wow 15 days on the lake all ready

  • cookie
    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    All the houses have now been moved to fresh spots . I was able to move 3 on monday and florida yesterday. The fishing was a bit slower yuesterday afteernoon but Ben landed a nother pike a 36 incher . Thats 3 feet of fish .
    My collage studenets arrived amanda,heidi,harris,parker ,cody,travis and dylon. The girls were outfishing the guys when I left the lake last night. They fished milacs last year and caught 5 fish total,they had all ready passed that mark before I came off the lake.
    Jeff left a day early ? Not sure what happen. I had him fish in montana and spend the night in california. Then yesterday moved him to arizona. I arrived to fix the gas lights and he said if I’m working in here he’s leaving? I told him I had to fix it to have lite?
    Mike from “Teamiceheave” and his gal are in montana they had caght a few fish but were not banging them out. They leave today and I will move montana to a fresh spot for the next fishermen.
    Yesterday was another wondeful day on the ice .With a awesome sunrise and sunset.
    I spent the late afternoon cleaning up the drifted snow around buddy Hillmen’s bridge. They sure make one heck of a road and I look forward to hepling out all winter long. I put blue thunder through a workout yesterday and need to check all the bolts before I do any more plowing.
    Today I will also spend time detailing arizona as it is a mess. Once its cleaned up it should be a pretty nice 5 man sleeper.
    We still have two sleepers open for the up and coming weekend 6th, 7th. It sure would be nice to have fishernmen in them as once the weekends gone I can not make it up untell next year.

    Posts: 813

    Cookie ,are all your houses sleepers ?

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