Made it up one more time for this winter. It is a long trip but worth it. Four of us fished from 11:00 to about 4:30 and had steady action for most of the day. There were lulls of course but for the most part we were busy and everyone went home with their four fish, most in the upper end of the slot range. Unlike most people, we continued to fish in the 6-8 foot range, just to the right of Roger’s Campground road. It seemed as if the fish were most active on the jigs and fathead heads. I had a rattle reel with fathead in one hole and a variety of jigs (some homemade) and spoons in the other. The jigs seemed to out perform the live bait. It was fascinating watching the action on the Marcum camera. Several fish seemed to be scared away by the live minnows while the jigs and spoons were hit with a vengance. Colors were all over the spectrum, but I tended to stay with the chartreuse in the 1/8th to 1/4 ounce. The action of the artificials attracted the fish, but they wanted it motionless when they would strike. A great time was had by all.
January 8, 2012 at 11:29 am