Red Lake report 12/15/12

  • sand_burr
    Grasston, MN
    Posts: 281

    In the past 7 years after the crappie boom I have just stayed on the highway and headed for Lake of the Woods to get my walleyes. This year the new slot limit finally intrigued me to give things a shot again. I dug out some old crappie contacts and started making plans. It was decided that the four of us were able to get Friday the 15th off so we decided we would leave in the AM with hopes of getting on the ice for an evening fish.

    Friday morning rolled around and we loaded equipment and we were off. We stopped in Mora for a few groceries and had nothing but pavement ahead of us. Well almost… we had to stop at L & M in Grand Rapids to pick up parts for a heater and browse a bit. OK back on the road! Nope just prior to Squaw Lake we start loosing air in the trailer tire, UG! We rolled into my old friends place Art Mertz and we rework a valve stem and we are back on the road!

    We arrive at the famous NINETOE resort and spa! For you old IBOT people we spent some time looking at the old shovel for some memories. We splashed down a beverage while we got our gear ready and we were off. We rolled thru West Winds and paid the access fee $10 and gained a couple location tips. We rolled out to the south set up in 7ft of water for an evening bite and it was game on! Our goal was to get 4 nice fish to eat for supper and figure out what they wanted to see. By dark 30 we had easily kept our 4 and released another 10-12 fish. All the fish were easily in the13-19 inch range and looking very healthy. It was a mix of lures that they would hit on including but not limited to Demons on the dead sticks, Slender spoons, macho minnows, PK flutter fish. We also had a few break-offs and plenty of good times.

    We went back cleaned up ourselves and the fish and headed over to West Winds. We handed over our fillets and in a few they were back out on the plate! BAM! This is a very easy way to get something in the belly after a long day on the ice. I believe it was $8.95 which included a salad, potato and fish.

    Saturday morning we headed back out to the same spot but there was just too much vehicle traffic so our results were slim pickings. We had a few things to fix at the cabin so we headed back for an early lunch. While we were fixing Tyler Brasel from Bear Paw dropped Joel a txt that asked if we wanted to head for deep water and try a spot with him. We couldn’t load our equipment fast enough. We head X miles out on the lake and 45 minutes later we are set-up and fishing. This time we are looking to get our fish to take home. 2 hours later we had our twenty in the bucket and released 3 times that many. At this spot the slender spoon and chubby darter was the boom lure. I wish I could talk more about this area but out of respect for Tyler I will not. Yes, it was that good!

    This turned out to be a truly amazing trip and would like to make sure everyone gets up to Red Lake and gives a shot. Please Please Please get your kids up there with you! I already have another trip in the works!

    This one is for the old IBOTS

    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 412

    Great Report thanks for sharing with us, plan on going up this weekend for a family X-mas outing.

    Janesville wisconsin
    Posts: 149

    Toes a good egg.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    A big dissapointment last night when I went out to check on Bobby and her crew. The dead sea? I expected much better with california just 1oo yards away. So today evem though all three houses have not been fished 24 hrs I will be spending the morning move all three.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    With Bobby’s crew all helping the move went really well. All three deluxe house’s were moved a mile further out blocked,banked and augered in less then 3 hours. The fishing improved right away with Ron catching a bonus elusive upper red lake crappie out of his potable. Kellie and I visitted Daral and Bobby while Ann and Ron cooked up a fresh fish fry in old minnesota..
    Yogi and Jim checked into california and then headed off in there portable. They had 5 when I checked in on them last night.
    Josh,Blake,Chris and angela stayed in the cabin two nights and took there wheelers off my place and headed south. They had good fishing and said they would deffintly come back again. Man they sure cleaned up the cabin as you would of never known any one stayed in there Thanks guys.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Bobby”s crew of 7 ended up with 25 total keepers so it was not great but what I would consider good.The boys had one two many and they awoke saturday morning with all there lines tangled . Jim and yogi went home with 8 and seemed satisfied.
    Chuck and deb checked into florida and John and Angie checked into minnesota. Neither house was doing much last night so today may again be moving day.

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    Spent many of hours in that kitchen drinkin beer n talkin smart…

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