we may be also move Montana on to some fresh ice fro the next couple nights.
    I also noticed my right front wheel bearing is squeaking really bad on blue thunder 2 . I will have to limp it through the rest of the season, as I sure do not want to take it apart and take a used one off of blue thunder 1 in this weather. Kellie the hammer and I will be having dinner on the lake tonight with Marty and Rick as Marty is making a beef roast. We also plan on fishing old Minnesota in her new spot. Lets hope for a nice relaxing evening fishing and having dinner with a new friends. Life is good on such a grand lake. 8 days and counting jake

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Just watched the ido video of fishing for upper red lake crappies. Excellent job guys

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    My guess would be Montana is burned out after Ole nabbed a limit of elusive upper red lake crappies from underneath her. Marty and Rick did not have much action . They did lose a couple fish that may of been crappies. I had to run to Kellier yesterday morning and Marty met me at the town and country around 11am where we gassed up and made our plans for the day. We also had to get 3 propane’s as I still have a issue turning the heat off the houses. Kellie the hammer would be coming out later to fish old Minnesota with me and have dinner with Marty and Rick. I saw in the distance Buddy and his mechanic were also fishing last night. Buddy Hillmen had set up 4 or 5 wheel houses for the day that were here filming a show for national geograpfhic. That is going to air some time in the future. Last night episode featured Hiem’s Log Homes out of Kellier. Kinda cool. The hammer showed up around 4 after we had moved Minnesota and Florida. We got our lines down and there is something about Old Minnesota as we put in a movie and I was asleep in minutes lying on the bed. The hammer was marking fish right from the get go . After dinner another movie a full stomch and I again fell asleep on the bed. Opps sorry honey. I was awakened a bit later with the hammer dangling a elusive upper red lake in front of me. She was using the vex and may have lost a couple in the next couple hours. I had two rattle wheels down and missed a couple fish on them. One had a small jig with waxie’s. When it went off I thought for sure I had a elusive upper red lake crappie but instead caught a nice walleye. The hammer out fished me again and I may have to take away her vexlar to give the fish a chance and maybe I can use it. My plans right now are to enjoy old Minnesota and keep looking for the mother load. Thnaks for letting me nap sweety. Today I have a couple wheel houses I’m going to point in the right direction . We will move Montana and north Carolina and then be spending another evening fishing old Minnesota and who know maybe I will be able to stay awake and fish

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Not a good way to have the season coming to a end. When we hit the lake Friday to move Montana and north Carolina I noticed the plow seemed to be acting kinda different. It seemed the plow was scraping away the banks from the house but it just seemed like it was not turning or going up and down the same. I asked Marty to see if he noticed anything when I crept along the house but he got side tracked with the number two shovel and I was trying to get done and basically made a bone head move and did not get out to see if any thing was up? After moving both houses and getting them set up I parked blue thunder next to montana for the weekend and went to meet Stacy and Brian as they would be celebrating there anniversary in Florida. After checking them in I set up a couple wheel houses to the west of me and settled down in Minnesota to kick back rest and wait for the hammer to come out and fish with me. We had a frozen pizza for dinner and came off the lake around 9pm with not a single elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Darn the luck. Saturday was just a take it easy day enjoy mother nature and good company Marty and Shelly and checking in on Stacy and Bryan. They did not catch a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie and neither did the three wheel houses I set up. I counted 25 trucks on the lake Saturday with a mixture of portables and wheel houses on the lake. After coming in for dinner Saturday eve, Kellie and I headed out to old Minnesota where we would be spending the night hoping to tie into the mother load. Marty and Shelly joined us as we had a couple cocktails ,visited and fished for the very very elusive upper red lake crappie. Sunday morning I awoke to a beautiful upper red lake sunrise and not a crappie to be had. I had a call from a gentlemen from Bemidji that was up Saturday and they landed 22 elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies. Darn the luck. I guess its like throwing dice out there as I lost them .They must of went east, south, or north. After a harty breakfast of eggs and bacon we packed things up and I warmed up blue thunder as she had spent the last two nights sleeping on the ice. Driving in I heard a bang sound like something was bottoming out I stopped got out of the truck, walked around to the front and to my disbelief half the frame work on the plow was broken and destroyed, bent into a mangled mess. The left ram was dripping fluid and I may of also damaged that. Wow what a bone head mistake I have made. I guess that happens when the season stretches out and you get a little worn out. At this time I’m not even sure if it can be repaired. I’m 85 percent sure that it will not be in operation the rest of the season and the red baron will have to carry me through . My plans are to move all 4 houses one more time before Friday to a completely different area . Jake will be up Thursday to help bank the houses as there will be a lot of work with a number two spade shovel with out blue thunders straight blade. Jake is pumped to get up here and has all ready packed all his gear 4 days in advance. He has new auger blades and a extension . His passion for fishing is incredible, if its for upper red lake crappies, walleyes or sheep head. Sturgeon on the rainy or musky in the fall. If it swims in the water he wants to catch it. I on the other hand. I like fishing with friends and enjoying the comradery . I love seeing people’s eyes light up when they have a big fish on the line and the excitement in there voices. Kellie the hammer is so funny. When she has a fish on she never says I got one! She just reels it in and says crappie, perch, walleye or big northen. Its to funny. This coming up weekend should be a gas as we spend two and half days searching for the mother load with good friends and new friends

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    We dodged a bullet with just a trace of snow. On the other hand the winds yesterday sounded like a freight train. I had business in Bemidji and never went out on to the lake. I have seen a trace of snow make a mess so we will see later today what it looks like out there. I will be in the process of making a big move in the next couple days. The first thing is to cut a new trail to the un fished area I will be exploring, from there I will be using the red baron as a full time truck as she will be commissioned to also move houses this week, un bank houses and bank houses. The number 2 shovel will also be in play? Jake and family will be up tomorrow and he will help get all the houses set up for the weekend of chasing the mother load of the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. I think Jake has vision of catching a hundred crappies in 3 days and he has the passion and dedication to do it. Should be a lot of fun. The weather is looking good so that’s already a plus. I know of at least 6 wheel houses that will be coming up and I be leave Buddy Hillmen has a couple of his houses rented and a couple still open. I also have a couple guys coming up next Tuesday Wednesday and will be setting them in what ever house has the best crappie bite just like I did with Ole. I also plan on spending some more time in old Minnesota the next 12 days. I still have many naps to take and a few movies to watch. Knock on wood the weather looks like its just going to get nicer every day in the next two weeks.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Well the big weekend has arrived for Jake and family. First thing Jake if your reading this we are not going to be moving Montana everyday you are here? Some how I feel that we will be moving if you find a hotter bite then where we start but you may have to twist my arm to move. I’m expecting a grand time on a grand lake with good friends and family. Kellie “the Hammer” and I will be fishing Minnesota tonight. We will have to head in around 10 as she works Friday morning. I’ll be heading out on the lake shortly to check on things before you arrive. Then I have some chores to take care of until you guys arrive. We will take our time and be patient and get Minnesota and Montana set up. If every things goes smooth it should take a bout 3 hours using the red baron. Drive safe.
    I set Joel and his wife up yesterday where a 16 inch crappie was caught. Joel said they lost one right away at the hole so that was a good sign. During the day to boot. There are 4 or 5 wheel houses set up in a area that the guy said they did real well on the elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappies this season. I also got to see where Frank has been fishing as him and Russle brought out a wheel house. Not sure if Chad and his buddies from Bemidji will still be out there this morning but Chad said they have caught 82 since they found that spot last week. My new 1 mile driveway goes right buy them with in 20 yards. I’m sure Jake will want to put Montana and Minnesota close to that area? I expect since there from Bemidji they will be hitting that spot a lot as the season winds down. Looking very forward to wetting a line with the honey bunny tonight. Maybe I will accidently forget the vex and she will be lost? That was I can out fish her ,maybe?

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Yes that was fun making the rounds last night as everyone was tickled pink except Casey . He made the mistake of fishing next to jake and watched him land 17 fish in a row while he only landed two. The way everyone got checked in and not going over the same routine has made it impossible to remember every ones name but I may have them down buy tomorrow. I did not wet a line last night with the group as another engagement took longer then expected. I may of missed some great fishing but I did get to visit with a bunch of guys that were giddy from all the evnings excitement. The only thing that could of made it better as if they were landing all those fish in the houses instead of around the houses. For some reason the wheel houses I set up had fantastic fishing and I have no clue why old Minnesota can not land on one of those magical spots for the hammer. The red baron is going to get another work out as I now want all the houses on fresh ice for the week ahead. I was hoping to leave them in the same places for the last week. Oh well give me more days to stay busy on the lake

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Well I said my good buys to a bunch of nice people/fishermen yesterday. With Jakes crew all spread out all had great success and built some outstanding memories of what a grand lake red lake can be. Talking to them all everyone wants to come back same time next year and do it all over again. We all decided Saturday while we were having lunch at westwind that all the crappies caught Saturday night would be released to fight another day un less it was a true wall hanger. A guess would be COUPLE HUNDRED CRAPPIES WERE LANDED JUST BY jAKES CREW. Another guess would be there were about 75 to 100 fishermen or more in the little village I created. There must of been 15 to 20 wheel houses set up for the weekend. Most of them stayed in there shacks and I assume they had some decent fishing. Chris and his two buddies only took home 8 as they are planning on a fish fry with a small group of guys. I talk to another gentlemen Chuck him and his wife ended up with 9 or 10 and they were tickled pink. Mike traveled over 700 miles one way to land a true trophy and has a 15 1/2 for his man cave. Tammy and Randy took home 4 and released two big ones the first night and never saw another elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. They were set up the furthest from our group to the north west. They had a great time and Kellie the hammer and I spent some time visiting with them Saturday eve. Most of the guys headed back to the houses by 10pm with memories that will last a life time. I talked to Jake this morning and him Gabe, Jenny and Lakken all want to come back again this weekend. Yesterday as all the wheel houses were slowly packing up portables starting showing up. I counted 10 last night all set up to the north east of where I moved the houses to. Most were set up from 20 yards to 75 yards from old minnesota. Quite a few of them were milling around all day fishing all the holes that had been augered saturday evening as Jakes crew spread out to find the mother load. I did talk to a gentlemen from low .Him and his buddy pulled out at 2pm with two limits. The hammers friend Nancy and her husband Pete stopped to wet a line last night in Montana. They were treated to 10 . Wayne and Marty helped me move all 4 houses yesterday. They fished Minnesota last night with the goal of getting two for Marty to take home and a plan to release the rest. Kellie and I fished with them and played some cards after Pete and Nancy left. We missed a couple on the rattle wheels and The hammer landed a nice one with help from her vex. I lost count of how many were landed but it was a few.. Kellie made us spaghetti dinner that turned out perfect. There is something special about sharing a meal with friends the never gets old. Hillmens road is in great shape and the fishing should just get better as the sun changes the environment under the ice. My plan as of now is to wet a line every night the rest of the week leading up to the 16th of march when the houses will be towed to shore. Red lake was grand to me this week and as the old timer Dave told me she is a grand lake and owes me nothing

    Janesville wisconsin
    Posts: 149

    Nice thread Cookie. Sure did want to give it a try again this year, FIshing LOW this weekend. If we see you out and about on Thursday pm when we come thru I will be sure to stop and say hello. Til we meet again my friend.

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