Where’s Cookie????

  • cookie
    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Yesterday was one long a$$ day. With the impending storm I was determined to get all 4 houses on new spots, fresh ice ,all blocked up and banked to the hilt. I had a great plan but as always murphy’s law takes over. Jeff and shell chick had a flat tire so we delt with that plus I had to come home and unload blue thunder 1 form th etrailor Nate and Holly,Spencer and Andrew has a fantastic time and siad they would be back. I receved a email that Lyn would not be able to show up for old minnesota. I needed to get north carolina and florida moved first as they were showing up at 2pm check in time. Dave and his family called around 3 to say they arrived. I came to shore only to find out they were not ready to go and I still had montana and old minnesota to move. I gave them 15 minutes to get ready as I had to get out there and move those two house. In the process I figured out I had another no show for florida. Ouch two no shows on a big weekend. Thats to bad as I had other calls for this weekend that I turned down. The season is short and a guy hates to loose that income plus all the hard work I put in getting the houses on fresh ice. I set up Chris and Tim in a new spot and they had there limit in 2 hours with another bonus elusive upper red lake crappie 15 1/2 inch that Tim released .Way to go Tim. I have a pic on facebook under John Halvarson she was a beauty.
    After getting Dave and his family in Northh carolina it was off to move montana. The move went well and I had Wayne wetting a line in know time. Headed over to old miinesota the last one to move, it was dark. I try not to move houses after dark but had no choice as I wanted it moved before the snow hit. It was good experiance incase i ever have to move a house in the middle of the night. The wheel houses I talked to had slower fishing in the area were at and it may be burned out. Ruined another good area. Time will tell. Just as I finised banking minnesota the snow started coming down. I came home ate dinner got gas and headed back out at 9pm to play a few game of cards with wayne and wet a line. I landed two one on the rattle wheel and one on my rod and reel with the vex i also checked in with Chris and Jim and they were way happy with there spot. I talk to all the wheel houses that are around me today if I get the chnace just to get a feel if the area is fished out . I was happy with the two i caught as I was also playing cards.

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    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Most times i do require a deposit but in this case i dropped the ball. Oh well live and lear and I did manage to reny both for saturday so not a total loss.

    well all my hard work paid off. I would guess we got 5 to 6 inche’s of fresh snow.With the wind blowing the lake is full of pillow drifts. Wow there were some cooll looking drifts out there. There not wind blown hard yet and as long as a guy watches what he is doing can still travel off road.Its when you hit a spot where there was a wheel house or hard house that it gets interesting to say the least. i was tooling along last night cross country at a very low speed in blue thunder when i rolled over a froven mess. Every thing in the truck ended up somewhere else. Glad i was going slow or I would of been air born.
    Now for the fishing report, Arron and his group fished florida for the day and ended up with 12 keepers. I have caught 4 hanging with wayne while playing cards and having a hoot. North carolina has been slow but when 1 guy has 4 lines down its nothing but bad ju ju in my book. I also rented old minnesota yesterday .The first time I stopped to check on them yhey were napping after the long drive. I ate a minnow in front of the two kids and boy did there faces lite up.To funny. Boar pulled out around noon with there fish and thinks the area still has potential.which is good because moving houses with all this snow just got a little harder. I’m sure we will be working on Hillmens road all day so I’m glad no one is coming in untill tomorrow. Wayne may stay a extra day. Lets hope because I sure enjoy his company. The red baron is running as I type while blue thunder has a bad starter wire that I thought I correctted yesterday. The red baron also needs new plow lites as the old ones have broken off . Blue thunder needs tail lites so I have one truck with headlites and no tail lites and one truck with tail lite and know headlites. I guess i could hook them together. Oops just looked at the calender and I have Matt and his wife coming today with Todd rolling in tomorrow. – 22 this morning burrr

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Things have been a little hectic the last two days with the 6 inches of snow. Nick, Derrick and there two boys Ely and Dillon stayed in old minnesota saturday night. The kids had a blast and it was fun to see there smiles.. The fishing was a bit slow for them all though 3 of the four times I stopped in they were all in bed. They did take home some fish sunday morning and left the house in great condition thanks guys. Wayne had to go home sunday after all. He did not catch a lot of fish but had a fantastic trip partting with everyone thursday night. We played quite a bit of texas hold em as he loves his poker. Dave and his family also went home with fish, they used north carolina has a day house and also had the cabin. The guys in the cabin yesterday went out of westwind about 4 miles and figured they caught 20 fish yesterday. Plain red hook has been the trick the last couple days as the fish have be come lathargic with all the snow cover.
    I spent about 4 hours and two tanks of gas plowing Buddy hillmen’s road. Coming off the lake in the afternoon I pulled on to the hwy and the Red Baron started to shake. I assumed I had a flat tire and limped it home. When I got home it was not a flat tire but a compleatly worn out wheel bearing / hub assembly. A trip to blackduck yesterday for a 180 dollar part. I’m hoping there,s no other damage and will no more later today.
    Matt and Tammy have been fishing in Florida since sunday and are enjoying them self with Tammy landing the biggest a 18 icher. Matt and his crew checked in to montana yesterday .The door handle broke on the fish house sunday morning. I picked up a new one yesterday and need to install that later today. They had 8 keepers last night when I checked in on them. The Goose and Rich have 4 keepers when I stopped by for birthday dinner. Sunday I plowed into one of the extension cords on montana I looked at one in kellier and they wanted 94 dollars for a 100 foot 14 gauge cord. I had to pass on that as I want attleast a 12 gauge. I still have not gotten to bemidgi to drop off my third generator thats not giving out power. The house have all been catching fish and I have a couple days to decide if I want to move them. After writing closed on my calender thursday I ended up renting all 4 house to a group heading to Lake of the woods and wanted to fish from noon to 5. That really puts me in a small window if i want the houses on fresh ice friday for the weekend. oops what was I thinking.
    I also made a huge mistake and never checked out the bridges before the snow storm and have no idea where I can push the houses over the pressure ridge. This willl make it a little more interesting when I push to the west as the skid houses can not use the bridges. I have heard through the grape vine that theres some good fishing out there. The heat is stilll not producing in blue thunder two and a heater core is going on the list of repairs as she was a little cold when it was 22 below yesterday morning. Still loving the work. A little tired but that happens when you get older every year.
    Buddy Hillmens road is in great shape, the wind was un bearable out there yesterday and the snow was diffently moving around and drifting around every object on the lake

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Tammy and Matt leave today. They fished florida in the same spot and never asked to move and I never volenteered as yesterday with the wind it was absulutly brutal out there. They caught plenty of fish,lost a few, more then three. Remember a couple is 8 or nine while a few is in the 15 to 20 range to fuuny..
    Cody and his gang are here one more day, they also feel very content and did not ask to move and I again did not volenteer. I did get there door handle replaced and thinking about it thats the third door knob for that house in 9 years.I guess there life span is 3 years.
    The wind was absulutly brutal out there yesterday. It gave me the perfect time to drive to the end of Buddy Hillmens road/hwy.. WOW what a road. I feel so proud to help work on such a masterpiece 6 miles and you could land a 747 on it. The three bridge are in good shape and I also found a spot to push my houses over the pressure ridge when the time comes. There was one wheel house at the very end of the road and square miles of unfished water to the north. Wow again man is there room to spread out. After that wind yesterday I will have to see if the drifts have gotten wind blown. Once they get hard the v-plow is the ticket to cut a trail. The red baron is still down and I have also damaged the king pin assembly and looks like I will have to find all the parts from a junk yard. Lots of metal shaving and parts compleatly ground up. Ouch I always new there was somthing going on in the front end and figured it would break eventally.
    I also ventured out of westwinds road looking for bear paws houses as I wanted to say hi to a old friend Kirk. The vissibilty was poor yesterday and I never did find there houses with the side roads drifting in. I lost a tire chain that wrapped around the rear end and that was a bear getting it off in that brutal weather on the lake. The blower switch went out in blue thunder and made for a interesting drive back to my house’s. I was at old minnesota when Lee called at 430 to see if I had a open house. With another cancellation I said minnesota is open buddy and he said I’ll take it. It sounded like he was on the road. When I ask where he was he said brooklyn park. Lee will help me move florida today in exchange for a break on the house. I hope to have all 3 moved on fresh ice for the weekend. I had a beer with Cody and the guys in the cabin last night. What a bunch of nice guys .Cody has his work crew up here and said they will take down a few dead trees I have here as thats what they do. I’ll barter with them and give them a free night or two in exchange for the work.
    Goose and Rich must of liked where I set them up as they made a small move yesterday about 50 yards to be on freash ice as they have a crew coming up. I also saw Buddy moving his houses on to freash ice for the up and coming weekend.It sound like there doing well out deeper past the pressure ridge. Make sure you stop at hillmens to get any updates onthe three bridges

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Yesterday was another brutal day. With winds out of the west at 25 mile a hour the snow is again moving around the lake and making some massive drifts around objects on the lake. If you go out of Hillmens with a wheel house try and get atleast 50 to a 100 yards to the north away from the road as the drifts work there way across the road if your parked to close. If you need a place plowed give us a wave and we can try and help. After yesterdays wind the drifts are becoming a little harder and you can walk on top of them. It unreal how mother nature can pack that snow so tight. Buddys Hillmens road is in great shape there are a few drift crossing the road but not a issue at this time. The berm to the south has sank and it would be a very bad idea to jump them as there is slush under the snow as the weight of the snow has cracked the ice and flooded it under the snow. . I don’t know the math but with 6 miles of road and atleast two miles of room to the north there is plenty of room for guys to get away from any crowding.
    I also got out of westwinds to go see my old friend Kirk and I do mean old. ha ha just kidding soon to retire Kirk. Westwind road was also in great shape with squre miles of unfished water. Again I’m sure if you wave a plow truck down they will get you a plowed spot off the main roads. Westwind does not make a berm like hillmens so you can go to the south,west or north or maybe even east if you have gone out to far? Tammy and Matt headed home with there fish yesterday and ate fish everyday. She is quite the outdoormae/women. It was nice to get to know them and next year there bringing the kids. Cody and his crew parked there truck in a snow bank? There also having issure with there jeep. The triangle still has it s power even if its walleye fishing. To funny. I did have a beer last night with them and they have had a grand time on a GRAND LAKE.
    Lee took me to westwind for lunch and I highly reccomend the toco salad. After Lee helped me with two propanes we headed back to minnesota where Calvin and him were ready to focus on some hard fishing I taught Lee years ago. They called around 9 30 last night and said they were tired, had there limit and were going to bed. They must of fished hard to be so tired. Im thinking about having Lee up next winter to help me out. As a ma and pa operation fightting mother nature can quadrouple the work load. With no snow only a week ago things have changed dramaticly.
    I have a crew of 12 swinging in today on there way to low. I’m going to try and get a couple of houses moved on fresh ice before they get here. Theres alot of snow capcherd around the houses. My plans are still to have all 4 houses on fresh ice for the weekend. Sounds like I will be working in the snow today, if its not to windy it should be a glorious day working on the ice. Looking forward to hitting the lake at sunrise

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Good old mother nature and another mechanical breakdown changed my plans in a hurry yesterday. Have not figured out why but the new blue thunder did not want to fire when I headed out yesterday morning? I cleaned the cabin and had kellie come get me with her bravada so I could get out on the lake to say goodbye to the guys and clean the houses. I only had a small window as a crew of 11 were rolling in at noon to fish on there way to low. Again mother nature had made a mess of things with the fresh snow coming down and steady winds at 20 miles a hour. It was a adventure going through the drifts as The wife all wheel drive does not work. As I was saying goodbye to Calvin and Lee, Cody and his crew drove over to say good buy and drove right into a snow drift that they could not see do to the white out conditions. I handed them a shovel after we tried to push them out with no luck. Of coure I had the bravada so did not have a snatch strap. I did have the insight to bring a shovel though. We headed back to shore to get a rope while they dug the truck out.Of course when I got back they were gone. With near white out condition and both trucks down moving a house or houses was not a option. Cleaning the houses became quite a chore as I had to walk through the snow drifts to get to the houses. I also had to auger out nortyh carolina . Just has I finised things up Bruce called from Hillmens to say they arrived. I headed in to meet them then back out through the snow drifts and 25 miles a hour winds out of the northwest. Luckly they all had trucks so getting to the houses was simple for them. Of course parking 4 vechicle around the houses with the winds imstantaly started making more drifts around every object around the houses. Ugg Once I got them all checked in I headed home to see what was up with blue thunder. She started right up with no miss what the f. After looking her over I gassed her up and spent the next 4 hours plowing snow around the houses and cleaning up the road too my houses. The guys heade d to lake of the woods around 630 so I said my good byes Each house caught a few fish and they were very satisfied with the set up.. About that time Phil called me as he and his dad Gordy needed two spots plowed out for there wheel houses as they are hosting some friends this weekend. More plowing to take care of them and I finally headed home. Took my boots off and looked at the calender only to see a special note that Jason and his crew were going to roll in at midnight. Zoiks guess I was not going to hit the sack early after all. With hardly any heat coming out of blue thunder I put a sunflower in the cab and I started it around 10:30 to try and un freeze the windows as the were pretty frosted up from all the snow plowing cleaning things up after all the guys left. What a mess and man do i have the snow around the houses. Jason called at 1am and off I went to meet them. Everything was going fine and then blue thunder sputtered and died 2 miles out on the lake. I’m thinking its again the fuel filter. I have another new one but have no clue where it is . I thought I had it in the truck and will head out shortly to try and find it. After sitting on the lake with no heat and the wind howling she fired back up and I limped her home where again she will not start this morning. Looks like a beatifull day out there today I’m headed out now to find that filter and hit the lake. Phil and Gordy got there 6 with in a hour of setting up. I will mark that spot with my system

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    I do not have all there names down yet but the guys in montana and florida are another great group of guys. With the red baron still in pieces, blue thunder is my work horse. She would not start again ,I found the spare filter and spent part of the morning replacing it. Putting the 1 inch nut “fine threads” on I got it crooked and stripped the threads a bit.Very frustrating working in the cold with bare hands. I had to put the problem on the back burner so I could check on the guys and gas up the generators. Quite the adventure driving out there as the wind blew all nite and created some massive drifts. Around florida is the worst with there truck parked in front of the house a drift had formed 4 feet deep behind there truck making it impossible to drive rite up to the house.. All four houses have snow plowed up and major drifts to deal with. FUN FUN FUN. Trevor called around 10; 30 to tell me they were here. I met them and escorted them out to montana where they hooked up with there buddies that arrived thursday nite friday morning. Peng Seng, and Neng also called around 11 so back to shore I went to meet them and get them all set up in old minnesota. Once they were checked in it was after 12 as I headed back in with the wifes bravada. Back to working on blue thunder while Kellie headed to black duck to pick up parts for the red baron. I was able to reset the one inch nut onthe carb and get the steel fuel line threaded back on. Now its was time to try and start her. I poored some fuel down the carb and she fired right up but only ran for 20 to 30 seconds. I poored some more fuel down the carb and this time it stayed running Sweet I thought only to notice fuel is seeping out the side of the fuel pump. A quick call to kellie and she turned around to get new fuel pump. She arrived home after 4 and it was to late to work on it so thast my project this morning..My goal is to get her running and move montana and florida on new spots today. Just to move them blue thunder will get a work out clearing all the drifting snow. With the temp at 11 below this morning installing that fuel pump will be very tricky as the lines underneith are all most impossible to get to. The fishing has been poor in montana and florida which I totally expected with out them on fresh ice. The houses never get better? Oh well I feel bad but good ol mother nature wins this one. Peng ,Seng and Neng were not doing much better all though I missed two while I was visitting them as they were playing cards enjoying there stay. I then headed back to montana to play some cards with the boys,while playing cards I had a keeper up to the hole but Trevors bobber also went down and as his drag was spinning he pulled the fish right back down the hole as we were tangled and it got off. Thats what happens when you play cards instead of fishing hard. Oh well we all had a good laugh and went back to playing cards after we reset the lines. It would be nice to see some fish out theer this morning when I check on the guys because I sure want to see them get some more action. When I left the lake last night it was still blowing and drifting

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    After checking with all the guys this morning it was back to shore to replace fuel pump on blue thunder. What a bear she was. After spending close to two hours on it I still was struggling to remove the fuel lines under the pump. Henery and Jake volunteered to come to shore and help me if I came and picked them up. I was like ya. When we arrived back home they jumped right in and with me holding the socket on from the bottom and Jake wrenching from the top we had the smog pump off and thrown away lickity split. We then were able to cut the steel fuel line and remove the fuel pump. I rooted around for some gas line and clamps and we had the new pump on in no time. How sweet it was to hear her fire up. Thanks again guys. After loading up the truck with the moving gear I was off to move Florida and Montana onto fresh ice. 3 hours later and the houses were moved and rebanked for the evening.
    I had forgotten Phil had borrowed my auger. Oh Oh bad news the rope broke on him. I was kinda up set as he had grabbed the wrong auger he was spose to take my back up auger with the chipper blade. Once we got thing straightened out we were all good and I repaired the auger on the spot.
    Trevor, Matt, Dan, Jake, Steave, Chad, Henery, and Jason were now all set for the evening in Montana and Florida. After dinner I headed back out to see if the move paid off and Trevor had pulled his first ever walleye through the ice. The fishing was still a little slow but I’m comfedent they had some action over nite. I then swung in to Minnesota and sampled some fresh walleye fish tocos and a bite of Squirrel that Peng had prepaired. Both were very good and I will try and take a grey squirrel with my bow next year. I’m now headed out to check on all the guys and a few other fishermen I have fishing in new locations. I also have some plowing to do On Buddy Hillmens hwy.Just some clean up with the straight blade. We then have a window with no rentals so I can take my time, detail the houses and make my decision where to move as I again have ruined 40 acres of upper red lake

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Another weekend has come and gone. Only 6 weekends of walleye season to go. Man where has the season gone.
    Now the good news both the red baron and blue thunder were back on the ice yesterday. The red baron hurt as I had to hire some one to repair it total cost 1600.00 that’s what I get for driving it tell it breaks. I will be replacing the right wheel bearing asap before I destroy that side also.
    Fun fun fun was the way to describe this weekend, what a bunch of great customers I had a chance to meet. The crew in Montana had a riot playing cards, listening to music and catching a few fish, They even ate a couple. After getting blue thunder back on the ice I moved there houses about a 100 yards and they did have better fishing so that was great to see.
    I got to hang with Seng, Neng and Peng yesterday and enjoy a little lunch with them on the ice. Shoulder pork, roast cut up into steak, brats fried mushrooms and onions. For a appitisor whole walleye fried bone and all perch and a new delicasi fried perch eggs that were outstanding. I guess walleye eggs are a little grainy. Peng was in old Minnesota less then 30 seconds Friday when his wedding ring went down the hole. I called a couple of outfitters but no one had the equipment or time to try and retreave it. I’m going to try and borrow a camera before I move the house and maybe with a little luck we can retreave it from the bottom of upper red lake. Marty is coming up tomorrow to help me with some projects and do some evening/overnite fishing. I have a list of things to get done on shore so I will keep him busy.
    Marlo and his buddie set up 500 yards east of me and got 10 overnite. They packed up there wheelhouse and headed out deeper where marty texting and said they were doing much better last nite. I also drove out and talked to a group that I had sent out further, they had a mess of fish plus 4 or 5 bonus perch and the four of them were playing cards when I stopped by around noon. With nothing rented until thursday I will have all the houses on fresh ice this up and coming weekend just still not sure where at this time

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Crappie fishing? Wow looking at the calendar 16 straight days on the ice. It has been hectic to say the least. FUN ,fun, fun though gotta love working on the lake. Marty will be up tonight to help me put tail lite on blue thunder and head lites on the red baron. I truly love my trucks. Sure they break and I may cuss at them but they take a beating out there.
    Buddy Hillmen’s hwy is in great shape. Stay away from the berm to the south as it has sunk and became a active pressure ridge with any where from 3 to 5 feet of slush underneath. A few fishermen have learned that the hard way and when I say a few I’m talking more then three.
    Marlo called me yesterday when he was leaving and they figured between the two landed 30 fish. The plan is to set Boar and his crew into that area friday. I never heard from Goose after he moved . Give me a call goose if you get the chance. Yesterday I was on the lake early before a must needed trip to Bemidji. A new chipper bar a new spud bar, both lost. Headlites and tail lites as they also take a beating out there. I even made a deal on a new auger, my old one was 10 years old. I have been waiting for the day I auger and the transmission falls apart and I loose the auger right down the hole. It still can happen as the auger is not retired at this time. Looking forward to detailing the houses today and moving them tomorrow with Marty’s help. He is pumped and is looking forward to working on the ice for a couple of days . He is the type that needs to be doing something as he does have some medical problems and does not want to sit around and die. What a great attitude to follow.
    Talked to Peng yesterday he will be coming up with his cusins Friday or Saturday to try and retrieve his wedding ring.
    Now for the crappie fishing my plans at this time is to head west when everyone else is heading east at the end of the season. I expect buddy will keep his road open and have shacks out there also. I will have to confirm with him. The season just goes by to fast for me and I’m never in a hurry to see it end.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Spent three hours on the lake yesterday fishing, remodling, and detailing Montana. Florida is on the list this morning. I did manage to catch three fish while I was in Montana so about one a hour. Marty was spending the night out there so we will see how he did overnite before I make a big move . Minnesota and North Carolina will be pulled out of there spots today. Gene and Sue will be here tomorrow morning to fish for the day. My plan was to do a little scoutting out of the truck this morning but I want to fish it comfort this morning and have a few things I need to do in florida, so I will wet a line there this morning as I watch the sun come up. Not sure whats going to happen with the limit changes to two jan 23rd. I do not have a lot of reservation for Feb and wonder if the calls are going to trickle in. The other choice will to start chasing crappies again and that take a lot of gas and time but may be the only choice I have. What to do, What to do. It will be nice to have headlites on the red baron and taillites on blue thunder and we could not of ask for better weather from mother nature /god Thank you. Time to warm up the trucks and hit the ice

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Yesterday morning detailing Florida the lake was rumbling from the warm up. A balmy 28 as I type this. I had plenty to do on shore and no need to go out further I assume the bridges were ok as Buddy Hillmen never called me. We had a great day working on blue thunder and the red baron. I now have much needed plow lights on the red baron. Blue thunder has break lights and still needs tail lights. I thought I bought some quite some time ago and I could not find them.I also changed the oil on the red baron. Heading out shortly to wet a line as I wait for Gene and Sue to call. It sure is nice having Marty helping me with a few projects as when it comes to wiring I have no clue. Marty had caught 8 when I checked in yesterday morning . While I was working in Florida around 10 am he had a flurry where he caught 5 .I had two lines down in Florida and never got a bite that I saw. When I checked my ratting flyer the minnow was gone but I guess I could of jigged it off. I have to dig out Minnesota and north Carolina today as it just did not work out yesterday. I have a spot all picked out and as far as I’m concerned its still a fishy area and I have not ruined it yet. Bill and his buddy arrive for Minnesota around 2. Sue and Gene are from low and are just down for the day into the early evening. Were full tomorrow except the cabin is not being used until Saturday. I will take a quick trip out to the pressure ridge after light to see how bridges are. Remember to drive slow over them there is plenty of ice on each side of the crack so driving fast has no barring on making it across. With the 3 day weekend, nice weather, and the limit going to two fish on the 23rd my money is it is going to be one crazy weekend up here as the lake is going to get pounded. I expect westwind will be hopping. Don’t forget to stop at tall tavern/hillmens they have set ups bring your own bottle and 3 2 beer, plus they serve frozen pizza. They will have the football games on sunday on there big screen tv. Gotta hit the lake have a grand day as I plan to have a grand day as a local Dave use to say Its a GRAND LAKE! A GRAND LAKE! it owes me nothing,nothing

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Well I was right I had a grand day on a grand lake yesterday.
    We had both the red baron and blue thunder on the lake all day. One project was moving about a 100 yards stretch of snow from the north side of buddy hillmens road to the south. Working both trucks it took about 2 hours and two tanks of gas as the trucks got a good work out. I think Marty enjoyed throwing the snow with the red baron but said he still has to get use to it. We then got Minnesota moved and setup as Tom and Bill arrived right on time at 2pm as I was just finishing augering the holes. After getting them checked in I stopped to see gene and sue they were up to four and had released a couple to big. Gene called me a hour later and said they had there 6 and were headed home to bauddett. I also got north Carolina out of its spot and will be prepping that house this morning. Jake arrives at 8am for florida I have left it where it was as it has only been fished by Sue and Gene during the day and Trevor’s crew less the 24 hours last Saturday/sunday. If need be I can always move it for them tomorrow. Montana has been fished a little bit more with Marty staying out there the last couple of nights. Wendesday night the rattle wheel kept him up until four when he finaly said enough and reeled them in. A very good problem to have. Marty leaves today and I enjoyed working with him and I think he also enjoyed working on the lake. We have 2 to 4 inches of snow coming this weekend , kinda bad timing as it will cause a lot of drifting around the vechicles and houses. Darn that mother nature who does she think she is. The Boss
    Remember if you go out of hillmens try to set up at least 50 yards off the main hwy if not further as the snow will drift across the hwy if your set up to close. The bridges have been moved and again go over them slow. there is plenty of room to the north of Hillmen’s Hwy spread out and enjoy the weekend. If ya want a spot plowed wave down a plow truck and they should be able to punch you a spot. Good luck this weekend , only take what you need and help keep a grand lake a grand lake.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 364

    Cookie – I thought that was you plowing yesterday. We were flabbergasted as to why the blue truck ran the same track about a hundred times!

    Slow day for us in the portables, only 7 keepers. Better start this morning were off the West Wind road about a 1/4 away from their houses. Hopefully that snow tomorrow doesn’t limit our ability to drive off road.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Every thing went smooth as slick yesterday. Checked in all the customers and working on the names. Spent some time with Berry and Bill this morning . They caught some fish and last night gave me a half dozen chocolate chip cookies with wallnuts. My favorit cookie? Jake, Ryan and Gavin have also have caught some fish. There timing is off as they arrived around 4am at hillmens and checked in at 8am. When I stopped by right before dark they were sleeping like babies. This morning two of three were sleeping wonder if it had any thing to do with the rattle wheels. Stopped in to Montana to check in on Dale and Nolen and we shared some fishing stories.
    They also have had action. I think it was Nolen’s first walleye through the ice but I may be wrong. I know the story he told us he lost a 10 lber. summer fishing. The guys in north Carolina are a little cramped as it is a 2 man sleeper. They are making it work and were having a grand time on a grand lake last night. I think it was ryan feeling no pain. I offered to move the house today but they said every thing was cool and are content. Sweet, The snow missed us, sweet again. The bad news. I had one of three generators crash. 450 bones to repair a 650 dollar unit. sHe had a tough life and lasted 8 years. There goes half the bankroll as I need a third unit as a back up. Heading out to have lunch with a couple of wheel houses I set up. Any guess what were having? Fresh walleye never frozen. Gotta go its lunch time.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    The old weather man had a swing and a miss. 2 to 4 inches of snow turned into less then half a inch. We did get a strong wind out of the south east followed by a strong wind and flurries from the north west that caused quite a bit of drifting around fish houses and vechicles. Driving out to have lunch with Boar and fawkinnae yesterday there was three wheel houses set up to the south of Buddy’s road. They must of came out of westwind . Right in the middle of there set up was a car? A car? I know for a fact there is no road there so I have no clue how he got there other then following the tracks of the three wheel houses. With all the winds he will have a interesting trip back to shore. Lunch was a bust as the guys changed it to 3 pm. Buddy Hillmen pulled out two trucks from the berm to the south of his road yesterday. He also pulled out two trucks that tried to cross by the pressure ridge that also came out of westwinds. Hillmen’s charge 10 dollars a day to use there road. Stop in, get the latest info and pay the 10 bucks.
    Kellie and I had dinner with Bill and Berry last night in old Minnesota ,a chuck roast with potatoes and onions and carrots umm ummm good. Reminded me of a offer I made years ago. When you arrive a roast will be waiting in the oven. I will add the potatoes, onions and carrots before you arrive so dinner will be served apon your arrival. If any one is interested in this give me a shout and we can make arrangements . Jake suggested I sell my home made pizza’s but they take a hour to make and I make a mess in the process so that was a bad idea.
    Bill and berry figured they caught 28 fish so far with atleast that many misses. The house is rented today so the plan is to leave it there one more day before I move it as Chuck and his wife arrive at noon. Dale and Nolen have done all right in Montana .Larry will be here with two kids and another buddy and the plan is to have it on fresh ice before they arrive at noon. Sis and Leroy pull in at 4 for florida. Jake, Ryann and Gavin pull out at 10am. When I stopped last night they had a sink full of fish. Jake brought up a Polaris razor that I plan on taking it for a spin before they load it on the trailer . I have driven one before and if I was going to buy a wheeler that’s what I would buy its basically a dune buggy and every boy wanted a dune buggy when they were a kid. Matt, Ryan and Eric were in North Carolina and had the worst fishing of the four houses. I offered to move them yesterday but they were fine so they must of had some action .I know they were two shy of there 9 when I stooped in last night. Mark and his family roll in around 1 for North Carolina so that will be put on fresh ice also. I have another busy day and I’m loving it. Today is going to be a picture perfect day so we will see how the weather man does with that one. Marlo found a good bite further out so I need to check that area before he leaves. fawkinnae and Boar also did real well and I have my eye on that spot

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    The day started off a little nasty with a stong wind out of the northwest. The weather man said it was going to be nice. It did settle down around 1 and we had a rare sighting of the sun. I got out on the lake to say good bye to everyone and start prepping for all four houses to be turned over. After saying good by to Boar and fawkinnae I headed back to my shacks to get to work. I detailed Minnesota and decided since Berry and Bill Landed so many fish I would leave it here for Chuck and his wife. I then skadaddled over to florida to take a quick ride on jakes razor. What a riot. I stopped at Montana and had Nolyn grab his gloves and took him for a ride with me. Man do I want one of those. I bet I had a smile ear to ear as I raced around FUN! FUN! FUN! I then said my goodbyes as I still had a big work load but what a way to start the day. The guys in north Carolina were packing up and going home with 9 fish. That was nice to see. I then procceded to clean and move Montana before Larry arrived at noon. I then moved north Carolina before Mark rolled in with his family. I had untill 4 to get florida prepped and it would also be fished one more day where is at. Josh and Ray are right behind me and doing well in there grey wolf fish house. Wow what a nice fish house. After I prepped a area for Montana. I got Montana detailed ,moved, banked, augered I headed over to north Carolina to prep for moving. Chuck called and had arrived. I headed to shore to meet him and escort him out to the house. I checked him in and finished moving and prepping north Carolina. I also had to switch up the 100 lber propane. In between all this I made about 8 passes up and down Buddy Hillmens road throwing the snow to the south. I briefly met Boar to say good bye and then headed out 6 miles to check on Pat,Todd Ryan and Chris. I had them set up through buddy hillmens houses as I was full. I plowed all 4 miles out to the end of the road and plowed on the way back again throwing snow to the south. There was more then one spot where you could see someone tried to drive over the berm from the south with no success. After visiting pat and the boys I headed back to shore to meet Mark and escort them to north Carolina. Leroy, Sis and the kids for florida also arrived around four and met me on the lake. I came home just as it got dark ate dinner and fell a sleep. I have to apologize to Chuck in Minnesota and Mark in north Dakota as the generator ran out of gas around 8 pm. I was so busy I had forgotten to fill it up before I left the laks. The phone rang about 8 :30 and the generator for florida also ran out of gas. I never checked it as I added on the berg system and thought there was still plenty of gas in the tank. Once I got out there and fired florida back up I visited for a bit and Sis missed three bites. Zack finely got him or her a nice 20 inch walleye. After visiting with them it was kinda late and I never got to check in on Chuck or Mark and his family I again apologize as my serviced slipped a bit yesterday as I just got plain wore out. When I arrived home a stepped in the cabin to say good night To Peng, Yee, Seng and Jerry? They found a good spot and also did real well all by them selfs. Peng had no luck retrieving his ring and the triangle got it. I’m all rested now and will be moving Minnesota and florida if need be today.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Another fun filled day. Checking in on Leroy, Sis and the kids they only had a couple in the bucket. Josh and Ray were pulling out and said the fishing was great until the wind switched out of the east around 6 pm. They had been on the spot for a third night? The third night hardly ever gets better for my house’s?
    My next stop was old Minnesota with chuck and he was in there for the third night on that spot.. He commented how nice the table was set up. He had done real well and was about 100 yards from Josh and Ray that blamed the wind. I had told Chuck I had no problem moving house on such a nice day and he agreed I should move it. After prepping two spots with the red baron. I went home to get my fish house moving machine Blue Thunder Two. I then met Leroy back at florida to Point! him and Zack in the right direction on there quest to find a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Moving Minnesota went like a breeze and I only had to auger 3 holes for Chuck. Sweet! Three less holes of the hundreds I will have augered this year. Then the fun began as the girls in florida would be riding in florida as I glided it on to a new spot. Again every thing went like a well oiled machine and I’am so thankfull for that. Blue thunder 2 is living up to its name and has the soul of blue thunder 1 in her.” Plus a Few Parts”
    Finishing up floridas move with 8 more holes punched I was done for the day. Coming off the lake at sunset time I moved both house in 3 hours. I think I may be getting a little older as I thought I could do it in 2. Oh well.
    Kellie” The Hammer” her new nick name until she sees this anyway.! and I headed back out on to the lake a hour later to have fish. Fish toco’s with sis Leroy and the kids. They were delicious. Cloleslaw mixed with sour cream, a dash of lime and hotsauce all mixed together on a soft shell. Very good and will try and perfect it for the hammer and I.
    Amanda and James were in Montana and only had three fish when I stopped in on them. They may have caught a couple two big I do not remember as again I was tired from a full belly and another day in all that fresh air. Chuck was doing real well in old Minnesota and may stay another day. Today is a big day as Montana gets prepped for a 4 to 5 mile move. I have to cross 4 cracks as you can not take the houses over the bridges. Florida and old Minnesota will stay put for the day and have not made a decision on what to do with north carolina

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Hitting the lake yesterday morning I could feel it being another grand day on such a grand lake. After visiting with James and Amanda as they were packing they had a terrific time and will be coming back again. I think they were only taking home 3 fish. They caught a bout a dozen over night with a few big ones in the mix. Chuck just keeps catching fish. On average 1 a hour. He has been in old Minnesota for three nights. He did get checked by the dnr yesterday, they did not stop and talk to me must of new I was cleaning. Leroy, Sis, Hanna, Colten and Ashly they did not have the greatest fishing even after moving them. They did take home 9 fish and we ate 5 when we had fish toco’s. They also said they will be back and sis wants to have a girls getaway weekend.
    I then spent part of the day fishing in Montana while I detailed it for Andy and his crew arriving Friday. Montana is getting ready for a 4 to 5 mile trip to a new location. They have requested a certain spot and I think I can get there with out any problems. Lets just hope I do not end up on some ones waypoint or spot that they are going to. Its only one house for now. For one weekend and we will see what pans out. I did miss two fish while detailing Montana and landed a nice 16 1/2 on a chubby Darter. Them lures are a blast to fish with as the fish just smack them . I would of never got that fish with out the vex though. I released him to fight another day. Minnesota stays where it is for at least one more night and maybe two ,depending on how Bob and Terry do. They are retired photographers and spent 25 years living in yellowstone taking pics of the wild life and following the wolfs for years. I’lll post his website when I get it from him as its well worth looking at. Orian and his crew roll in around 9am for florida.It will be interesting to see how they do the first 24 hours after Leroy and his family did not do that well. I will move them tomorrow if need be. I still have not decided what to do with North Carolina and need to decide today for sure as It will be moved, even though it was only fished one night.
    This morning I have a chore. I need to pick up all the tools I have used this winter. I have been putting them on the floor of the garage after using them to see what I use through out the season. There are more on the floor of the garage then in the tool boxes. Blue thunder and the red Baron are in good shape at this time Knock on wood. They are about to get another work out though as I move Montana to its new location. I did feel a little miss in the red baron but I think it s fine. Still feeling out blue thunder but as of now she has a good 100 years in her as a lake truck. I need to add a steering wheel rap asap though. Getting ready to have a grand day on a grand lake

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Blue thunder 100 years OOPs 10 years.
    We were blessed with another beautiful day here on the shores of upper red lake. Buddy Hillmens hwy is in great shape. There is so much room out there it could never all be fished. Its just crazy how every season is so much different when it comes to mother nature. With a month of walleye fishing left I have no idea where the time has gone. Man a’m I having fun this year.
    I met Orion, Mike, Mike and Rodger at hillmens right on time at 9 am. After getting there road passes and bait we were off to check them into florida. They were up to 3 and 2 lost at the hole the first time I checked in on them. I spent a little time in Minnesota detailing. But Chuck left it so nice all I had to do was auger three more holes the only problem with that the auger was it was at home. I also had a few things to add into Montana. Then it was off to shore to have lunch, switch trucks and move Montana while I waited for Bob and Terry to call. I decided to grab a bite at westwind and had there toco salad Very good and hit the spot. Just as I finished Bob called and they had arrived so back to hillmens with the red baron. I should of stopped at home and switched trucks as when I got out there I still did not have the auger to finish the three holes in Minnesota. OOPs we all make mistakes. I guess I should just figure out why auger number two will not stay running and have a auger in both trucks. Auger # 3 is in the cites getting some work on it. Once Bob and Terry were checked in I came home and got blue thunder for her journey to no mans land. Montana is now out over 6 miles. Now I will really be able to watch the gas gauge go down. I think the red baron gets 3 to 5 miles to the gallon. Heading back in I stopped to talk to Buddy Hillmen. He mentioned I need to make my road straight north and not north west like I had on my first road to the north. Now I have two roads to maintain running northwest OOPS again. I thought a northwest road was perfect when we get a wicked northwest wind. Buddy knows what he likes and I have no problem cutting in a new north road as its fun cutting through the snow in the red baron.
    Bob and Terry are not doing very well and had only landed 3 fish as of 8pm last night It never gets better the third night. Orion and the guys have did much better and that’s in florida where Leroy and his family struggled? They were eating some fish when I stopped in. I think they had caught about 20 fish total in the 12 hours they had been here. I will move both today if they want but again I have decided to stay in the fishy area as its still producing fish. There’ s a chance I may have to auger 30 holes today. Where is a young buck when you need one. I need to teach my grand daughter Ashly how to auger as she is a worker and I could have her come up and help me and finish the school year up here. I wonder what the honey bunny thinks of that. I will be busy on the lake again all day and already itching to get out there.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Busy busy busy,
    With a turn over today. Friday have became very busy. Orion and the guys had slow fishing yesterday and last night. 3rd night that house has been fished? It never gets better the 3rd night. I moved old Minnesota for Terry and Bob. They caught one right away in the new spot. While visiting them last night I landed a keeper just jigging with no vex. Gary and Kay fished north Carolina and I will have to call them later to see how they did. I cut a new road north for Montana and will head out very shortly to pop the holes. I did notice before Ii cut trail the red baron had a major crack and needed to be welded asap. I cut the trail nice and slow and limped her over to Gary s where David helped me weld it up. We had to remove the vplow and spent about 3 hours working on it. I met Alex around 10 pm and escorted him out by Montana as he is andy’s brother, Man had the winds picked up out of the south west, it was windy yesterday but last night it was just wicked out there . Hillmans road was in great shape with a little drifting but the off shoot roads were filling in quickly. There will be a lot of plowing today.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Mother nature rules. The wind blew so hard Thursday evening it kept the roads from drifting in which was a nice bonus, less where and tear on the trucks. TYhere was some drifting but with out fresh snow it was not to bad.
    Heading out to the end of buddy hillmens hwy. yesterday morning to auger out monatana and see how Alex and his buddy did it took a 1/8 of a tank of gas . So every trip out there and back eats up 4 gallons of gas in the bed baron. That 454 loves its fuel and you can watch the fuel gage plummet on those long journeys. Alex and his buddy did real well over night .Andy showed up around 10am with another friend towing a ice castle. After getting them set up I needed to go prep the houses for every ones arrival and say good by to Bob and Terry. Plowing around the houses from the drifting Thursday night, Detailing 3 houses, left no time for moving them so they all had to be fished where they were. Minnesota had only been fished one night so I felt comfortable they would catch some fish, North Carolina had one over night stay where it was and Gary and Kay fished it Thursday eve for 3 hours. Florida was on it 4th night on its same spot and it showed. They were not doing well at all and I will be moving them first thing this morning. Old Minnesota had caught 8 so far and they asked if I would move them today to fresh ice that house had not even been fished 24 hours before they arrived. Don arrived around 3 for north Carolina and they landed three with in the first 10 minutes of wetting there line and then nothing so I also will be moving them. Moving three houses is not such a big deal its prepping the new spots that’s take time and the further we move the longer it takes. Letting fishermen rent the houses on Thursdays really throws a monkey wrench in things for the customers that arrive on Friday for the weekends . I may have to change my policy and quit renting on thusdays as the customers get screwed when they arrive on Friday and I do not have the houses on fresh ice. It hard to say no when its such a short season and we need to make hay when the sun is shining.. maybe when I get out there this morning the fishing picked up? I did set jeff/boar up in a new location just around evening .It started out slow but when kellie and I were visiting them a wave came threw and 7 or 8 fish were missed with me landing a 16 incher on a rattle wheel. I did talk to Boar around 11 and they were doing much better. Andy in Montana with his dad and brother were way happy and have caught 25 fish or so .They are good fishermen. Andy’s buddy I think his name was Jim landed a 27 inch walleye on a tip up with a sucker. It was hooked pretty bad and they had no choice but to keep it as It was going to bleed to death. I also got a text from andy and one of there wheel houses landed a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Andys dad also lost one in Montana at the hole and he even had his hand on it. I saw the perfect spot to move Montana tomorrow when they leave and am excited to see how the fishing pans out in that spot. The other three houses need to go out to the end of the road, taking them out there today would take a lot of time so still not sure if I will leave the fishy area we have been in or just put the houses on fresh ice in the same area for the rest of the weekend. Then the whole fleet can go out there starting Monday morning. I will have to make a decision once I check in with every one this morning. I also have a area that has been real good all winter but can not convince any one to fish there.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Checking in with all the houses yesterday morning and it seemed they all got together because they all wanted to be moved on to fresh ice. After Talking to Andy in Montana the fish house not the state I decided the whole fleet needed to head to deeper waters. Boars spot did not pan out and he said he got some sleep with the rattle wheels silent. He also decided to move out deeper.
    Florida was the first house to be moved. moving out to the end of the road would make each move take around two hours. I explained that to all and everyone was on the same page. I decided with out the red baron out there the fastest way to set up would be setting the houses on the roads I made. That worked out real well and saved quite a bit of time. Boar was nice enough to come help me with the first 2 moves and I gave him a grade of c+. I do not think he liked that and was striving to get his grade up. I have my own system for every thing I do out there. I’ve learned from the best my mentor cusin Pete to take my time, do not rush things. I was right and it took about two hours to get florida reset. When I arrived with the second house North Carolina florida already had caught 4 fish. Donny thought it was odd I was setting up on the road but I explained that I made the road and it was not a big deal. After getting them set up it was off to get old Minnesota she is my heaviest house and takes a little more finess to move. I picked the perfect spot for Minnesota . I also spotted another spot the I plan on putting Minnesota on this week as I gaurenteed Kellie the “hammer” will catch a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Making the rounds last night felt great. All three houses had fish tales to tell. Moving all the houses in one day put a damper on my visiting and I may not have every ones names down this weekend. After having dinner with Boar and his kids at the boars nest I made the last rounds of the night and Kellie and I headed to Hillmens Tall Tail Taveren to listen to the Crappy floppers. they are a bunch of guys that get together up here once or twice a year and jam. We had a ball and even with Kellie’s bad knee we were able to dance to a couple of songs. Very entertaining and a good time was being had by all. It was nice to see the bar full. Got to spend some time with Tyler and Audry from bear paw as they were there and Tyler even danced a song with Kellie. With only one house rented this week the plan is to detail all the houses this morning and have dinner with the sweetheart in old Minnesota tonight as Kellie is on a quest to land a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Did I mention Andy’s dad landed one and missed one at the hole while there buddies in the red ice castle landed two. How sweet is that. The bad news or good news if your a fishermen is old Minnesota and Florida are open this coming up weekend as I had two cancelations, They must of heard the limit is down to two?

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Wow taking a look at the calendar the last 4 weeks of the season are looking kinda bleak. I have at least 1 sleeper open every weekend. I have made one reservation since the announcement to a two fish limit? I also had one rented on short notice.
    Saying good by to everyone yesterday was a treat lots of smiles and some great fishing as the big move was well worth it. Montana came through with 2 crappies from the house and two more from the green ice castle plus another 11 elusive yet catchable upper red lake crappies next to Montana. The walleye action was real good also. Just like I stated earlier if your catching small walleye theres a chance there ‘s a elusive upper red lake crappie near by. Fun to see them that’s for sure. I had a visitier yesterday while I was cleaning Montana as Danny from outdoor authority stopped by to say hello and see if I may be interested in a fish house on skids for sale. He has been busy and it was the first time I have saw him since the ice formed in November. Boar got a little concerned after his move Saturday as they had only caught a couple small ones. Things changed and they ended up having some fantastic fishing. Nice to see and again thanks for the help it sure makes moving house easier. yesterday was a half day off. After prepping/cleaning Florida and Montana Kellie the hammer met me at old minnnesota for a movie or two some fishing and dinner. Chicken stir fry was on the menu. I had to meet Jeff,Linda and Justin at hillmens around 3 to check them into florida. When I stopped in around 8 they had done real well with a few, yes a few cleanable perch. There son fishing in another house to the south landed two more elusive upper red lake crappies.. darn I drove right over them. Moving all the houses Saturday I bet I drove over 4 million fish too get there. Why does everyone always want to go to the end of the road? It must be the adventure. Kellie lived up to her nick name “THE HAMMER” in Minnesota and put the hammer on the walleyes. She caught a dozen fish to my 3 .On my defense I had a little nap as she said I was not fishing even though I had 2 lines in. Both had no minnow when I awoke so in a sense she is right. I can not help it as I love crawling up on the top bunk in old minnesorta and taking a cozy little nap. My mechantic rolled in around 4 and I got him set up in his house. North Carlolina. Him and Cory started catching fish right away and Phil was pumped to catch fish for the first time out of his house after it had sat brand new for 4 years. I have a long list of repairs for Phil to keep him busy during the day while he is here. Marty is also coming up today to help me out again. Even though the houses did so well they will be moved on to fresh ice for the weekend. I have nothing rented untill Friday and then only two of the 4 houses are rented. Minnesota will be put on the crappie honey hole I found and Kellie the Hammer will have her shot to land a elusive upper red lake crappie. Its been 3 or 4 years since she has landed one and is pumped to fish the new spot. the plan is to move it today. Being so far out is going to burn some gas so my plans are to only make one trip a day out there and work and eat lunch on the lake every day. The key is not forgetting anything, fat chance of that and I will have to improvise if I forget any thing for the day. I’m also going to shut down the heat On Montana for the first time since it has hit the lake. Marty will fish and stay in Florida while he helps me out during the day. Time to hit the lake as I prep Minnesota and wet a line this morning. I plan on fishing a chubby darter first thing as I just love the action and they hammer it when they come in. The rattle wheel will have a slick jig tipped with a minnow

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    It just keeps getting better. This has been one of my funest season since the crappie days. Having my trucks running so well is kinda scary” Knock on wood”. I have heard a noise off and on from the red baron and it may be something in the transfer case. If I can not figure it out it will have to be driven tell it breaks . Kellie and I went and had dinner at Westwind last night the premier resort here in waskish. 8 pm and we were the only people in the bar. There was a big group having dinner in the dining area as they were headed to low and stopped for a day of fishing here on upper red lake. I have not driven the dodge prospector at all this winter .I replaced the fuel pump this fall and still could not get it running Phil shows up primes it a few times and has it running like a top. What’s with that? dam mechanics. Marty rolled in around 4 and I got him set up in florida, He brought me up so new taillights for blue thunder. How sweet is that even the taillights take a beating out there.
    Last night was the first day I wore regular shoes since I hit the ice ,man was that a funny feeling. I moved old Minnesota on to its new spot and she is already to go .Kellie and I will be fishing it hard the next few days as I promised kellie she would get her elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Today I will hop scotch past Minnesota with Montana. They fished it hard and Dan the crapet man will be using it this weeknd. Minnesota, Florida and the cabin are all open for the weekend at this time. I may have to offer a deal so I can afford to atleast keep the heat on. Mother nature has been kind to us this year and I’am very thankful for that. With such nice weather Phil the mechanic is going to get spoiled as he has done some amazing work for me up here in the elements over the years. yesterday after going back on to the lake to help some guys out with a skid house.Ii decided I would go fish old Minnesota for a bit while Kellie was in blackduck. After the long drive I jump out of the truck and my fishing gear is in the other truck .Oh well I thought I will use the rattle wheels, wrong again one had no tippit line.One all the line got damaged and tangled and needs to be replaced. That left me with one rattle wheel. I got it set up, put in a movie and layed down on the bed and fell a sleep, never heard the rattle wheel go off or my phone when Marty arrived. Guess I’m getting a little burned out and need some more rest. With nothing rented all week it is a good time to get my second wind thank you very much

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    Had a hoot yesterday moving Montana and made a short video. It turned out kinda funny. You can see it on facebook under John Halvarson.
    Marty started gutting my old Utah house and she is shot. If I want to rebuild we will have to start from the frame up as the wood is rotten. Oh well still worth rebuilding as the house is built on hydraulics and is a breeze to move and can go down the highway. It would be a good summer project. Marty has been catching a couple fish in florida but no groupers yet? he also almost has my tail lights done on blue thunder and should buttem that up today. We will be moving florida to a new spot this morning so its on fresh ice even though its not rented until Feb 6th yes Feb 6th is the next time its rented.
    Phil my mechanic slammed out the work yesterday and we will be tearing into the right front wheel of the red baron today as I have a u joint ready to break. Kinda nice to fix it before it breaks. Nice having a mechanic here for a change. When I was younger I did all my own work but my body just can not do it any more. Just taking off 8 lugs nuts can be daunting at times. Phil and Cory have been catching fish and north Carolina got better the fourth day it had been fished. Kellie and I arrived to old Minnesota on its new spot about 3; 30pm. I then proceeded to put the smack down on the walleyes while Kellie the hammer missed more fish then she landed . It was funny as she kept losing them half way up. I told her every one was a slab crappie. She then got her line tangled with the phone charger line and the vexlar with a fish on. To funny. I was using a gentz worm, glow blue on the rattle wheel and must of had a bite every 5 minutes the whole time we were there. On my rod and reel I had a rattle flyer in pink . Just jigging was a riot no vexlar just sitting there jigging and they would smack it tipped with a minnow through the head. By 6;30pm we had burned through the minnows and called it a night as we were headed down to JRS for a fish fry. I have heard nothing but good reports about the fish fry and fries there’s. Every thing I have heard was true a outstanding deal and the fries were as good as mcdonalds. The fish had a lite batter and did not over whelm the fish. Very very good. I will deffintly have my fish there again if I have the time. It would of been nice to just drive across the lake to get there but we drove off the lake and took the hwy. Marty, Cory and Phil also liked the fish. Kellie the hammer had chicken strips. Minnesota is not rented until the 6th also, I refuse to turn the heat off and Kellie and I will be fishing it in the same spot until the 4th or 5th of feb If I do not rent it before then. The spot I placed it is very fishy and I still expect Kellie to land at least one elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. I can not wait to get a pic of her holding up one of those world class fish again. Dan the crapet Man comes Friday for Montana and I will gaurentee they will catch at least 50 fish and have a grand time on a grand lake . Phil and Cory will be fishing North Carolina until Saturday. Today at 3 we are going on a adventure as we target a trophy pike. I’m excited and will be heading out at first lite to dig out the tip ups. The next 4 weeks look very bleak for rentals and the two fish limit has deffintly effected me. Oh well we will survive to fight another day. Glad I have 5 part time jobs in the summer. My plans are to look for the mother load of crappies since no one is coming to only keep two walleyes. If they want more then two they can always head down to the reservation and pick up a case of frozen upper red lake walleye and while there I would suggest buying a smoked white fish or two as they are outstanding.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    yesterday morning mother nature decided enough is enough and gave us some bone chilling weather with a strong dash of wind for good measure. Kellie and I made a long awaited trip to Bemidji for needed supply’s and parts for the red baron and blue thunder. Phil spent the time prepping north Carolina for some repairs. He also worked on blue thunder and added a few extra lights. Thanks Phil your the man. Marty added much needed tail lights to blue thunder while Tom was on a mission to remove a front axle from the old grey goose some where near Bemidji. Taking parts off a truck in that frigid weather in a open field is no longer my cup of tea. I now have bought 2 parts off the grey goose since I sold it and Doug has made his money back that he got it from me. Ouch oh well it all works out in the end I would not have blue thunder if I did not scrap it out.
    I arrived back to waskish just in time to meet Greg with his wheel house, And Scott with his. I then escorted them out to a spot where they got set up for the evening as they are passing through on there way to low. Greg told me he would give me 5 bucks if I told one of the guys to get back in the fff truck. It was way funny and I guess you had to be there.
    I them met the honey bunny “The Hammer” in old Minnesota for just a bit of fishing before she had to go to work. We caught nothing while she was there but we enjoyed another upper red lake spectacular sunset. After she left I landed three nice keepers in a row 1 on the rattle wheel with a blue genze worm and the other two jigging a rainbow colored rattling flyer using the vex. The generator was sitting right in front of the fish house on the ice running? After that it was off to put a propane on florida and check in with Marty,Cory and Phil. While visiting Marty the rattle wheel took off like a pike just hit it. I set the hook and it was not fighting like any thing I have ever caught on red lake. When it comes through the hole it was a Rock bass that also looks like it has crappie and sheephead mixed in it .Its the dammest thing and I have to assume its a rock bass? All though I do not ever remember catching a rock bass on red lake in 49 years of wetting a line. Marty says its a sheeepie LOL I then swung back over to Greg who still owes me 5 bucks? They had a couple in the bucket. I walked over to Chris’s house who had slid in when I was not looking. I go in the house and there’s 9 guys standing around drinking beer with one or maybe 2 lines down. We visited for a bit and had some good yucks before I again went to collect my 5 dollars? Headed out in a bit to catch the sunrise as Ii prep all the house for the weekend.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    It seems every day becomes hectic and I sure do enjoy it. The first thing I had to do yesterday was track down the part Tom got for the red Baron. Then I needed gas it seems now that I’m over 6 miles out on the lake I always need gas. I had to hook up with Marty as he was going to make another trip to Bemidji for more parts. I then went to see how Chris, Scott and Greg did in there wheel houses. They caught a few fish but did not pound on them When I peeked into Chris’s house 5 guys and not one line down? I then set down and had a very exciting cribbage match with John. It came down to him losing in the stink hole and he had missed 1 point earlier in the match. It was a great game. I said my goodbys and headed out. After that I needed to auger out Montana and Florida 14 holes. Its nice having a new auger as auger #2 was just plane wore out. I still have not looked at auger #3 since it puked out on me. After finishing prepping the houses it was off to shore to meet Dan, Mel, Rob and Amy. After getting them checked in It was off to shore to say good by to the sweety as she had to make a trip down to the cities. It will be nice for her to see all the kids and grandkids and not be in a rush to get back home. I then had to escort Gary and Kay out to Old Minnesota and set them up for the evening. No sooner then I get them checked in Randy and Tammy call from Hillmens . So its back to shore to meet them and take Boar over to where we are going to fish for pike . Once I had then taken care of I went back to meet Boar. Just as I arrive he jumps out of his truck to tend to a flag up .A false flag! He resets and we start to talk. The wind is brisk as were closing in on dark so Boar says hey lets go sit in the truck. Apon arriving we are shocked to find the keys are locked in. A quick call to westwind with very little battery life left I tracked down a couple of tools to get into the truck. After getting in truck it was off to returns tools only to find out in my haste I left the wedge tool on the ice and snow. Now its pitch dark and the wedge is the size of a wallet and white to boot laying out there. I was able to find it with in minutes. I then headed out to check on everyone and say good night. It was nice to see everyone had been catching a few fish and having a grand time on a grand lake

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    3 trips to Bemidji in 4 days. Coming off the lake Saturday evening I felt a grinding in the front end of blue thunder. I limped her home where we discovered we had a break problem. My plans changed sunday morning after saying goodby to everyone and visiting a bit I was back to shore to make a parts run as Phil will be leaving in a day or two. Even though having more problems with trucks is a downer it all works out since Phill is here to work on them. Just like I love working on the
    lake he enjoys working on the lake trucks and takes a lot of pride in what he does.
    The fishing was really good in Montana for Dan,Mel,Amy and Rob. They caught well over 50 fish with that many misses. The co dropped in on them and everything was good. The one thing with these guys as they know how to catch fish and are very good at it. Tammy and Randy also had awesome fishing for two days. The co also stopped there Saturday. Randy had one fish just under 17. The board I have in the house is made a little short just for that occasion so that worked out good. He told him make sure you go by that board and you will be ok. He also commentted that he liked the house. I had to give there car a jump as the little vw diesel would not start at 20 below. They said they will be back and bring there kids next time.
    .Adam, Ashly Willow and Justin were in old Minnesota for only one night. They also had great fishing and want to come back. Randy and Brian are in north Carolina ,Randy is from Oragen and had never caught a walleye or eaten one. They had fresh walleye for dinner last night and randy said its his new favorite fish Nice. Phil and Cory were fishing Florida last night and also doing well. Crazy fish sure are biting . I have all week to move the houses for the up and coming weekend. The plan at this time is to put them on fresh ice in the same general areas.
    Boar locked his keys in his truck Friday night, he had a key problem this weekend as Saturday they ended up on the bottom of red lake. He had a magnet and was able to retrieve them. I’m planning and hoping to target some big pike again this week and want to try at the crack of dawn tomorrow. North Carolina are two man house and are cabin are open this coming up weekend. there was some traffic this weekend but I do not think the lake was overwhelmed which is a good thing.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 922

    I was going to go fish old Minnesota this morning and detail Montana before I shut the heat down for the week. At minus 4 this morning and no rush to get out there I decided to stay in for a bit this morning and reflect on such a great season on such a grand lake. Plus the front tire on the prospector is flat. Blue thunders breaks are apart and the red Baron spent the night on red lake with Phil and Cory.
    The last three season early ice has been crazy up here with fishermen. Mother nature has been very kind to us after last years fiasco. What a difference in a year. With 20 days left of the walleye season I will be a little sad to see it come to a end. I still plan on leaving the houses on the lake as I target perch and a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie. Kellie and I will be having quite a few dinners out there after the season ends as she has a mission to land a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappy. I have came up with a few improvements this year and some upgrades to keep me busy this spring and summer. I was hoping that the owner at the golf course I work at would make it down for a day of fishing, and maybe she will still call. I also made a new friend in Marty. What a great guy he sure likes to stay busy and has no time for tv or movies., Him and his wife Shelly will be coming up for a 4 night stay later this year. I have caught more walleyes this year so far then all of last year. Kellie the hammer caught more in one day then she has in two years counting the summers and that was Fun, Fun, Fun. Then to watch her struggle the next night was a good chuckle. Every one she missed I told her it was a crappie. I caught a Rock bass visiting Marty last week. It did not have red eyes though. We named him sheepie as he looks like a crappie, sheephead ,rock bass mix. To funny. It seems as a kid we would go over to the river with worms and catch all kinds of different fish. But never a walleye in the Tamarac river. None of my houses have landed a big Pike this year? That really surprises me and not sure why there not roaming around the fishy areas I have been at. I still have to sleepers open the last weekend of the season. This year most of my calls have came from people planning last minute trips. I do have my repeat customers still coming that plan a head. I have also decided not to rent houses for one day if its a Thursday as it is not fair to the ones that have planned ahead to have a house that has all ready been fished hard for 20 hours.. Working on the lake this year and visiting customers has been fun, fun, fun. Buddy Hillmens makes a road that is unbeleavable there is no one on the lake more dedicated to a road then him and I’m proud to be a part of it. Lets hope mother nature is kind to us the next 30 or 40 days as the season winds down. My plans right now is to keep having fun, fun, fun and enjoying such a grand lake as Dave told me a few years ago. Its a Grand Lake a Grand lake and “It Owes Me Nothing Nothing”!!!

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