upper red lake gets a flush

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    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    The high wind and high water has done quite a bit of shoreline damage, With miles apon miles of shoreline lost forever. But on a good note every piece of litter is now intangled in reeds on shore. Every golf ball I ever hit into the water is now somwhere on shore. Uncle Loyde and his crew staying at westwind ask me where all the golf balls came from. I have never thought of them as liter as there to fun to hit into the lake. Some how the water movement has sent many, many golf balls that way. I can not hit them a 1/4 mile.And do not hit them that way.
    Beach combing is on my list today and I will alos bring a bucket for liter but I expect that will be full in no time. Westwinds shoreline is littered with reeds,sand and litter.They have been busting butt cleaning it all up. I can not imagine how much sand has gotten deposited on shore. I did not have anythying to slow the water down from sloshing back and fourth so I did not get a nice sand beach while Henry got a nice little beach, Uncle Pete had installed tires down along there shoreline year ago.
    Anyone interested in beach combing should bring a bucket for litter. A walk along the eastern shorline and who knows what you will find ,Loyde’s nephew had found a half dozen lures as of yesterday.

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    beach combing was a bust as all the debri was 30 yards in the woods mixed in with the reeds. Its more like woods combing I did find a dog toy and filled 1 bucket of litter in the 20 yards I serched. Wow the destuction was unreal as ceder trees were uprooted from being washed out. I’ll keep spending time searching and picking up liter but its not on the beaches

    Posts: 179

    my parents cabin on the river got water inside, wondering if anybody got some pics

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    Kelly and jon posted some pics. Steel bridge road was under water by Sandy”s so I did not drive down there. What bums me is theres know way to stop the water from flooding every time the wind picks up.

    Posts: 179

    just wondering is the dam on lower red open,and do you know where they might have posted the pics

    waskish minnesota on upper red lake
    Posts: 924

    The pics are on another fishing forum?

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