Fishing was tuff so we moved houses to the pre-fished area. We were on fish good all weekend after the move. Some houses were off the mark just a little so we moved some houses around and all houses are catching fish. It seemed the chubby darter would bring them in and the dead sticks would catch them. At this point nothing is working better than the rest. shinners are starting to heat up as a hot minnow. I am currently using a plain hook, chubby darter and a blue glow with good results.
Where we have the houses ther is 16″ of ice. We were able to bring out the biggest house on the lake today. It was exciting to get it off shore and on the lake and get in it. We broke the big house in the right way for its first night on the ice. We called everyone we know that was on the lake and held a huge fish fry in the big house. We had over 15 people in it eatting, drinking and talking smart, with all of us having plenty of room to move around the house.