been busy

  • cookie
    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Yes the 4 to 5 inches of snow had created quite the work load. Phil had been here for 10 days fixing blue thunder,red baron and the silver bullit our dodge. I was hoping we could get the tranny to shift out of low but no such luck and it will need to go to the tranny shop. The red baron got a new front axel and bearing and turned into quite the job. It then got a good work out as I tried to open up 4 miles of road. It looked good until the winds yesterday filled in it. I need to find some time to check a different route to the shacks.
    We have also been doing some scoutting and have found much better fishing a little closer to the north shore.Its so easy to get crappie on the brain but to much time and money is wasted with poor walleye fishing while trying to catch a elusive crappie. Arizona,California,Montana have been moved and after Jim and peggy leave today Florida will follow to a better fishey area. I plan on fishing minnesota tomorrow night”Stupid craapies” in a new location and then will be moving it saturday to a completly different area. Jim and peg have had some action and said they loved the house and will be back and recommend me to there friends, She works at the spam museum in austin and gave me a couple of spam burgers yeasterday.
    Arizona will sit emptey this weekend as of now. Tony rolls in for california,Carrie and his family for florida,Andy for montana. and Tracy is here saturday for minnesota. I aquired a new print for montana and should look nice on the wall. Phil fished california last night and I fished it yesterday morning. They were getting some good action last night and I was happy with the fishing yesterday morning

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