First trip to Red!

  • mule170
    Posts: 299

    Well after doing all the things around the house I finally left for red at noon I drove onto the ice from West Wind resort. I set up in 7 foot of water. There is 13 inches if good ice. It only took me around 15 minutes to put the first walleye on the ice!!! About 5 minutes after the first fish the ice sounded like it was exploding all around me. Then the whole ice sheet shifted a few inches! That is the first time that ever happened to me. I jumped out of the tent and the guy next to me and I said at the exact same time “WTF was that”. So for the good part, I ended up keeping 4 eaters and caught 16 walleyes in 4 hours. I will be going back to red soon, but next time I will bring an extra pair of underwear

    Waterloo, Ia
    Posts: 72

    I can vouch for the extra pair of shorts thing. That has happened to me before as well!! nottttt coooolll,,, what lake is “red”?? I am from Iowa and looking to go north in a couple of weeks to do some good fishing. Just curious.

    waconia, mn
    Posts: 132

    Lol. URL is like that all winter. I’ve been going there for years. A couple of years ago we went out to 8 mile and at 4 mile on our way out there was a ridge forming across the road. By the time we came Back through it was mounded up and was almost six feet high The snow was 3 ft deep and slushy so there was no way to get back. We ended up going over the top of it at about 40 mph in my little Dakota. That was scary.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    When the lake rumbles It feels what I would imagine like a earth quake. Cool and spooky all at the same time. Yesterday I thought that first crack/pressure ridge was all healed and drove over a few times. Last night there was seapping water and in spots the ice had raised. Hope it was not my falt that it cracked

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