red lake report from me/cookie

  • cookie
    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Yesterday after church I headed out on the lake to see how chuck and Deb did. The fish started to bite around 10pm and kept Chuck from getting a good nights sleep. I had told them I would move the house if they were game. Chuck wanted me to put the house where they bite from 3pm to 10 pm? I guess I’m not sure how to do that but I did move the house out a little deeper and a lettle further from the main road. John and Angie stayed put and for the second time someone has proposed in old minnesota? She said yes so both my boys proposed to there true loves yesterday. Wow and they did not even know.
    We have everything booked dec 25th through the 29th then we have somthing open every weekend at this time.
    Everyone have a merry christmas and safe new year


    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Weekend two.
    All the customers showed up yesterday and are now fishing. Florida with Brian, Trent and Tom had the hot house but they rolled in around 520 am yesterday. Brian has lost two fishing rods one while I was visiting. Man did Tom think that was funny I reminded him that Brian drove,he paused for a second then laughed again.
    Cory and his family Abby, Cole and Jack also had some action in montana.
    Ken and his two girls Maddiason and Mekenzie were not doing that wel in old minnesota. John and his gal had fished it for two days prior to Ken and his girls so I plan on moving them and california with Nick and his buddy.

    Central, MN
    Posts: 478

    What’s the thickness of the ice. I would like to bring up my Ultimate Lodge with my 2500HD Diesel. Will that work yet? I should say I need a consistent 16″ of ice.

    Pine City, Minnesota
    Posts: 48


    What’s the thickness of the ice. I would like to bring up my Ultimate Lodge with my 2500HD Diesel. Will that work yet? I should say I need a consistent 16″ of ice.

    Im out right now and where im at there is 18 inches.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Pat, Rich,Ryan,Todd and Shawn rolled in friday afternoon. It was nice seeing them again and Pat again beat me a cribbage.
    The first day minnesota out fished ryan and rich in montana. !4 to 2. When I got out there to move them I decided at the last minute to make a smaller move as the area seemed pretty fishy. After 2 hours with help from chase both houses were moved onto fresh ice. It paid off and the guys made a nice come back with both houses getting around 25 fish. California was used as a day house with the guys not doing all that well.The second day was a little better and they were happy to have a fish fry.
    Brian,Todd and Trent had good success in florida. Every time I stopped in to check in on them the lights were down the radio was low and they were very content. After the second night I moved them. Again just a small move but that was all that was needed as they started catching fish again.
    Shelly, Chase and Chasity are now fishing florida .We spent some time with them last night and it was slow. I hope to move minnesota and florida today.
    Pat and his buddy were in the cabin last night . I sent them to an area and they were very pleased with the results ,Now I have to decide if thats where I should put a house.
    John and his group also did well where I sent them .
    Wild Bill did real well where I sent them but must of gave the position out to friends as there has been portables there all three days since they fished there.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Pat, Rich,Ryan,Todd and Shawn rolled in friday afternoon. It was nice seeing them again and Pat again beat me a cribbage.
    The first day minnesota out fished ryan and rich in montana. !4 to 2. When I got out there to move them I decided at the last minute to make a smaller move as the area seemed pretty fishy. After 2 hours with help from chase both houses were moved onto fresh ice. It paid off and the guys made a nice come back with both houses getting around 25 fish. California was used as a day house with the guys not doing all that well.The second day was a little better and they were happy to have a fish fry.
    Brian,Todd and Trent had good success in florida. Every time I stopped in to check in on them the lights were down the radio was low and they were very content. After the second night I moved them. Again just a small move but that was all that was needed as they started catching fish again.
    Shelly, Chase and Chasity are now fishing florida .We spent some time with them last night and it was slow. I hope to move minnesota and florida today.
    Pat and his buddy were in the cabin last night . I sent them to an area and they were very pleased with the results ,Now I have to decide if thats where I should put a house.
    John and his group also did well where I sent them .
    Wild Bill did real well where I sent them but must of gave the position out to friends as there has been portables there all three days since they fished there.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Moving Shelly, Chase and Chasity did not pay off as Kellie and I spent the new year fishing with them with limited success. Pat and Mike did well in montana so yesterday I moved minnesota and california out further to that area. Today I plan on moving florida and then getting Minnesota ready for ben amd shawna on thursday.
    I still have two of my 4 houses open for the up and coming weekend jan 4, 5. California and montana.
    Matt, Kyle and Ashly spent the night in california and I will be checking with them this morning.
    It sure would be nice to have them rented 4 days a week then I would never have to turn the heat off.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Tuesday night I only had one group in california. Two younger guys matt and kyle and there gals ashley and kyletta. They had some great fishing. They had some tip ups set for walleyes and landed some fish in the house. When I stopped to say goodbye mattt was releasing a 22 incher I was able to take a pic before they released her
    Yesterday I moved florida and got minnesota set up for ben and shawna. Pat and Mike did well in montana so we will keep that there for atleast one night. I also will leave california where it is for one night.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Making the rounds last night just as the sun was going down and the sunset was spectacular. Ben and Shawna were having action as well as Jake and his crew in montana. Headed out in a bit to get another outfitters houses ready as he is a no show due to vechicle problems. Ryan and his dad roll in this afteernoon for florida with california open untell tomorrow.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    I again will be moving the houses for the up and coming weekend. Yesterday I moved montana and today I will move california, Minnesota is still open this weekend so will be the last one to move. Hoagie will be up today so I imagine I will have to move florida friday after they leave as I still have a problem with a house being in the same place for more then 3 days of fishing. There’s nothing worse then telling the customers the guys that were here yesterday did not do very well.
    We got some more snow last night, and it will be getting harder to move the houses with out plowing first. Blue thunder again is the work horse of the fleet. The red barons v-plow needs a little work before it hits the ice and the dodge prospector has became the new scoutting truck.
    The fishing has been deccent but the area I’m at has been pounded pretty hard and I will be looking for a new area the next couple of days. Duey and his better half the fish whisper will be here friday. They have been coming for years and its funny to look back and remember how duey was so concerned the first time he rented from us he has a million questions. Should be another fun weekend.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Wow looking at the weather, red lake and mother nature are about to show her ugly side. As a local told me with all the emotion a guy could have its a “grand lake and it owes me nothing” Trying to plan for this one may be tough. Since the wife is under the weather maybe we should hunker down in old minnesota so were out there with the customers.
    Today will be a extra busy day as I try and prepair for white out conditions

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Daves crew arrived around 2 as well as Jason and his family Sue, Megan ,Megans friend Jake. I sent them over to florida to unpack and told them I would be over in a few minutes. I arrive and Jason has the two kids lines down and they are fishing. He also has his line down and is working on the wife when swoosh, splash there goes his rod and real straight down the hole.
    Last night making the rounds I stopped and visitted Ron and his two buddies they were fishing along the pressure ridge and had one in the bucket with a couple of misses, They were fishing the same spot they fished 2 or 3 weeks ago. I then stopped to check on the guys in minnesota and montana. To my surprise it was a little slow with only a couple of fish caught or should I say some 3 fish.
    Jason and his crew had only caught two small ones.
    Lets hope they all had some action last night. This may be one of those situations where A guy should of left the area this week rather then try to get another good week out of this area. I imagine I may be moving a shack or three today.Oh well atleast I love my work and do not mind moving the houses.
    I did mention my fleet blue thunder,red baron and the prospector hoping not to jinxs them? The prospector is dead at this time and has a ignition problem. I got lucky with blue thunder while I was working her pretty hard friday night I could here a knocking in second gear. When I checked the oil saturday morning she was bone dry . Gotta love my chev. Blue thunder has been one heck of a great truck as well as the red baron

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Wow did she blow yesterday. I wanted to beat the winds and get minnesota moved befroe the white out conditions. Of coure the weathermen misssed there mark and she was all ready blowing when I got on the lake. I had ran into Chris and I had told them a general area to try, They did well and were headed home. Chris said they ended up on some dirty ice so I spent a little time trying to find that exaact spot. In the prosess I lost my phone murfeys law I guess. 9 years and 3 phones and this was the first time I lost or damaged my phone. With white out conditions pending I now was with out a phone with visabilty down to less then a 1/4 mile. Once I started on my journy with minnesota I got to beacon harbors bridge and it was under water, I stepped out of the protection of blue thunder to scott a new crossing. Returning to the truck walking side ways into the wind a wheel house pulled up and the two guys were scratching there heads what to do. I walked over to them to show them there was indeed a bridge under the water and darn if I need not get both my feet wet, Ish! Nothing worse then working with wet feet. What normaly takes a hour was closer to 2 hours moving minnesota in those conditions. Thats two weekends in a row I have gotten my feet wet. Last week I broke the carnial rule and went on the lake with shoes murfhys law. I will now be putting a exrta set of socks and boots in both trucks,
    After getting minnesota set up I checked on andy and andy in montana and they were closing in on 50 fish caught and released. Cody and Mike in florida had there 7 and were also practing c@r. The general and faw- ki- naa had also packed up and moved out deeper.
    After getting minnesota set up I hunkered down with wayne and phil and played cards and fished. I then received a message from tony as he was having generator issues in california. The generator had become drifted in and packed with snow, you would think a little common sense would of prevented this mishap. Now I had to put my wet socks and booots on Ish! Off I went in white out conditions to take care of the problem. I suggested they put the generator in the back of kurks pickup but they did not want in running in his pickup so I unloaded a box of blocks and set the unit in there.
    I then scolled Tony on keeping a eye on things in the extream conditions we were facing.
    Back to minnesota for more fishing and cards with wayne and phil. The wind died down to a small gail after dark and I headed home to pick up the red baron and put a extra propane on montana.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    well well it looks like the temps are minus 20 this morning with a high of minus 2 today. Going to be tough moving all the shacks for the up and coming weekend. Thursday more snow is predicted. I clocked it out and as of last night it is 7 miles to the door step of montana. Dave and Sarha rolled in around 9 pm last night. They brought me barbque from market barbque. Yummy and thanks. After checking them in I stopped to check on Brett and Melony. They had good fishing and had just finished walleye for dinner, They offered the left over fish so Bell the blueberry eating dog and I had a nice snack on the way in.
    I still have not figuered out why the dodge prospector will not start and that needs to go on the to do list.
    Hillmens road is in great shape. I spent some time friday night and saturday morning plowing .

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    I could not be happier about the bite right now. Brett and Melony have done real well in old minnesota. Dave and Sarah said last night they had the best fishing ever yesterday. They had me bring them oil and shore lunch when I came out to check on them and more minnows.
    Today I will be moving california and florida out deeper as that’s where the better fishing has been. Old minnesota will also be moved and montana will be moved tomorrow after dave and sarah leave. Even though minnesota and montana are still producing fish I can not help but putting them on fresh ice for the up and coming weekend.
    Jake, Jenny and Gabrial will be coming up this weekend along with all the grand kids mathew jakob,jason,ashly and brittnie and daughter Melisa.
    I think I will put a prize on who can catch the most fish that should keep the kids entertained. Should be a fun weekend as kellie and I miss the kids.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Due to mother nature I have not been able to put the houses on fresh spots. I hope to move california today. Minnesota,montana and florida may have to stay where there at untell friday or saturday. Montana and minnesota have been catching fish so thats a plus, all though I still would prefer them being on new spots. Jake is going to fish florida tonight and then he will help move tomorrow,I may have to recruit him to help with the other two as it goes so much smoother with two people.
    Dave and Sarah were napping when I swung in last night so I did not get to visit with them. I hope he has started his truck while they were here or we may be dealing with that this morning. Brrr 20 below right now

    Posts: 4

    What is the average size walleyes you been catching out of ther?

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    I would sa y with all the smaller ones a average would be around 15. We have been seeing a lot of small dinks.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Thanks Mike you sure had a nice family. It was my pleasure to take care of you.
    Yesterday I moved montana as I could not see it catching anymore fish. Wow what a great spot that was. I should learn how to mark those spots with a gps. Oh well I did not move it to far and if anything I did not move it far enough. Dave and his wife Sandy rolled in around noon, After traveling over half way out Sandy was having some second thoughts, I felt bad for her but the best thing to do was get them off the lake as she was just not comfortable.
    Hoagies son Mark roll in today and I have them in california for one night, That house has not been fished a straight 24 hours so I left it where it was. Old minnesota is next on the move list followed by california.
    Chasing crappies is not on my to do list,Even though there are reports of a few being caught I will keep concentrating on walleye fishing at this time. If any one catches a elusive yet still catchable upper red lake crappie we will consider it a bonus fish.
    The trucks sure are getting a work out now as I’m 7 miles from home. The snow just keeps coming it only take a trace when the wind blows to make a mess of things. Oh well I love being out there so thats a plus. Blue thunder is ready for a new set of plugs and that is on the to do list this morning. She’s backfirinfg pretty bad and missig on atleast one if not two cylinders. Driving out to move montana i thought for sure I was going to break down but she got me home gotta love those chevy’s.
    Kellie’s step mom and brother are coming up today to spend a few days and lokking forward to catching a few fish with them. Kellie wantted to know why we do not fish in minnesota but if its rented not much I can do unless we fish with the customers. We wlll have a nice dinner out there with them one night as we spend some quality family time with them. maybe I can even get linda to play a game of scrabble.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    ken bruce and dale landed this one thursday 11am on the smallest orange and white demon tipped with a small minnow


    Making the rounds last night and all 4 houses were having some action.Minnesota was doing the best before dark with atleast 12 in the bucket, brett was a little upset though as 98 % of the fish had came out of the same hole,while he could not catch a thing. All there fish were on dead sticks,rattle wheels,
    BRETT was getting frustrated as 98 percent have came out of the same hole

    Bayport/St. Croix/Otsego/Grand Rapids
    Posts: 450

    sven says ya shud mark a X over that hole and make sure ya rent the same house next year. Says it works sometimes in da summer with rental boats. Ya might wanna open up one a doz fish ya caut and use da dead minnas from da stommik.
    It’s rite above doze two yellow gizzard sax.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Well she was another great fishing weekend, kevin and rolin were in california te first night and florida the second night they did real well and said they will see me next year. Bob and loyde were in florida friday night and did real well.
    Brettt and his crew Andy,andy, dave ,rob,jason had minnesota and montans,the fisrt night minnesota was on fire while montana struggled. brett was nice enough to switch house with them saturday. brett started catching fish rite away in montana while it took a while before minnesota turned on. the guys in minnesota finaly started catching fish . Brett said it was a fantastic trip and they caught well over 70 fish.
    Yesterday Dale,Gus and Hans fished montana from noon to 6 and came off the lake with there 12. Dale said he will be back next year with his 7 year old son hunter . Knock on wood but so far the weekend fishing has been excellent . Not sure when I should leave the area I’m fishing as it just been to good.
    I did cut a few roads slash parking spots for tow behinds, Three shacks found those trails. The one house that had 2 guys landed 15,the other house had only managed 1 even after they had moved from a spot the got skunked the day before. They had a brand new ice castle and seemed like a nice couple his name was chris but never got her name

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    heres a different report. i fished yesterday from 9 to 11 and landed 2 keeper both on the smaller side. The good eater. Today I had to meet Dale, Gus and Hans as they were heading home from lake of the woods and it was horrible . Nothing but small saugers. I think there hoping for a repeat from sunday when they were here.
    I also talked to Don he came from lake of the woods yeaterday and I had him talk to dean at beacon harbor . It sounded like Dean was happy to point them in the right direction. They did well and landed two of the elusive but still catchable upper red lake crappie’s

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Yesterday was one of those days that were perfect for working on the lake. I fished again in old minnesota for about a hour and caught 3 fish 2 walters and one nice size perch. I kept one walter and the perch for suppper. Dale,Gus and Hans fished from 8 to 11 and got 7. Dale said they should of had more but someone could not land there fish.
    Aheter my hour of fishing I came home to get blue thunderand moved minnesota and florida for the up and coming weekend.It was kinda hard to move both houses as they both were still catching fish? Elliot shows up today for florida. After moving 3 of the 4 of my fleet I cam back home to gather a few things and go fish in old minnesota and have fresh fish for dinner as the wife kellie had to work the second shift. The move seemed to be a good one as I fished from around 4 to 7 and landed a couple of fish. The rattle wheel was set up with a purple slender jig not even sure what type of lure it is as its basically shaped like a hook with a coating of purple on it. On my rod I have been fishing all year with a northland forage minnow with the treble hooks removed and a dropper line about 8 inches with a red and white flu flu jig.
    I guess I lost track of how many I caught but if I wanted to keep fish I would of had my limit. While I was getting ready to go I decided to do a little experiment. I turned the radio up and started the red baron, it took about 5 minutes tops before I had another keeper and fat 16, The biggest fish I caught was a 21 and the smallest was about 6 inches.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    More snow yesterday , Elliot and tony rolled in at 2 yesterday. At one point it was white out conditions . Checking in on them at 6 they haad 7 in the bucket and had released 3, I was way happy with that . Greg rolls in somtime this morning for old minnesota. I still have not decided if I should move montana and california. This year is different for some reason and the houses keep having good fishing . Maybe its the abundent amount of fish in the lake. Montana was fished tuesday and they got 7 keepers in just a couple of hours of fishing.
    man has the season gone by quickly with only 3 weekends left. The last weekend of game fish I still have all 4 houses open.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    The guys fishing in florida, Tony and Elliot have done real well. There newer to ice fishing and are having a grand time on a grand lake. I gave them a few more lures to try and Elliot got a nice 17 1/2 while I was visiting. This is the first year since the crappie days that the houses keep catching fish. Shall I move the shack or leave it there? The area I have been working has been so good its hard to leave the area.

    I’m thinking I will move california today closer to minnesota. Greg and Brent had caught over 25 fish yesterday in old minnesota when I left the lake at 4:30 last night. There here one more night and then I could move minnesota saturday if need be. California has not ever been fished 24 straight hours. Last friday Kevin and Rolly were in california and kept 7 and moved into florida saturday morning

    Posts: 813

    How far out are you ?

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    around 7 miles

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Still not completly dug out, All the houses flooded a bit but not as bad as it could of been. Minnesota is on a new spot in a new area as well as montana, Ben and Sam will have minnesota for two nights and Phil and his family also roll in for montana. Eric and his two buddies had 3 in california last night and dan and Vali had there 8 and had caught so many fish from 10 inches on up to 17 thay had lost count. What sucked is that was in florida on the same spot garrets family fished the last night they were here and had vary limited success. Today the plan is to move california and florida to new areas

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    All I can say as its been a great season so far and I will hate to see it end. The fishing has been outstanding this year. Were starting to see a lot more smaller fish. The dnr has sadi there is a abundance of the 10 and 14 inch class. I have not chased crappies and put all my effort into walleyes. Not sure what my plans will be after walleye closes next weekend. I may chase crappies for a bit if I can get a couple rentals,only mother nature and time will tell..

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