On the move

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    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Time to move old minnesota. Today I will be moving minnesota,doing some prefishing,hanging some trinkets in florida and just en joying the lake. I would say old minnesota caught around a dozen walleye,one broken line from a pike. The biggest walleye 24 incher, 10 perch and only four keepers walleyes. Its time to move to whiter pastures. Taking off in a few to wet a line and look for a spot for minnesota.
    I ran into Dean from beacon harbor,he said most were still doing well out of there. He did mention the pressure ridge and was hoping it would heal. I offered my bridge if he needed it ,he wanted to buy it but I will keepeing it as you never know when your going to need a bridge.
    Florida,montana and california are all ready to fish . Just have t o auger the holes. Jeff and his family will be here tomorrow for florida,then pat shows up for minnesota on tuesday as well as joe

    Merry christmas to all you fellow fishermen and hope to see ya on the ice…

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Jeff and Lisa stayed in florida with there two girls Llee and Libby. They fell in love with the top bunk and never wet a line as they had there own little fort up theer .Lisa and Jeff managed to get a few and have a fresh wallleye. Jeff had a couple of friends on the lake and it sounded like they reallly stuggled each onlt getting one keeper.
    Tommorow it gets real busy and the auger is going to get a good morning work out. All four house are full the next couple of days. Lets hope the fish cooperate.
    Talked to Buddy Hillmen today. He said there doing real well out there. Jimmy’s brother got a 40 inch pike when I pulled up with Jimmy’s house. I pulled it from my shore over to beacon harbor. Things went real smooth so that was sweet. California is on the north shore and it will be fun to fish such a new area. I had hoped to fish it when I got there but the bolt to my auger vibrated out and the head fell off the truck. It damaged the gas cap. I could of jerry rigged it but I caught a couple of fish there two days ago so I know its a fishy area.

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